Let's get this straight:

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
George Floyd: Igore the fact that A) He couldn't breathe because he was suffering from hypoxia caused by an obvious fentanyl caused excited delirium. B) Floyd had heart disease C) Floyd had multiple drugs in his system. D: Floyd had covid.

Exactly WHAT are you trying to get at with this thread? There is no clear direction. Read the rules regarding starting a thread.
Titles and Opening Posts
1) Title must contain sufficient clues about the ACTUAL expected discussion.
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George Floyd: Igore the fact that A) He couldn't breathe because he was suffering from hypoxia caused by an obvious fentanyl caused excited delirium. B) Floyd had heart disease C) Floyd had multiple drugs in his system. D: Floyd had covid.
--and anyone who considers these facts ends up being called a racist. Why is it that there are so many who've decided that GF was a good guy and if we question that it makes us bad guys?
--and anyone who considers these facts ends up being called a racist. Why is it that there are so many who've decided that GF was a good guy and if we question that it makes us bad guys?
No one has said that he was a good guy.

He made a bad mistake. Counterfeit money.
A counterfeit bill is no reason to have any cop sit on one's neck for endless minutes, as one tells that cop that one cannot breath, as that cop had his trainees hold him as well, instead of simply putting him in the car and taking him to the police district and booking him. And witnesses to what was happening begging them to get off of him as he was telling them that he could not breath.

That cop was a racist. It was in his reports, his file, of many other times when he did the same thing with other black people, complaints about him which were never taken care of, which gratefully did not end up in any of them ending up being murdered.

He ended Floyd's life. He put an end to his racist behavior being arrested and convicted for it, AND he put an end to the career and life of the three officers he had with him on that day who were taught to follow the order of their trainers, all of them Rookies just out of the Academy.

By all means, do not spend one second thinking about any of the other lives which were destroyed. The Rookies, Floyd's family, his daughter. To your way of thinking, he got what he deserved.

George Floyd is the one guilty of all of what happened.
George Floyd: Igore the fact that A) He couldn't breathe because he was suffering from hypoxia caused by an obvious fentanyl caused excited delirium. B) Floyd had heart disease C) Floyd had multiple drugs in his system. D: Floyd had covid.
Let's get this straight. You typed this sentence.
He couldn't breathe because he was suffering from hypoxia caused by an obvious fentanyl caused excited delirium
And we ignore these facts...while he was on his stomach, hands behind his back handcuffed...with a police officers knee on his neck...for 8 minutes.

I really do have to wonder about people like you.

Are you sane?
No one has said that he was a good guy.

He made a bad mistake. Counterfeit money.
A counterfeit bill is no reason to have any cop sit on one's neck for endless minutes,...
Let's understand what happened. GF's mistakes also included drug abuse that led to hypoxia that led to his demanding (against the preferences of the cop) to be let out of the back of the squad car. After being let out of the back of the squad car (at GW's pleading) he had to be subdued because he was being detained/arrested for criminal activity.

Hopefully we're still together on these historical facts of record.

The only way for GF to be subdued in this emergency situation was to have the knee/foot on the throat. GF's autopsy (the first autopsy, the autopsy w/ the body) found that GF died of drugs, not knee/foot on the throat.

Are we still together on this?
If a civilian knelt an someone's neck until he died it would be murder why should any cop not have to live under the same laws?
No one has said that he was a good guy.

He made a bad mistake. Counterfeit money.
A counterfeit bill is no reason to have any cop sit on one's neck for endless minutes, as one tells that cop that one cannot breath, as that cop had his trainees hold him as well, instead of simply putting him in the car and taking him to the police district and booking him. And witnesses to what was happening begging them to get off of him as he was telling them that he could not breath.

That cop was a racist. It was in his reports, his file, of many other times when he did the same thing with other black people, complaints about him which were never taken care of, which gratefully did not end up in any of them ending up being murdered.

He ended Floyd's life. He put an end to his racist behavior being arrested and convicted for it, AND he put an end to the career and life of the three officers he had with him on that day who were taught to follow the order of their trainers, all of them Rookies just out of the Academy.

By all means, do not spend one second thinking about any of the other lives which were destroyed. The Rookies, Floyd's family, his daughter. To your way of thinking, he got what he deserved.

