lets get a feel for where the gop stands after tonights debate

Who won or appealed to you the most?

  • Paul

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Perry

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Newt

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • Cain

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • Santorum

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Bachmann

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters
Romney is your choice which means he's another McCain.

He is another McCain. A polished candidate with name recognition

Defend another candidate and explain how he can win the election

Considering the POS they'd be running against at least 4 of them could win.

But since it's not gonna be a fair election it's gonna be tough for anyone. The country is too divided. Too much cheating.

Btw, who actually believes Obama isn't campaigning.

The prick lies and cheats.

He doesn't believe in winning on his ideas because his ideas suck and he and everyone with half a brain realizes it now.

It's folks like you who guarantee an Obama re-election, mudwhistle.

When Obama quiffs it smells like freshly ironed linen.

Obama will forgive your student loans for the education your parents insisted on.

A black caller on Sean Hannity said even though Obama is like a wife that turns out to be a lazy bitch. He said he's still gonna vote for Obama cuz after the election all will be well, untell he finds out the bitch has been spending like a horny sailor in Mexican whorehouse.

Why do you always post stupid shit? Oh...of course.

I keep asking myself the same about you.

Sure you do. Why not offer an answer as to what regulations you believe ought to be rescinded or revised? Oh, of course, no one has told you which regulation you should oppose yet.
A second look with a question appended:

"Face it, no one one running for the Republican nomination really has a plan to create jobs. Most don't believe the government can create jobs; if tax cuts worked we would have seen job growth when the Bush tax cuts were continued (and the Republican leadership in Congress has opposed Obama's plan to further cut taxes).

"If I or anyone besides Cain believes 999 is workable or acceptable to the American people I'd be amazed. It would put our Automobile Industry out of business and all of its suppliers, one obvious example.

"They all oppose regulations and claim we have over regulated business and industry; if and only if government gets out of the way will a recovery occur they posit. It's true, some regulations are silly, they may be good intentioned, but some can be set aside and others modified to spur employment sooner than later. But no one has offered up which regulations need to be set aside, which create the most gridlock and what might the negative consequences if they are no longer the law or enforced."

What specific regulations need to be revised or rescinded?

The EPA needs to be defunded.
It's more than just a few regs that need to be revised. It's an entire mindset that the planet will die if we don't force businesses to move overseas.

Oh, and the government cannot create lasting employment. Only the private-sector can.

Btw, the purpose of a company isn't to pay top dollar for everything. It's to do what it takes to remain competitive and make a profit.
I keep asking myself the same about you.

Sure you do. Why not offer an answer as to what regulations you believe ought to be rescinded or revised? Oh, of course, no one has told you which regulation you should oppose yet.

1. Sarbanes-Oxley

2. Dodd-Frank

1. There are 11 titles and each title has several sections. Which title and which section do you find objectionalbe? Do you believe the regulations ought to be rescinded and Enron, Tyco and other public companies can act with impunity?

2. Do you believe Wall Street should be unregulated?
A second look with a question appended:

"Face it, no one one running for the Republican nomination really has a plan to create jobs. Most don't believe the government can create jobs; if tax cuts worked we would have seen job growth when the Bush tax cuts were continued (and the Republican leadership in Congress has opposed Obama's plan to further cut taxes).

"If I or anyone besides Cain believes 999 is workable or acceptable to the American people I'd be amazed. It would put our Automobile Industry out of business and all of its suppliers, one obvious example.

"They all oppose regulations and claim we have over regulated business and industry; if and only if government gets out of the way will a recovery occur they posit. It's true, some regulations are silly, they may be good intentioned, but some can be set aside and others modified to spur employment sooner than later. But no one has offered up which regulations need to be set aside, which create the most gridlock and what might the negative consequences if they are no longer the law or enforced."

What specific regulations need to be revised or rescinded?

The EPA needs to be defunded.
It's more than just a few regs that need to be revised. It's an entire mindset that the planet will die if we don't force businesses to move overseas.

Oh, and the government cannot create lasting employment. Only the private-sector can.

Btw, the purpose of a company isn't to pay top dollar for everything. It's to do what it takes to remain competitive and make a profit.

Think of all the money that could be saved if businesses could just dump shit straight into the river?

Freaking liberals
A second look with a question appended:

"Face it, no one one running for the Republican nomination really has a plan to create jobs. Most don't believe the government can create jobs; if tax cuts worked we would have seen job growth when the Bush tax cuts were continued (and the Republican leadership in Congress has opposed Obama's plan to further cut taxes).

"If I or anyone besides Cain believes 999 is workable or acceptable to the American people I'd be amazed. It would put our Automobile Industry out of business and all of its suppliers, one obvious example.

"They all oppose regulations and claim we have over regulated business and industry; if and only if government gets out of the way will a recovery occur they posit. It's true, some regulations are silly, they may be good intentioned, but some can be set aside and others modified to spur employment sooner than later. But no one has offered up which regulations need to be set aside, which create the most gridlock and what might the negative consequences if they are no longer the law or enforced."

