Let's just get this straight: There are no white men in pick up trucks waving Confederate flags...

The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Wrong answer. The city was Charlottesville, VA. That is about as correct as the rest of your post.
Hey Admiral, can you go down to the boiler room for a BT punch?

Sorry! We are all out. They discontinued the BT rating.
Should have known. They discontinued mine as well. You know you're getting old when the ship you served on is an artificial reef, the aircraft you worked on is retired, your squadron is decommissioned, and your rate has been discontinued.

Every ship I served on has been decommed, only one is still floating in a river. Fortunately, my rating when I was enlisted is still around.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Wrong answer. The city was Charlottesville, VA. That is about as correct as the rest of your post.
Hey Admiral, can you go down to the boiler room for a BT punch?

Sorry! We are all out. They discontinued the BT rating.
Should have known. They discontinued mine as well. You know you're getting old when the ship you served on is an artificial reef, the aircraft you worked on is retired, your squadron is decommissioned, and your rate has been discontinued.

Every ship I served on has been decommed, only one is still floating in a river. Fortunately, my rating when I was enlisted is still around.
A lot have been combined, haven't they?
Hate crimes cover minorities.

The reasons that minorities don't vote Republican has nothing to do with dems, and everything to do with the oppressive Republican agenda. You want more women voters? Stop attacking women's rights. It's really not rocket science.

No, the reason minorities don't vote Republican is because most take very little interest in politics. The extent of their knowledge is Republicans are for the rich white people and Democrats are for the poor and working.

Little do they realize how they got to where they are at today. If they studied and followed politics, they would switch over to the Republican party tomorrow. Why do you think the Democrats are trying so hard to make whites a minority in this country?

Yes, hate crimes are for minorities. That's how Democrats are able to separate Americans and put them into various groups.
So instead of admitting your party as the bunch of racists that you are, you instead provide an alternate explanation that at it's very core is racist lol. Nice! Not as bright as I thought you were.
Proving my point wasn't necessary but it is appreciated!

You have no point outside of that worn out liberal rag "Republicans are racist!!! Republicans are racist!!" And you sure as hell didn't figure out yet it's the Boy that Cried Wolf.

But I encourage it. The more the left keeps up that mantra, the more people get sick of hearing it. We can use all the voters you care to chase our way.
I have a point.
You are the problem.
You deny and deny and deny the racism of the republicans. But you are so entrenched in it, you perpetuate it without even knowing!!
I said minorities don't vote Republican because it is against their own self interests. Your response is that they don't vote Republican because they are too ignorant to politics and they have no understanding of politics.
That is untrue. Millions of minorities vote. And millions of them know exactly what they're voting for.

They are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

Just because somebody votes doesn't mean they are knowledgable of politics or issues. If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a simple test to prove they were knowledgeable before voting, but the Democrats would have a heart attack if we ever tried to do that.

Speaking of stupid, ignorant does not mean stupid. Ignorant means uneducated about something. Minorities particularly blacks have little interest in politics. The ones that do are usually conservative.

But like I said, keep up the deplorable race message. You're only singing to the choir. The rest of the country laughs at you and your antics.
Ah yes....Literacy tests.....that's been used before. Guess for what purpose.
No, the reason minorities don't vote Republican is because most take very little interest in politics. The extent of their knowledge is Republicans are for the rich white people and Democrats are for the poor and working.

Little do they realize how they got to where they are at today. If they studied and followed politics, they would switch over to the Republican party tomorrow. Why do you think the Democrats are trying so hard to make whites a minority in this country?

Yes, hate crimes are for minorities. That's how Democrats are able to separate Americans and put them into various groups.
So instead of admitting your party as the bunch of racists that you are, you instead provide an alternate explanation that at it's very core is racist lol. Nice! Not as bright as I thought you were.
Proving my point wasn't necessary but it is appreciated!

You have no point outside of that worn out liberal rag "Republicans are racist!!! Republicans are racist!!" And you sure as hell didn't figure out yet it's the Boy that Cried Wolf.