George Floyd is the one guilty of all of what happened.
instead of simply putting him in the car and taking him to the police district and booking him.

Floyd didn't want that to happen.
Let's understand what happened. GF's mistakes also included drug abuse that led to hypoxia that led to his demanding (against the preferences of the cop) to be let out of the back of the squad car. After being let out of the back of the squad car (at GW's pleading) he had to be subdued because he was being detained/arrested for criminal activity.

Hopefully we're still together on these historical facts of record.

The only way for GF to be subdued in this emergency situation was to have the knee/foot on the throat. GF's autopsy (the first autopsy, the autopsy w/ the body) found that GF died of drugs, not knee/foot on the throat.

Are we still together on this?
The evidence and the Judge who convicted the cops do not agree with any of this made up story you wish to believe in. Made up by racists like yourself.

Not one of the cops is laughing about it or inventing any garbage about. They are in prison because of the racist behavior of one of them.

THAT, the Judicial system is very much aware of.
Let's understand what happened. GF's mistakes also included drug abuse that led to hypoxia that led to his demanding (against the preferences of the cop) to be let out of the back of the squad car. After being let out of the back of the squad car (at GW's pleading) he had to be subdued because he was being detained/arrested for criminal activity.

Hopefully we're still together on these historical facts of record.

The only way for GF to be subdued in this emergency situation was to have the knee/foot on the throat. GF's autopsy (the first autopsy, the autopsy w/ the body) found that GF died of drugs, not knee/foot on the throat.

Are we still together on this?
The footage, which was obtained by a Fox9 journalist on Tuesday, showed one white officer pulling Floyd from the car by his arm.

As Floyd got out of the car, a second officer, who appeared to be carrying a flashlight, also began to detain him.

Floyd appeared to remain calm as cops tried to handcuff him, despite police saying that he "physically resisted officers."

The video was taken by someone who was sat in their car directly behind Floyd on 38th Street and Chicago Avenue.

Additional footage also emerged yesterday that showed George Floydlooking calm in handcuffs moments before his death.

The moments immediately before his death were captured on camera by a passer-by, showing Floyd lying on the ground with at least one officer on his back.

Harrowing footage shows the cop kneeling on his neck as the handcuffed man begs him to stop and tells him he "can't breathe".

Let's understand what happened. GF's mistakes also included drug abuse that led to hypoxia that led to his demanding (against the preferences of the cop) to be let out of the back of the squad car. After being let out of the back of the squad car (at GW's pleading) he had to be subdued because he was being detained/arrested for criminal activity.

Hopefully we're still together on these historical facts of record.

The only way for GF to be subdued in this emergency situation was to have the knee/foot on the throat. GF's autopsy (the first autopsy, the autopsy w/ the body) found that GF died of drugs, not knee/foot on the throat.

Are we still together on this?
[ It is very clear now who was doing what to whom inside that police car ]

New CCTV footage has emerged of Minneapolis Police officers in a violent struggle with George Floyd in the back of their car before he was later pinned to the ground and died.
While the 46-year-old father-of-two cannot explicitly be seen in the video from May 25, one officer leans into the back of the car and his legs shuffle around as he visibly struggles with someone in the back seat.

The officers then convene on one side of the car where Floyd was held down onto the road.

The video was shared on Instagram on Sunday by American civil rights and Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King.

The post is captioned: “It’s all coming together. Police were in the car beating the s**t out of George Floyd. One stands watch, while the others attacked him.”

The footage, which was obtained by a Fox9 journalist on Tuesday, showed one white officer pulling Floyd from the car by his arm.

As Floyd got out of the car, a second officer, who appeared to be carrying a flashlight, also began to detain him.

Floyd appeared to remain calm as cops tried to handcuff him, despite police saying that he "physically resisted officers."

The video was taken by someone who was sat in their car directly behind Floyd on 38th Street and Chicago Avenue.

Additional footage also emerged yesterday that showed George Floydlooking calm in handcuffs moments before his death.

The moments immediately before his death were captured on camera by a passer-by, showing Floyd lying on the ground with at least one officer on his back.

Harrowing footage shows the cop kneeling on his neck as the handcuffed man begs him to stop and tells him he "can't breathe".

your linked video shows Floyd trying to out of the car
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