Let's focus on COVID deaths

I've known several, maybe you should (when this is over) go out and meet people.

I don't know anyone who has had COVID. Knock off the snark, please.

Again, if you don't know anyone who has had COVID, consider yourself lucky. With the current death count, approximately 1 out of every 1,000 people in this country have died from the virus.

Me? I've known several who have had it, but fortunately, nobody I know has died (yet).
Thanx to Cuomo.
There just isn't any evidence that this is happening.

I don't buy it.

I hope it's not happening. It would mess up the numbers BAD and we need good numbers. Deaths and hospitalizations are the only potentially good numbers (test numbers are useless, because that's just people driving around doing stuff, not viral activity). I'm waiting for the post-game analyses in a couple years. I hope that's in a couple years.
COVID Deaths are not Actually at Pandemic Levels

As of 11/19/2020 total COVID deaths in the U.S. is: 256,609. If only 6% represent true COVID-19 deaths, then the actual number is: 15,360… far below pandemic levels.

COVID-19 is the perfect cover for intimidation and fear based on arbitrary positive cases. Schools in NYC, for example, shut down because of a 3% reported positive “test rate”, not mentioning whether actual cases exist.

“Only 6% of all reported COVID-19 deaths were solely the result of the COVID-19 virus.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Hospitals and doctors make money if the person lives and they can keep giving them treatments. Dead people don't pay much.

What "treatments" are you alluding to? As far as the profit aspect, insurance and surviving family members foot the bill, unless you are not White and or an illegal alien, then Whitey picks up the tab.
Hospitals and doctors make money if the person lives and they can keep giving them treatments. Dead people don't pay much.

What "treatments" are you alluding to? As far as the profit aspect, insurance and surviving family members foot the bill, unless you are not White and or an illegal alien, then Whitey picks up the tab.

What treatments? The medication and the numerous doctor visits that they say are required. I know this already, as my former roomie had to deal with all that crap.

And, even if they die, and the surviving family members have to foot the bill, that is a one time payment. It's much more lucrative to keep the person alive so they can keep charging for medicine and doctor visits.

Me personally? I think that medical care should be like what I had in the military. You're sick or hurt, you go to sick call and get fixed. Your family is hurt or sick? Same deal. Healthcare shouldn't be determined by your wallet, it should be the same for everyone.
I agree medical care should have nothing to do with assets of law abiding, American taxpaying citizens. Hospitals do not send one time payments. They send shit like incompetent ER doctor #1's bill who asked a few questions, and incompetent ER doctor #2's bill who asked the same questions. They love it when senior citizens die in the hospital, they write their own checks. That said there are some great, honest doctors in some hospitals.

Meanwhile democrat governors and the Fake News Fraud Fauci DNC/MSM insist the anti-malaria drug is dangerous against influenza viruses. Do the math! The mainstream medical establishment is in the game for fun and profit.
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Hospitals and doctors make money if the person lives and they can keep giving them treatments. Dead people don't pay much.

What "treatments" are you alluding to? As far as the profit aspect, insurance and surviving family members foot the bill, unless you are not White and or an illegal alien, then Whitey picks up the tab.

What treatments? The medication and the numerous doctor visits that they say are required. I know this already, as my former roomie had to deal with all that crap.

And, even if they die, and the surviving family members have to foot the bill, that is a one time payment. It's much more lucrative to keep the person alive so they can keep charging for medicine and doctor visits.

Me personally? I think that medical care should be like what I had in the military. You're sick or hurt, you go to sick call and get fixed. Your family is hurt or sick? Same deal. Healthcare shouldn't be determined by your wallet, it should be the same for everyone.
Bullshit! Why should working people pay for others who "Can't afford" insurance? Besides ,most welfare loafers have cars and flat screen TV's.
San Francisco, always a crowd pleaser, had 621 people die of drug overdoses so far this year.

Last year, 441 people died of drug overdoses — a 70% increase from 2018. Meanwhile, there has been 173 deaths from COVID-19 in the city so far....and Nancy has her ice cream.

Overdose deaths far outpace COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco.

So, what you are saying is that people are stuck in their houses and ODing because of depression or lack of anything else to do?

Sure, run with that. San Francisco is also giving free alcohol, needles and drugs. The Democrats paradise.
San Francisco, always a crowd pleaser, had 621 people die of drug overdoses so far this year.

Last year, 441 people died of drug overdoses — a 70% increase from 2018. Meanwhile, there has been 173 deaths from COVID-19 in the city so far....and Nancy has her ice cream.

Overdose deaths far outpace COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco.

So, what you are saying is that people are stuck in their houses and ODing because of depression or lack of anything else to do?

Sure, run with that. San Francisco is also giving free alcohol, needles and drugs. The Democrats paradise.

Neat, why not stay on topic?

The article you linked to doesn't say what you think it does.
This was back in April when this was reported. So after that they focused on the cases instead of the deaths. And if anybody does any kind of research they can find the PCR tests aren't meant to be used for what they are using it for.

That the CDC isn’t telling the truth to Americans is no conspiracy theory: it’s right out there in the open for everyone to see. The CDC openly admits that it is fudging the COVID-19 death figures.

Fake death data from the CDC, coupled with wild guesstimates from experts, and the relentless barrage of fear porn the mainstream media subjects Americans to around the clock, have been getting results

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

So even before we heard of COVID-19, death certificates were based on assumptions and educated guesses that go unquestioned. When it comes to COVID-19 there is the additional data skewer, that is –get this— there is no universal definition of COVID-19 death. The Centers for Disease Control, updated from yesterday, April 4th, still states that mortality, quote unquote, data includes both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19. That’s from their website.

Translation? The CDC counts both true COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same. They call it death by COVID-19. They automatically overestimate the real death numbers, by their own admission. Prior to COVID-19, people were more likely to get an accurate cause of death written on their death certificate if they died in the hospital. Why more accurate when a patient dies in the hospital? Because hospital staff has physical examination findings labs, radiologic studies, et cetera, to make a good educated guess. It is estimated that 60 percent of people die in the hospital. But even [with] those in-hospital deaths, the cause of death is not always clear, especially in someone with multiple health conditions, each of which could cause the death.


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