Let's Just Face It, Trump Is A Weak President


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Giuliani's intrigue haunts Trump after arrest of associates - CNNPolitics

I know for some Trump cultists its impossible for you to admit that Trump isn't a strong powerful tough brilliant president because you are so vicariously tied up in all things Trump, to admit that, is almost like admitting you yourself aren't all of these things.

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption. The prosecutor who brought these indictments is not some Obama appointee, he is not some Clinton appointee, he is not even some RINO Bush appointee -- Trump himself appointed this guy -- but Trumpers will still whine Deep State conspiracy even when all of those involved are lifelong republicans...

And as usual with every new development in this ongoing clusterfuck that is resulting in Trump's impeachment moving by at warp speed -- there is always some right wing site spitting out yet another breaking news story of new evidence that has Hillary shaking in her boots, new evidence that has Biden running for the hills, new evidence that has Obama leaving the country -- yet with all of this new evidence, why is it that Trump and Trump's own DOJ can't bring one single indictment against anyone??? Is Obama just that strong and powerful that he can make Trump's own DOJ indict Trump's own people, over and over and over again??
Giuliani's intrigue haunts Trump after arrest of associates - CNNPolitics

I know for some Trump cultists its impossible for you to admit that Trump isn't a strong powerful tough brilliant president because you are so vicariously tied up in all things Trump, to admit that, is almost like admitting you yourself aren't all of these things.

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption. The prosecutor who brought these indictments is not some Obama appointee, he is not some Clinton appointee, he is not even some RINO Bush appointee -- Trump himself appointed this guy -- but Trumpers will still whine Deep State conspiracy even when all of those involved are lifelong republicans...

And as usual with every new development in this ongoing clusterfuck that is resulting in Trump's impeachment moving by at warp speed -- there is always some right wing site spitting out yet another breaking news story of new evidence that has Hillary shaking in her boots, new evidence that has Biden running for the hills, new evidence that has Obama leaving the country -- yet with all of this new evidence, why is it that Trump and Trump's own DOJ can't bring one single indictment against anyone??? Is Obama just that strong and powerful that he can make Trump's own DOJ indict Trump's own people, over and over and over again??

When Durham and Horowitz are done with your clown leaders you'll be in the corner sucking your thumb.
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Giuliani's intrigue haunts Trump after arrest of associates - CNNPolitics

I know for some Trump cultists its impossible for you to admit that Trump isn't a strong powerful tough brilliant president because you are so vicariously tied up in all things Trump, to admit that, is almost like admitting you yourself aren't all of these things.

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption. The prosecutor who brought these indictments is not some Obama appointee, he is not some Clinton appointee, he is not even some RINO Bush appointee -- Trump himself appointed this guy -- but Trumpers will still whine Deep State conspiracy even when all of those involved are lifelong republicans...

And as usual with every new development in this ongoing clusterfuck that is resulting in Trump's impeachment moving by at warp speed -- there is always some right wing site spitting out yet another breaking news story of new evidence that has Hillary shaking in her boots, new evidence that has Biden running for the hills, new evidence that has Obama leaving the country -- yet with all of this new evidence, why is it that Trump and Trump's own DOJ can't bring one single indictment against anyone??? Is Obama just that strong and powerful that he can make Trump's own DOJ indict Trump's own people, over and over and over again??

What you should be more concerned with is your obviously weak mind.
Giuliani's intrigue haunts Trump after arrest of associates - CNNPolitics

I know for some Trump cultists its impossible for you to admit that Trump isn't a strong powerful tough brilliant president because you are so vicariously tied up in all things Trump, to admit that, is almost like admitting you yourself aren't all of these things.

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption. The prosecutor who brought these indictments is not some Obama appointee, he is not some Clinton appointee, he is not even some RINO Bush appointee -- Trump himself appointed this guy -- but Trumpers will still whine Deep State conspiracy even when all of those involved are lifelong republicans...

And as usual with every new development in this ongoing clusterfuck that is resulting in Trump's impeachment moving by at warp speed -- there is always some right wing site spitting out yet another breaking news story of new evidence that has Hillary shaking in her boots, new evidence that has Biden running for the hills, new evidence that has Obama leaving the country -- yet with all of this new evidence, why is it that Trump and Trump's own DOJ can't bring one single indictment against anyone??? Is Obama just that strong and powerful that he can make Trump's own DOJ indict Trump's own people, over and over and over again??

What you should be more concerned with is your obviously weak mind.

Good one Dick!
It isn't that Trump is a weak President, it's that he's mentally unfit for office. He's just plain sick.

Most Trumpbots claim to support him because they support his policies, however there are plenty of conservative politicians that support the same policies. There's no GOOD reason why they should support Trump.

It seems that the real reason is that Trump is a spoiled brat, a man of very little knowledge who bases his actions on pure ignorance combined with a complete lack of wisdom. Most Trumpbots identify with him because of these. They, like him, think that if they can imagine something it must be true - and their imagination is all the evidence they need to justify action.

But Trump is beyond all this. He has proven to be grossly incompetent. He doesn't begin to understand the Constitution or the Law. He just does not understand what the Presidency is.

Of course, Trumpbots will never admit that they've elected an idiot. The more he proves that he's an idiot the more they dig in and passionately support him.

If his withdrawal of U.S. forces from Northern Syria hasn't convinced you, then I guess you really are a 'I can shoot someone on Fifth Ave.' nutcase.

If you don't see anything wrong with those, you are truly an idiot as well.
Are we still talking about the "he has no path to the White House" Trump?

When his path to the White house was based on the support of idiots, then in fact he had no legitimate path.

Sorry for underestimating the number of really, really stupid people in this country!
Giuliani's intrigue haunts Trump after arrest of associates - CNNPolitics

I know for some Trump cultists its impossible for you to admit that Trump isn't a strong powerful tough brilliant president because you are so vicariously tied up in all things Trump, to admit that, is almost like admitting you yourself aren't all of these things.

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption. The prosecutor who brought these indictments is not some Obama appointee, he is not some Clinton appointee, he is not even some RINO Bush appointee -- Trump himself appointed this guy -- but Trumpers will still whine Deep State conspiracy even when all of those involved are lifelong republicans...

And as usual with every new development in this ongoing clusterfuck that is resulting in Trump's impeachment moving by at warp speed -- there is always some right wing site spitting out yet another breaking news story of new evidence that has Hillary shaking in her boots, new evidence that has Biden running for the hills, new evidence that has Obama leaving the country -- yet with all of this new evidence, why is it that Trump and Trump's own DOJ can't bring one single indictment against anyone??? Is Obama just that strong and powerful that he can make Trump's own DOJ indict Trump's own people, over and over and over again??

When Durham and Horowitz are done with your clown leaders you'll be in the corner sucking your thumb.
And yet the only "evidence" comes from Breitbart and the Daily Caller.
Democrats freak out daily and this is proof Trump is weak? Oh wait...come here OP :itsok:

Trump freaks out daily.
You must not be on Twitter.
Is that what you elected him to do?

It's what demagogues do, and we have not only a demagogue in the Oval Office, but a charlatan too; those who adore him and cheer are biddable fools.
Among all of these pro-Trump comments, here is one thing you will not see....an answer to my question.....So I will restate it just in case they didn't read it....

After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption.

Well, we'll see what comes out of that. Anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted. The thing with most of the left is that they're all for prosecuting Republican corruption, but not Democratic corruption. Are you one of those too?
Is that what you elected him to do?

I voted for Trump to deliver positive results, which he has done. I'm a results-oriented guy, you're not. Obama could have taken us down the toilet and you'd still insist on supporting him. That's because your loyalty isn't to poor and average Americans, it's to your masters in the Democratic Party.
After Trump and company went all in on how the real Ukrainian corruption involves Biden, Obama and Hillary -- 2 more people associated with Trump and company are arrested for corruption.

Well, we'll see what comes out of that. Anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted. The thing with most of the left is that they're all for prosecuting Republican corruption, but not Democratic corruption. Are you one of those too?
Chaka Fattah
Jesse Jackson Jr
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Richardson']Laura Richardson
Corrine Brown
Anthony Weiner

All of those names above are democrat politicians charged and convicted with crimes during the Obama admin --- not one time did Obama interfere or try to obstruct their investigations, not one time did Obama take to Twitter and call the FBI and DOJ corrupt, nor do I recall many everyday democrat voters demanding all of these people be freed because of how innocent they are -- and how they were all framed by some secret Ukrainian plot.....

Trumpers may not be aware that history exists beyond the last 2 hours -- but the rest of us are....and as I have said many times, these Trump years will not age well in the same way the Bush years didn't age well...

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