Lets just surrender to the Republicans

cmike, you cannot be a true Republican with your beliefs and your hatred for America.
They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

That's because Democrats are a coalition and not just a big group of crazy white people.


Ah yes......The Demonrats whose main constituency are the Queers, Homeless, Dopers, etc., (I wonder what % of these non-crazy whites voted REP).....and the non-Crazy BRILLIANT Affirmative Actioned Black Racists whose CORRUPT 13% Monolithic RACIST vote (without which the Demonrat Party couldn't exist) don't have anything to do with the phenomenal accomplishments of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protecting Political Charlatan Obami Salami ?????
cmike, you cannot be a true Republican with your beliefs and your hatred for America.

Obamarrhoid Starkey, the Purveyor of Malarkey criticizing CMike for lack of patriotism is like The Pathological Liar and Traitor HANOI Juan Kerry criticizing John McCain for same.

There are limits that one can stretch credulity before it becomes blasphemy.

These Contemptible Obamarrhoids, like Starkey Malarkey, whose idea of Patriotism is to BLAME AMERICA FIRST, LAST and IN BETWEEN..... while osculating the buttocks of Ahmadinejad, and the CRAZED IMAMS of the IslamoFascist Mid East ....... kow towing to the imaginary rights of IslamoFascist TERRORISTS at the expense of the safety of American lives......makes me wanna puke !!!!
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cmike, you cannot be a true Republican with your beliefs and your hatred for America.

Obamarrhoid Starkey, the Purveyor of Malarkey criticizing CMike for lack of patriotism is like The Pathological Liar and Traitor Juan Kerry criticizing John McCain for same.

There are limits that one can stretch credulity before it becomes blasphemy.

These Contemptible Obamarrhoids, like Starkey Malarkey, whose idea of Patriotism is to BLAME AMERICA FIRST, LAST and IN BETWEEN..... while osculating the buttocks of Ahmadinejad, and the CRAZED IMAMS of the IslamoFascist Mid East ....... kow towing to the imaginary rights of IslamoFascist TERRORISTS at the expense of the safety of American lives......makes me wanna puke !!!!

Thank you for your kind words.
it's not excuse because although Obama has done close to nothing he promised he's still a million light years ahead of Dubya and the economy is slowly recovering under him.

increased umemployment and no economic activity is an improvement?
That's what it was called when St Ronnie gave us 10 consecutive months of double digit UE in 1982 and 1983, peaking at 10.8% more than a year after his 1981 "job creating" tax cut.
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it's not excuse because although Obama has done close to nothing he promised he's still a million light years ahead of Dubya and the economy is slowly recovering under him.

increased umemployment and no economic activity is an improvement?
That's what it was called when St Ronnie gave us 10 consecutive months of double digit UE in 1982 and 1983, peaking at 10.8% more than a year after his 1981 "job creating" tax cut.

You are of course forgetting to add that we were coming off of 10% inflation and 12% interest rates. Obama inherited close to zero inflation and close to zero interest rates.
You did forget that, right? It wasn't that you intentionally left it out because of hackery.
Perhaps the base of the Democrat party is not the far left , and more moderate than many have been led to believe? Maybe, even democrats are starting to see that the agenda of a few even within their own party are not consistant with what the majority of Americans really want? Of course Americans want openness, helathcare reform, and bi-partisanship, but could it be that those on the far left and yes even those on the far right have taken that message somewhat out of context? The election of someone like Scott Brown to the seat held by the Democrats especially the former Kennedy seat should have told democrats that while Americans are tolerant of change, they are not of over-reaching. Hopefully this current election will serve to give all those that Represent us Republican and Democrat the ability to step back and perhaps work together for our benefit for a change rather than the benefit of a few.

the best of the democrats are moderate. They are just overshadowed by the extremist left. As a resident of New Hampshire i can be a registered independent, but i usually vote for democrats (with the notable exeption of Judd Gregg). I wish more people on here were of a moderate view point as it would lead to more civil and constructive discourse, but i suppose those people dont usually take the time to read and post on forums like this. Life isnt all Republican or Democrat. There is alot in the middle. Both sides sway me and i wish there was a legitimate third party that somewhat matched my beliefs. Ron Paul excluded.

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