Let's just get this straight: There are no white men in pick up trucks waving Confederate flags...

1. The guy killed her with his car. Whether he ran into her or ran over her is minutiae. The result is the same. You are a self serving moron.

2. How can nazis be any more honest and open about their beliefs and motives? They put their despicable beliefs right out there on display for everyone to see. For you to pretend otherwise is very disingenuous.

3. You are welcome to prove your contentions, otherwise you are the one lying, slandering, and bearing false witness.

1. Nope. She had an heart attack near by, was not directly hit.

2. They were not in the pre rally days. They wanted to inflate their numbers, and the vile lefty media played along. That you are uninformed on this is credible. DO you need a link?

3. Really? Would it matter to you if I spent the time to find a quote of you calling someone a racist without them saying anything derogatory about minorities? What if I do find an example? What then? Will you admit it?
1. Oh. That makes all the difference in the world. The guy is a saint. You should erect a status of him.

2. These aren't the pre rally days. People know who the nazis are and what they are about.

3. Go ahead and look if you like. I doubt you'll find anything. If you do, at least you'll have some substance behind your claims.

1. I stated from the start it was a minor distinction.

2. are you really so stupid that you forgot that the point was that non-nazis were attracted/at the rally? We are talking about the time BEFORE the rally. It is worth noting that the second rally, once it was known, got far fewer attendees. YOu are the one who's point is based on them all being nazis.

3. I asked you if you would care, if it would matter. If you would admit it. You failed to answer any of those questions.
1. Yet you call me a filthy liar based upon this minor distinction.

2. I didn't say they were all nazis. I said that if you stand in unity with nazis, it's pretty clear where you're coming from.

3. I don't care if you look. I doubt anyone else does either. It doesn't matter. This is just an anonymous forum where people say all kinds of shit. If you find something, how could I deny it and why would I? I've been here for several years and don't recall going around calling anyone a racist that didn't deserve the title. If you can show otherwise, I'll admit it.

1. I'm done being nice to filthy liberals.

2. Nope. You said they were all nazis and used that lie to justify smearing TRump. YOu are a vile liar. The rally was organized by dishonest nazis, (never thought I would have to explain that) to exaggerate their numbers. YOu are helping them.

3. Considering how dishonest you were with number two, it is unlikely you were any better with the race card.
1. You're not "nice". I doubt you ever were.
2. Repug big tent.
3. Guess you failed to find anything then.
I like the commercial. No one should sit back and be nice or cordial when they are looking to ban or burn your brown and black ass at the stake. Fuck off...

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