What specific regulations need to be revised or rescinded?

The EPA needs to be defunded.
It's more than just a few regs that need to be revised. It's an entire mindset that the planet will die if we don't force businesses to move overseas.

Oh, and the government cannot create lasting employment. Only the private-sector can.

Btw, the purpose of a company isn't to pay top dollar for everything. It's to do what it takes to remain competitive and make a profit.

Here is why there is such a mindset:

Photos of Ohio rivers on fire - Google Search

Ohio's Burning River In Better Health 40 Years Later : NPR

The government can create lasting employment. See the national highway system. See the trucks move commerce, see the fueling stations and truck stops which employ cooks and servers; see the prostitutes who service the truckers.
Why do you always post stupid shit? Oh...of course.

I keep asking myself the same about you.

Sure you do. Why not offer an answer as to what regulations you believe ought to be rescinded or revised? Oh, of course, no one has told you which regulation you should oppose yet.


We could start by returning trust in government, which is the number one problem today.

Nobody trusts these folks. They've done nothing to earn our trust.

You probably don't know how the debt effects the economy.

Massive debt causes more debt which leads to the printing of dollars which leads to inflation which means less buying power, thus less spending, which means less sales, which leads to lay-offs, which leads to less income, which means less revenue, which means higher debt.

We have a tax the rich anti-business President that cannot improve the economy as long as he refuses to cut the shit.
A second look with a question appended:

"Face it, no one one running for the Republican nomination really has a plan to create jobs. Most don't believe the government can create jobs; if tax cuts worked we would have seen job growth when the Bush tax cuts were continued (and the Republican leadership in Congress has opposed Obama's plan to further cut taxes).

"If I or anyone besides Cain believes 999 is workable or acceptable to the American people I'd be amazed. It would put our Automobile Industry out of business and all of its suppliers, one obvious example.

"They all oppose regulations and claim we have over regulated business and industry; if and only if government gets out of the way will a recovery occur they posit. It's true, some regulations are silly, they may be good intentioned, but some can be set aside and others modified to spur employment sooner than later. But no one has offered up which regulations need to be set aside, which create the most gridlock and what might the negative consequences if they are no longer the law or enforced."

What specific regulations need to be revised or rescinded?

The EPA needs to be defunded.
It's more than just a few regs that need to be revised. It's an entire mindset that the planet will die if we don't force businesses to move overseas.

Oh, and the government cannot create lasting employment. Only the private-sector can.

Btw, the purpose of a company isn't to pay top dollar for everything. It's to do what it takes to remain competitive and make a profit.

Here is why there is such a mindset:

Photos of Ohio rivers on fire - Google Search

Ohio's Burning River In Better Health 40 Years Later : NPR

The government can create lasting employment. See the national highway system. See the trucks move commerce, see the fueling stations and truck stops which employ cooks and servers; see the prostitutes who service the truckers.
Trucks that move commerce is private, mostly independant truckers. The government doesn't own fueling stations in this country ether.

What country do you live in?
We could start by returning trust in government, which is the number one problem today.

We're far better off holding them in mild contempt and extreme distrust.
Maybe then we'd keep a watchful eye on the vermin than we did when we trusted them.
The EPA needs to be defunded.
It's more than just a few regs that need to be revised. It's an entire mindset that the planet will die if we don't force businesses to move overseas.

Oh, and the government cannot create lasting employment. Only the private-sector can.

Btw, the purpose of a company isn't to pay top dollar for everything. It's to do what it takes to remain competitive and make a profit.

Here is why there is such a mindset:

Photos of Ohio rivers on fire - Google Search

Ohio's Burning River In Better Health 40 Years Later : NPR

The government can create lasting employment. See the national highway system. See the trucks move commerce, see the fueling stations and truck stops which employ cooks and servers; see the prostitutes who service the truckers.
Trucks that move commerce is private, mostly independant truckers. The government doesn't own fueling stations in this country ether.

What country do you live in?

Um, without the national highway system - which could not have been built by one company - those private truckers would be at the mercy of dozens of private/state owned roads all charging fees and tolls. No where in my post did I suggest trucks and fuel stations are not privately owned;, your condescending remark did not escape my attention.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?
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We could start by returning trust in government, which is the number one problem today.

We're far better off holding them in mild contempt and extreme distrust.
Maybe then we'd keep a watchful eye on the vermin than we did when we trusted them.

"Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan

Right now we cannot do ether.

It is the primary cause of our poor economy.

That and fear along with tons of uncertainty.
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If Romney gets the nomination I will vote for Obama. Same for Perry. Both are just liberals in sheeps clothing.

If Romney gets the nomination I will vote for Obama. Same for Perry. Both are just liberals in sheeps clothing.


