Lets just surrender to the Republicans

They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

just face it, flaming liberalism is not popular....

run away from it as fast as you can...

The flaming leftist wing of the democratics seem upset with their boyking...

Fear not... They will continue to praise him and vote for him at least twice the next time...

They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

Actually the Democraps did this to themselves by empowering the most radical wing on the party.

Blame the all-powerful left!

...I want to address two equally moronic themes emerging over the last couple of days which seek to blame the omnipotent, dominant, super-human "Left" for the Democrats' woes -- one coming from right-wing Democrats and the other from hard-core Obama loyalists (those two categories are not mutually exclusive but, rather, often overlap).

Last night, Evan Bayh blamed the Democrats' problems on "the furthest left elements," which he claims dominates the Democratic Party -- seriously. And in one of the dumbest and most dishonest Op-Eds ever written, Lanny Davis echoes that claim in The Wall St. Journal: "Blame the Left for Massachusetts" (Davis attributes the unpopularity of health care reform to the "liberal" public option and mandate; he apparently doesn't know that the health care bill has no public option [someone should tell him], that the public option was one of the most popular provisions in the various proposals, and the "mandate" is there to please the insurance industry, not "the Left," which, in the absence of a public option, hates the mandate; Davis' claim that "candidate Obama's health-care proposal did not include a public option" is nothing short of an outright lie).

In what universe must someone be living to believe that the Democratic Party is controlled by "the Left," let alone "the furthest left elements" of the Party? As Ezra Klein says, the Left "ha gotten exactly nothing they wanted in recent months." The Left wanted a single-payer system, then settled for a public option, then an opt-out public option, then Medicare expansion -- only to get none of it, instead being handed a bill that forces every American to buy health insurance from the private insurance industry. Nor was it "the Left" -- but rather corporatist Democrats like Evan Bayh and Lanny Davis -- who cheered for the hated Wall Street bailout; blocked drug re-importation; are stopping genuine reform of the financial industry; prevented a larger stimulus package to lower unemployment; refuse to allow programs to help Americans with foreclosures; supported escalation in Afghanistan (twice); and favor the same Bush/Cheney terrorism policies of indefinite detention, military commissions, and state secrets.

The very idea that an administration run by Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel and staffed with centrists, