Let's just get this straight: There are no white men in pick up trucks waving Confederate flags...

View attachment 157820
Most of them, yes.

Unless you're saying all blacks belong to gangs and sell drugs.

Unless you're saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Is that what you believe?
Yes we know. The white supremicists in this country are very fine people. The president told us that.
But NFL players peacefully protesting police brutality are sons of bitches and should be fired.
Also from the president.

Amazing how you liberals hear what you want to hear instead of what was said.

They don't hear shit. They lie to others, and to themselves.

They make shit up.

They're cockroaches and we'd better get rid of them.
Our white supremicist President: There were fine people on both sides.

So what's wrong with that comment? Or are you using your typical liberal stereotyping and saying there was nobody there just to non-violently protest for their own reasons?
I’ll tell you exactly what’s wrong with that comment. There are no fine people that are nazis and white supremicists.
This ignoramus prez took a huge hit on all sides with that comment. Or maybe you don’t know this because Fox hid the outcry from you..
The easiest thing a president has to do is condemn nazis and white supremicists and this disgrace couldn’t do it.
View attachment 157820
Most of them, yes.

Unless you're saying all blacks belong to gangs and sell drugs.

Unless you're saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Is that what you believe?
Yes we know. The white supremicists in this country are very fine people. The president told us that.
But NFL players peacefully protesting police brutality are sons of bitches and should be fired.
Also from the president.

Amazing how you liberals hear what you want to hear instead of what was said.

They don't hear shit. They lie to others, and to themselves.

They make shit up.

They're cockroaches and we'd better get rid of them.
Our white supremicist President: There were fine people on both sides.

So what's wrong with that comment? Or are you using your typical liberal stereotyping and saying there was nobody there just to non-violently protest for their own reasons?

Because white supremacists neonazis are not “fine people “ by definition .

Would trump go to a WW2 memorial and talk about the fine nazis that fought ?
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..
View attachment 157820 Yes we know. The white supremicists in this country are very fine people. The president told us that.
But NFL players peacefully protesting police brutality are sons of bitches and should be fired.
Also from the president.

Amazing how you liberals hear what you want to hear instead of what was said.

They don't hear shit. They lie to others, and to themselves.

They make shit up.

They're cockroaches and we'd better get rid of them.
Our white supremicist President: There were fine people on both sides.

So what's wrong with that comment? Or are you using your typical liberal stereotyping and saying there was nobody there just to non-violently protest for their own reasons?

Because white supremacists neonazis are not “fine people “ by definition .

Would trump go to a WW2 memorial and talk about the fine nazis that fought ?

There you go, the liberal mind translating again. There were other people there besides Nazi's and Antifa. If you attended an affair along with Antifa because you wanted to protest, and they started their violent clashes, would that make you a bad person too?
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.
You have the reasoning skills and logic of a 8 year old. My apologies to 8 year olds.
View attachment 157824
Trump's America didn't create this
Hate crimes in America have increased exponentially since Trump became president.

Yes, hate crimes, like all those blacks who attacked whites simply for being white were charged with.
No like Trumpies vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and many other examples.

Rise in hate crimes following Trump's election win

What does that have to do with Trump? At least Trump doesn't hate the Jews like DumBama.
These trump whores either are ignorant of the rise in hate crimes since the election or they don’t care..
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.
You have the reasoning skills and logic of a 8 year old. My apologies to 8 year olds.

That's not an eight year old logic, saying that anybody who disagrees with the left are white supremacists is eight year old logic.
View attachment 157824
Trump's America didn't create this
Hate crimes in America have increased exponentially since Trump became president.

Yes, hate crimes, like all those blacks who attacked whites simply for being white were charged with.
No like Trumpies vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and many other examples.

Rise in hate crimes following Trump's election win

What does that have to do with Trump? At least Trump doesn't hate the Jews like DumBama.
Now I see what I’m dealing with here.
A racist, white supremacist and buffoon.
“ Obama hates Jews.”
...running over minority children.

This is NOT happening in modern America.

The ad is inspired by an evil mind, and it only further divides this nation with hate.

The people responsible for this ad should be cast out of civilized society, but that will probably not happen.

'Latino Victory Fund' Ad Depicts Ed Gillespie Supporter Terrorizing Minority Children

Holy crap! Look at them divisive tactics! Forget running kids down with a pickup, no no. We need to string up whoever produced some shit like that.

Oh, you wanna hate on us? No, no, we're not out to hurt lil kids, but we're gonna string you up, k?

Apparently you are a seditious piece of shit. Be glad it's not tar and feathers with a lit match at the end. Do you even America?
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.
You have the reasoning skills and logic of a 8 year old. My apologies to 8 year olds.

That's not an eight year old logic, saying that anybody who disagrees with the left are white supremacists is eight year old logic.
Didn’t say that either.
You’re one stupid hombre.
View attachment 157824
Trump's America didn't create this
Hate crimes in America have increased exponentially since Trump became president.

Yes, hate crimes, like all those blacks who attacked whites simply for being white were charged with.
No like Trumpies vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and many other examples.

Rise in hate crimes following Trump's election win
The text of the article says 700 hate crimes in two weeks. There is no basis of fact for saying that is a RISE in hate crimes, since the number of hate crimes in previous two week periods is not given.
This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.

Good people don’t have tikki torch ,wannabe old school klan, parades down Main Street .
These trump whores either are ignorant of the rise in hate crimes since the election or they don’t care..

There may be a rise, but not to fear, we're not anywhere near DumBama's peak yet:

This forum is filled with white supremicists and we have their own words to prove it.
No wonder they loved Trump calling them”
Very fine people”
Probably the lowest point of his presidency in a long series of low points..

Right, because anybody outside a Socialist or Communist is a White Supremacist.

Good people don’t have tikki torch ,wannabe old school klan, parades down Main Street .

So you're against people protesting with torches, but have no problem with people protesting by disrespecting our anthem and flag................Got cha.

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