But I encourage it. The more the left keeps up that mantra, the more people get sick of hearing it. We can use all the voters you care to chase our way.
I have a point.
You are the problem.
You deny and deny and deny the racism of the republicans. But you are so entrenched in it, you perpetuate it without even knowing!!
I said minorities don't vote Republican because it is against their own self interests. Your response is that they don't vote Republican because they are too ignorant to politics and they have no understanding of politics.
That is untrue. Millions of minorities vote. And millions of them know exactly what they're voting for.

They are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

Just because somebody votes doesn't mean they are knowledgable of politics or issues. If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a simple test to prove they were knowledgeable before voting, but the Democrats would have a heart attack if we ever tried to do that.

Speaking of stupid, ignorant does not mean stupid. Ignorant means uneducated about something. Minorities particularly blacks have little interest in politics. The ones that do are usually conservative.

But like I said, keep up the deplorable race message. You're only singing to the choir. The rest of the country laughs at you and your antics.
Ah yes....Literacy tests.....that's been used before. Guess for what purpose.

Oh, and my idea would serve the same purpose?

So you think we end up with a good crop of elected politicians because we allow the politically ignorant to vote, or don't you think it would serve the country well if only informed voters voted?

To put it another way, let's say the baseball league started a new program where the citizens of the city get to pick who the new players are instead of the team. Your city allows anybody to vote for players. My city only allows baseball enthusiasts to vote. Which city do you think would have the better team, yours or mine?

When people tell me they don't know much about the politicians or issues, but they vote because it's a patriotic thing to do, I tell them that if they don't know what they are voting on, the most patriotic thing they can do is stay home on election day and let the people in the know pick our politicians.
Wrong answer. The city was Charlottesville, VA. That is about as correct as the rest of your post.
Hey Admiral, can you go down to the boiler room for a BT punch?

Sorry! We are all out. They discontinued the BT rating.
Should have known. They discontinued mine as well. You know you're getting old when the ship you served on is an artificial reef, the aircraft you worked on is retired, your squadron is decommissioned, and your rate has been discontinued.

Every ship I served on has been decommed, only one is still floating in a river. Fortunately, my rating when I was enlisted is still around.
A lot have been combined, haven't they?

Yes, and I wish I could get my hands on the nincompoops that have been running the Navy in the last 25 years. Stupid uniforms, stupid rules, stupid dropping of ratings, and stupid ship names abound. You would think the liberals infiltrated the leadership and kicked out everyone with an IQ above room temp was forced out.
Hey Admiral, can you go down to the boiler room for a BT punch?

Sorry! We are all out. They discontinued the BT rating.
Should have known. They discontinued mine as well. You know you're getting old when the ship you served on is an artificial reef, the aircraft you worked on is retired, your squadron is decommissioned, and your rate has been discontinued.

Every ship I served on has been decommed, only one is still floating in a river. Fortunately, my rating when I was enlisted is still around.
A lot have been combined, haven't they?

Yes, and I wish I could get my hands on the nincompoops that have been running the Navy in the last 25 years. Stupid uniforms, stupid rules, stupid dropping of ratings, and stupid ship names abound. You would think the liberals infiltrated the leadership and kicked out everyone with an IQ above room temp was forced out.
At least they backed down on that rate fiasco.
The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.
The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.
The only real white pride movement is prison gangs, who are in prison. No one outside of prison is engaging in white-supremacy terrorism. This is NOT happening.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
Yeah? Tell it to the counter-demonstrators in Charlotte. You know? Where one of Trump's fine people plowed a car into a crowd?

Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.

YEAH! And then he invited these racists to the White House and.............un-oh, my bad. That wasn't Trump, that was the last guy. :afro:
Funny that you find you have to lie to make a point for your side.

Oh, and you are an asshole.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.

YEAH! And then he invited these racists to the White House and.............un-oh, my bad. That wasn't Trump, that was the last guy. :afro:
Obama invited neo-nazis to the White House? When was that? Must have missed faux news that day.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.

YEAH! And then he invited these racists to the White House and.............un-oh, my bad. That wasn't Trump, that was the last guy. :afro:
Obama invited neo-nazis to the White House? When was that? Must have missed faux news that day.

