Lets just surrender to the Republicans

What Reagan inherited.

Record unemployment

What Reagan accomplished
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:
What Reagan inherited.

Record unemployment

What Reagan accomplished
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:

STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?
What Reagan inherited.

Record unemployment

What Reagan accomplished
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:

STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?
Keep dreaming. :whip:

That diversion shows you can't deny the numbers.
Thank you.
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:

STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?
Keep dreaming. :whip:

That diversion shows you can't deny the numbers.
Thank you.

No, but I can deny you have a clue as to what you're talking about.
As I said, he inherited about 20 years of bad policy and turned it around in 4. Obama has inherited about 1 year of bad policy (thanks to a Democratic congress) and has turned it worse to where it's gonna take 20 years to turn it around.
What Reagan inherited.

Record unemployment

What Reagan accomplished
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:

STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?

Keep dreaming. :whip:

That diversion shows you can't deny the numbers.
Thank you.

No, but I can deny you have a clue as to what you're talking about.
As I said, he inherited about 20 years of bad policy and turned it around in 4. Obama has inherited about 1 year of bad policy (thanks to a Democratic congress) and has turned it worse to where it's gonna take 20 years to turn it around.
Well, you obviously have no clue what "record unemployment" means.

And you OPINION of what St Ronnie inherited from whom is as worthless as your claim that Volker didn't raise rates very much during Carter's term and didn't raise them until Reagan's. You then backtracked to 15% under Carter and 20% under Reagan when they were nearly 18% under Carter and 19% under St Ronnie. Volker actually LOWERED them FIRST under Reagan the "inflation fighter" but had to raise them higher than Carter after Reagan's tax cut destroyed the economy.

Obama has inherited Reagan's debt, Bush I's debt and Bush II's debt plus Bush II's 2 wars, so that's 28 years of bad borrow and spend GOP policy. Nothing could be worse.
No, but I can deny you have a clue as to what you're talking about. As I said, he inherited about 20 years of bad policy and turned it around in 4. Obama has inherited about 1 year of bad policy (thanks to a Democratic congress) and has turned it worse to where it's gonna take 20 years to turn it around.

The evidence does not support the lame contention.
You CON$ just make up this revisionist crap out of thin air.

Ford passed a UE of 7.8% to Carter and Carter passed a 7.2% UE to St Ronnie.

What Reagan "accomplished" was turning it into 10 consecutive months of double digit UE peaking at 10.8% for Nov and Dec of 1982.

So how did Reagan "inherit" record unemployment? :cuckoo:

STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?

Keep dreaming. :whip:

That diversion shows you can't deny the numbers.
Thank you.

No, but I can deny you have a clue as to what you're talking about.
As I said, he inherited about 20 years of bad policy and turned it around in 4. Obama has inherited about 1 year of bad policy (thanks to a Democratic congress) and has turned it worse to where it's gonna take 20 years to turn it around.
Well, you obviously have no clue what "record unemployment" means.

And you OPINION of what St Ronnie inherited from whom is as worthless as your claim that Volker didn't raise rates very much during Carter's term and didn't raise them until Reagan's. You then backtracked to 15% under Carter and 20% under Reagan when they were nearly 18% under Carter and 19% under St Ronnie. Volker actually LOWERED them FIRST under Reagan the "inflation fighter" but had to raise them higher than Carter after Reagan's tax cut destroyed the economy.

Obama has inherited Reagan's debt, Bush I's debt and Bush II's debt plus Bush II's 2 wars, so that's 28 years of bad borrow and spend GOP policy. Nothing could be worse.
Coming from someone who can't figure out the difference between prime rate and discount rate your analysis isn't very persuasive.
Obama inherited all that and then tripled down on it, incurring more debt than every president before him, combined.
STFU. Do I need to bitch slap you again?

No, but I can deny you have a clue as to what you're talking about.
As I said, he inherited about 20 years of bad policy and turned it around in 4. Obama has inherited about 1 year of bad policy (thanks to a Democratic congress) and has turned it worse to where it's gonna take 20 years to turn it around.
Well, you obviously have no clue what "record unemployment" means.

And you OPINION of what St Ronnie inherited from whom is as worthless as your claim that Volker didn't raise rates very much during Carter's term and didn't raise them until Reagan's. You then backtracked to 15% under Carter and 20% under Reagan when they were nearly 18% under Carter and 19% under St Ronnie. Volker actually LOWERED them FIRST under Reagan the "inflation fighter" but had to raise them higher than Carter after Reagan's tax cut destroyed the economy.

Obama has inherited Reagan's debt, Bush I's debt and Bush II's debt plus Bush II's 2 wars, so that's 28 years of bad borrow and spend GOP policy. Nothing could be worse.
Coming from someone who can't figure out the difference between prime rate and discount rate your analysis isn't very persuasive.
Obama inherited all that and then tripled down on it, incurring more debt than every president before him, combined.
You were lying about both the prime and the discount rate so it makes no difference which lie I nailed you on.