Assuming that you are still in the Lone Star State, why not vote for a third party candidate or skip the potus race alltogether?

Its a given that under the electoral college system, whatever GOPer is on the ballot is going to get all the Texas electoral votes.

Voting for Obama is the worst of the possible of protests against the lowrent, statist, Demlite bastards that the GOPers keep foisting upon us.
We could start by returning trust in government, which is the number one problem today.

We're far better off holding them in mild contempt and extreme distrust.
Maybe then we'd keep a watchful eye on the vermin than we did when we trusted them.

"Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan

Right now we cannot do ether.

It is the primary cause of our poor economy.

That and fear along with tons of uncertainty.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?
Here is why there is such a mindset:

Photos of Ohio rivers on fire - Google Search

Ohio's Burning River In Better Health 40 Years Later : NPR

The government can create lasting employment. See the national highway system. See the trucks move commerce, see the fueling stations and truck stops which employ cooks and servers; see the prostitutes who service the truckers.
Trucks that move commerce is private, mostly independant truckers. The government doesn't own fueling stations in this country ether.

What country do you live in?

Um, without the national highway system - which could not have been built by one company - those private truckers would be at the mercy of dozens of private/state owned roads all charging fees and tolls. No where in my post did I suggest trucks and fuel stations are not privately owned;, your condescending remark did not escape my attention.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?

I said government cannot create lasting employment and you said they can, then preceded to throw out private-sector jobs as examples.

It's not my fault you can't use real examples to prove your point. You have to instead use false rhetoric hoping I won't know you're wrong. That may work with some people but not someone who has worked in both the public and the private-sector. Somebody that doesn't swallow the Obama bullshit he spreads around during his stump speeches.
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We're far better off holding them in mild contempt and extreme distrust.
Maybe then we'd keep a watchful eye on the vermin than we did when we trusted them.

"Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan

Right now we cannot do ether.

It is the primary cause of our poor economy.

That and fear along with tons of uncertainty.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?

Health of our river-sytems??

They're systems now controlled and regulated?

Are you trying to fly off on some tree-hugger tangent now so you can justify ruining the economy??
Romney is a politician's politician for sure. The guy has genuine debating skills with a killer crocodile smile.

The top three in intellectual capacity/honesty are Gingrich, Paul, and Santorum. That doesn't always translate to great debate skill.

Perry, Cain & Bachmann are faux media/glen beck phantoms. All of which will fade, God willing. If any of those three end up as the nominee, the Republican primary system is a clear fraud...basically throwing the fight, like nominating McCain again.

In this poll, I voted for Santorum. Yep I sure did.
Truthfully, not because he gave an overall great performance. But he did something I thought was not possible at this stage.

Santorum is the only one in all these debates who actually intellectually challenged Ron Paul... AND WON!
Granted it was only on a single point, but that is quite an accomplishment.

I have never seen it happen before, but Rick was actually right! And he was able to articulate his point without belittling Ron as some crazy man. He just stated the facts in contrast to Dr. Paul's opinion.
This bewilderment was compounded by the fact that Rick actually showed some humane fairness at the end of the debate when he pointed out that Dr. Paul was denied a fair shake to answer the Obama question.

Not to mention he absolutely spanked Romney, Perry & Cain.

This debate makes me willing to give Mr. Santorum a second listen. Maybe the guy isn't some faux news toad?

Of course, I am still donating to Black THIS Out.
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Trucks that move commerce is private, mostly independant truckers. The government doesn't own fueling stations in this country ether.

What country do you live in?

Um, without the national highway system - which could not have been built by one company - those private truckers would be at the mercy of dozens of private/state owned roads all charging fees and tolls. No where in my post did I suggest trucks and fuel stations are not privately owned;, your condescending remark did not escape my attention.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?

I said government cannot create lasting employment and you said they can, then preceded to throw out private-sector jobs as examples.

It's not my fault you can't use real examples to prove your point. You have to instead use false rhetoric hoping I won't know you're wrong. That may work with some people but not someone who has worked in both the public and the private-sector. Somebody that doesn't swallow the Obama bullshit he spreads around during his stump speeches.

Those private jobs are possible because the government created the means. And, the roads need to be maintained, workers make a career fixing them, patrolling them to keep users safe plowing them so snow and ice doesn't restrict commerce, building and replacing signs, rest areas, etc I not sure if you're intentionally obtuse or too concrete a thinker and unable to see beyond your biases.

How about them rivers?
"Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan

Right now we cannot do ether.

It is the primary cause of our poor economy.

That and fear along with tons of uncertainty.

No remarks, condescending or otherwise on the health of our country's river systems today?

Health of our river-sytems??

They're systems now controlled and regulated?

Are you trying to fly off on some tree-hugger tangent now so you can justify ruining the economy??

Yea River systems, aquifers, drinking water, air we breathe.....who needs it if someone can make a buck?

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