Neo Nazi's are not the only racist group in this country you know. Black Lies Matter is a group of lowlifes that are against white police officers, and yes, DumBama invited them to the White House.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.

YEAH! And then he invited these racists to the White House and.............un-oh, my bad. That wasn't Trump, that was the last guy. :afro:
Obama invited neo-nazis to the White House? When was that? Must have missed faux news that day.

Neo Nazi's are not the only racist group in this country you know. Black Lies Matter is a group of lowlifes that are against white police officers, and yes, DumBama invited them to the White House.

He knows that.

That part when he pretended not to? That was a lie.

Sometimes, lefties like to pretend if they don't actually SAY or WRITE the lie out, that it is not lying.

That is them lying to themselves.

They have many layers of delusions and lies.
What lie? A woman didn't get run over by some white supremacist nutjob? Trump didn't call them fine people? The only lie I see is the OP who said there isn't any white supremacy terrorism outside of jail. Racist fucks are all over the place on this forum. Oh, and fuck you too.

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.
And, of course, the title of this thread is a lie.

ATLANTA (WCMH) – A man and a woman in Georgia will spend years in prison for disrupting an African-American family’s birthday party with confederate flags and threats.

The incident happened in July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. Kayla Rae Norton, 25 and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, were part of a rally called ‘Respect the Flag.’

Prosecutors called the event a drunken, two-county rampage with pickup trucks flying confederate battle flags.

The convoy of trucks pulled up the birthday party for an eight-year-old child and the people started yelling racial slurs and threatened to kill people at the party, WSB reported. According to prosecutors, Torres pointed a shotgun at the party.

Norton and Torres were among more than a dozen charged out of the incident. They were charged under the state’s street-gang terrorism law, WAGA reported.

Couple sentenced to prison for disrupting birthday party with confederate flags

Quite a lot of lies from lying race baiting piece of shit you.

You see nothing but the shit inside your own mind.

Fuck you more, shit spewer.
Point out the lie or fuck off.

1. THe woman was not run over, a minor distinction but true.

2. Trump did not call them fine people. YOu are a liar and a piece of race baiting shit.

3. Most of the people on this forum you call racist, are just conservatives that calling you on your bullshit and you hate that, so you call them names.

NOw, I await your response which will not address any of that.
1. fine. a distinction without a difference.
2. He said there were fine people on both sides. One side had protesters and the other side had neo-nazis. I don't think that neo-nazis are fine people. Apparently you and Trump think they are.
3. I'm not going around calling anybody names, It is against the rules to call out people, so I won't name posters, but there are dozens of racist threads started daily. You must be blind if you can't see them.

1. But still not the truth. Did you know it was not the truth when you said it?

2. The other side was a "unity rally" that attracted people there to stop having historical statues torn down. Only a piece of shit liar would pretend that they were all klansmen or nazi. A piece of shit liar like you.

3. IN our culture, as you lefties do it, calling someone a "racist" has nothing to do with the actual definition of "racism" and it is just filthy cock suckers calling someone a vile name. I see you for what you really are.
1. I thought she was run over when that fine person ran his car into the crowd.
2. If you want to "unite" with the KKK and neo-nazis, that pretty much shows where you stand.
3. Back at you, If you go around denigrating people for their ethnicity or color, calling them filthy names and calling their character into question because of color, then yeah, it makes you a racist. There's lots of them around here. I won't say that all cons are racist, but most racists are cons.

1. Incorrect. You are claiming to be ignorant then, than a liar? Sorry, you fuckers haven't accepted such a defense in decades. YOu are a liar.

2. YOur assumption that the nazis were honest about who they are and their motives is too self serving to be accepted as just a moronic mistake. You are a filthy liar.

3. Yeah, I'm certain that you have NOT limited your accusations of racism to people that have denigrated people based on ethnicity or color. Your pretense that you have, is you being a vile liar.

3b Your pretense that you are unaware of the massive amount of racism found in minority communities or the soft racism often found in with the left, or even the anti-white racism of quite a number of white liberals, is noted and held against you as more evidence that you are a vile liar.

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