And Obama inherited $10 TRILLION, 5 trillion from Bush II alone, and Obama hasn't added any 10 or 20 trillion to it no matter how much you exaggerate. Furthermore if you back out the cost of both of Bush's wars and the interest on the 10 trillion in debt he passed to Obama, Obama would be running a surplus right now.
The lame is beginning to bore me.

Jay Leno probably had the best take on the MA election: the American people want to change the government back from the totally inept to the morally corrupt.
Well, you obviously have no clue what "record unemployment" means.

And you OPINION of what St Ronnie inherited from whom is as worthless as your claim that Volker didn't raise rates very much during Carter's term and didn't raise them until Reagan's. You then backtracked to 15% under Carter and 20% under Reagan when they were nearly 18% under Carter and 19% under St Ronnie. Volker actually LOWERED them FIRST under Reagan the "inflation fighter" but had to raise them higher than Carter after Reagan's tax cut destroyed the economy.

Obama has inherited Reagan's debt, Bush I's debt and Bush II's debt plus Bush II's 2 wars, so that's 28 years of bad borrow and spend GOP policy. Nothing could be worse.
Coming from someone who can't figure out the difference between prime rate and discount rate your analysis isn't very persuasive.
Obama inherited all that and then tripled down on it, incurring more debt than every president before him, combined.
You were lying about both the prime and the discount rate so it makes no difference which lie I nailed you on.

And Obama inherited $10 TRILLION, 5 trillion from Bush II alone, and Obama hasn't added any 10 or 20 trillion to it no matter how much you exaggerate. Furthermore if you back out the cost of both of Bush's wars and the interest on the 10 trillion in debt he passed to Obama, Obama would be running a surplus right now.

I didnt say anything about prime rate. That was your douchebaggery. And the only thing you did was prove I was right because you can't read a chart any better than you can tell the difference.
If you back out the cost of every social program passed in the last 40 years Obama would be running a huge surplus. But that isn't how life works.
Put the tanker of kool aid down and read this. It's even from the NYT so it's OK.
I'm not forgetting anything, the posted brought up UE so I replied to UE.

In your case, YOU are forgetting that the inflation was due to FED chairman Arthur Burns pumping up the money supply to get Nixon reelected and it was Carter's FED chairman Paul Volker who fixed it. Reagan inherited Volker.

Wow, talk about selective memory.
The issue started with LBJ wanting to finance both the Vietnam War andf the War on Poverty. It continued with Nixon and was exacerbated by the oil boycott in '73. Ford's solution was to send out WIN buttons. Carter's solution was to do nothing. Volker did not raise rates to where they needed to be under Carter. He did do so under Reagan, who was a strong anti-inflation fighter. Yes, unemployment resulted from that, but it had been growing all along. Remember "stagflation"?
So Reagan inherited about 20 years of bad policy and took strong steps to correct it. Of course there was going to be dislocation. But in two years the economy was back on track and we had the largest peace time prosperity since WW2.
Obama has inherited nothing liek Reagan did. His policies have made the economy worse, not better and will continue to do so.
The comparison is odious.
Now you are just out and out lying.

By the end of 1980 the prime interest rate was 20%, the highest it was under Reagan was 20.5%.

UE 3 was steady at around 7.5% from the last years of Carter until Reagan signed his one and only tax cut in August of 1981, after which UE 3 soared to give us 10 consecutive months of double digit UE during the Reagan Recession of 1982.
2 years into Reagan's first term UE 3 was 10.8%

You are just out and out uninformed.
The prime rate is set by banks, not the Fed. The Fed sets the discount rate. And in Nov '80 it was 15%. By the next year it was 20%. And it went down from there.
Nice try but epic fail.

Coming from someone who can't figure out the difference between prime rate and discount rate your analysis isn't very persuasive.
Obama inherited all that and then tripled down on it, incurring more debt than every president before him, combined.
You were lying about both the prime and the discount rate so it makes no difference which lie I nailed you on.

And Obama inherited $10 TRILLION, 5 trillion from Bush II alone, and Obama hasn't added any 10 or 20 trillion to it no matter how much you exaggerate. Furthermore if you back out the cost of both of Bush's wars and the interest on the 10 trillion in debt he passed to Obama, Obama would be running a surplus right now.

I didnt say anything about prime rate. That was your douchebaggery. And the only thing you did was prove I was right because you can't read a chart any better than you can tell the difference.
If you back out the cost of every social program passed in the last 40 years Obama would be running a huge surplus. But that isn't how life works.
Put the tanker of kool aid down and read this. It's even from the NYT so it's OK.
A typical CON$ervative half truth/whole lie. You said "interest rates" and I pointed out that you were wrong using the "prime rate." The prime rate and discount rate are related to each other. Rather than admit you were caught lying, you told another lie using the discount rate, which I also exposed as the lie it was. You also lied about UE which I nailed you on.
You then claimed victory. :cuckoo:

And now back to the deficit lie, even projecting 10 years in the future even though Obama hasn't been and can't be president for 10 years, you only come up with 9 trillion and Bush and every president before him passed a 10 trillion deficit to Obama. So even with your 10 year projection your lie is still 1 trillion short.



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