Let's just get this straight: There are no white men in pick up trucks waving Confederate flags...

And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

The sentence was a gross miscarriage of justice.

They Torres mistake was that they thought they could drive around like it was a free country, they did not realize they would be attacked by an angry mob for no reason.
Threaten minorities with Confederate flags and guns, and, guess what? You are jail bound.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

They look like Gillespie voters
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

They look like Gillespie voters

They got more time than recommended for voluntary manslaughter and you think it's a good thing.

Every day, you show us more, what a hell your Utopia will/would be, you little tyrant.
Wow- First time I've seen this

WTF is wrong with people?

No wonder the ad has been pulled but no MSM has reported it other than FOX

And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

They look like Gillespie voters

They got more time than recommended for voluntary manslaughter and you think it's a good thing.

Every day, you show us more, what a hell your Utopia will/would be, you little tyrant.
They were charged with counts of making terroristic threats... I have to agree with that.
It's just hard for the right to fathom a white terrorist.
The far right still want to terrorize minority races, women, Jews, Catholics, etc.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

They look like Gillespie voters

They got more time than recommended for voluntary manslaughter and you think it's a good thing.

Every day, you show us more, what a hell your Utopia will/would be, you little tyrant.
They were charged with counts of making terroristic threats... I have to agree with that.
It's just hard for the right to fathom a white terrorist.

Yeah, they got real "threatening" after they were mobbed by angry blacks.

Someday, this type of shit is going to come around on you and yours.

Payback is a bitch.
If you notice the license plates on the vehicle are the Va. "don't tread on me" plates favored by Tea Party members. The commie bastards didn't miss a detail. Did CBS or NBC or the Post or the Times comment about the offensive ad allegedly bought and paid for by Soros? Did anybody corner the democrat candidate and ask him what the hell he was trying to do? Even Fox is relatively quiet about the most offensive political dirty trick since LBJ used the "daisy" ad (remember that one?) against Goldwater. It does show that democrats are still relying on the old 60's and 70's playbook in the information age while they continue to lose elections.
Let's get this straight.

Wave CSA flags and brandish firearms while terrorizing children will put the miscreants in jail.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.

1. Incorrect. You are claiming to be ignorant then, than a liar? Sorry, you fuckers haven't accepted such a defense in decades. YOu are a liar.

2. YOur assumption that the nazis were honest about who they are and their motives is too self serving to be accepted as just a moronic mistake. You are a filthy liar.

3. Yeah, I'm certain that you have NOT limited your accusations of racism to people that have denigrated people based on ethnicity or color. Your pretense that you have, is you being a vile liar.

3b Your pretense that you are unaware of the massive amount of racism found in minority communities or the soft racism often found in with the left, or even the anti-white racism of quite a number of white liberals, is noted and held against you as more evidence that you are a vile liar.
1. The guy killed her with his car. Whether he ran into her or ran over her is minutiae. The result is the same. You are a self serving moron.

2. How can nazis be any more honest and open about their beliefs and motives? They put their despicable beliefs right out there on display for everyone to see. For you to pretend otherwise is very disingenuous.

3. You are welcome to prove your contentions, otherwise you are the one lying, slandering, and bearing false witness.
1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.

1. Incorrect. You are claiming to be ignorant then, than a liar? Sorry, you fuckers haven't accepted such a defense in decades. YOu are a liar.

2. YOur assumption that the nazis were honest about who they are and their motives is too self serving to be accepted as just a moronic mistake. You are a filthy liar.

3. Yeah, I'm certain that you have NOT limited your accusations of racism to people that have denigrated people based on ethnicity or color. Your pretense that you have, is you being a vile liar.

3b Your pretense that you are unaware of the massive amount of racism found in minority communities or the soft racism often found in with the left, or even the anti-white racism of quite a number of white liberals, is noted and held against you as more evidence that you are a vile liar.
1. The guy killed her with his car. Whether he ran into her or ran over her is minutiae. The result is the same. You are a self serving moron.

2. How can nazis be any more honest and open about their beliefs and motives? They put their despicable beliefs right out there on display for everyone to see. For you to pretend otherwise is very disingenuous.

3. You are welcome to prove your contentions, otherwise you are the one lying, slandering, and bearing false witness.

1. Nope. She had an heart attack near by, was not directly hit.

2. They were not in the pre rally days. They wanted to inflate their numbers, and the vile lefty media played along. That you are uninformed on this is credible. DO you need a link?

3. Really? Would it matter to you if I spent the time to find a quote of you calling someone a racist without them saying anything derogatory about minorities? What if I do find an example? What then? Will you admit it?
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.

1. Incorrect. You are claiming to be ignorant then, than a liar? Sorry, you fuckers haven't accepted such a defense in decades. YOu are a liar.

2. YOur assumption that the nazis were honest about who they are and their motives is too self serving to be accepted as just a moronic mistake. You are a filthy liar.

3. Yeah, I'm certain that you have NOT limited your accusations of racism to people that have denigrated people based on ethnicity or color. Your pretense that you have, is you being a vile liar.

3b Your pretense that you are unaware of the massive amount of racism found in minority communities or the soft racism often found in with the left, or even the anti-white racism of quite a number of white liberals, is noted and held against you as more evidence that you are a vile liar.
1. The guy killed her with his car. Whether he ran into her or ran over her is minutiae. The result is the same. You are a self serving moron.

2. How can nazis be any more honest and open about their beliefs and motives? They put their despicable beliefs right out there on display for everyone to see. For you to pretend otherwise is very disingenuous.

3. You are welcome to prove your contentions, otherwise you are the one lying, slandering, and bearing false witness.

1. Nope. She had an heart attack near by, was not directly hit.

2. They were not in the pre rally days. They wanted to inflate their numbers, and the vile lefty media played along. That you are uninformed on this is credible. DO you need a link?

3. Really? Would it matter to you if I spent the time to find a quote of you calling someone a racist without them saying anything derogatory about minorities? What if I do find an example? What then? Will you admit it?
1. Oh. That makes all the difference in the world. The guy is a saint. You should erect a status of him.

2. These aren't the pre rally days. People know who the nazis are and what they are about.

3. Go ahead and look if you like. I doubt you'll find anything. If you do, at least you'll have some substance behind your claims.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

The sentence was a gross miscarriage of justice.

They Torres mistake was that they thought they could drive around like it was a free country, they did not realize they would be attacked by an angry mob for no reason.
So...it's cool to threaten them with guns in.....'MURICA!!!! :rock:
1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.

1. Incorrect. You are claiming to be ignorant then, than a liar? Sorry, you fuckers haven't accepted such a defense in decades. YOu are a liar.

2. YOur assumption that the nazis were honest about who they are and their motives is too self serving to be accepted as just a moronic mistake. You are a filthy liar.

3. Yeah, I'm certain that you have NOT limited your accusations of racism to people that have denigrated people based on ethnicity or color. Your pretense that you have, is you being a vile liar.

3b Your pretense that you are unaware of the massive amount of racism found in minority communities or the soft racism often found in with the left, or even the anti-white racism of quite a number of white liberals, is noted and held against you as more evidence that you are a vile liar.
1. The guy killed her with his car. Whether he ran into her or ran over her is minutiae. The result is the same. You are a self serving moron.

2. How can nazis be any more honest and open about their beliefs and motives? They put their despicable beliefs right out there on display for everyone to see. For you to pretend otherwise is very disingenuous.

3. You are welcome to prove your contentions, otherwise you are the one lying, slandering, and bearing false witness.

1. Nope. She had an heart attack near by, was not directly hit.

2. They were not in the pre rally days. They wanted to inflate their numbers, and the vile lefty media played along. That you are uninformed on this is credible. DO you need a link?

3. Really? Would it matter to you if I spent the time to find a quote of you calling someone a racist without them saying anything derogatory about minorities? What if I do find an example? What then? Will you admit it?
1. Oh. That makes all the difference in the world. The guy is a saint. You should erect a status of him.

2. These aren't the pre rally days. People know who the nazis are and what they are about.

3. Go ahead and look if you like. I doubt you'll find anything. If you do, at least you'll have some substance behind your claims.

1. I stated from the start it was a minor distinction.

2. are you really so stupid that you forgot that the point was that non-nazis were attracted/at the rally? We are talking about the time BEFORE the rally. It is worth noting that the second rally, once it was known, got far fewer attendees. YOu are the one who's point is based on them all being nazis.

3. I asked you if you would care, if it would matter. If you would admit it. You failed to answer any of those questions.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve. Norton was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with six to serve.

“If you drive around town with a Confederate flag, yelling the ‘N’ word, you know how it’s going to be interpreted,” Douglas County Judge William McClain said. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

LOL The miscreants are serving time as we post. Well deserved time. And it is you that is the liar.

The sentence was a gross miscarriage of justice.

They Torres mistake was that they thought they could drive around like it was a free country, they did not realize they would be attacked by an angry mob for no reason.
So...it's cool to threaten them with guns in.....'MURICA!!!! :rock:

When confronted by an angry mob? It should be, cool that is.

But the law came down on the side of the angry mob in this one.

And two innocent people are in jail for nothing.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags


More lies.
^ :lalala::lalala::lalala:

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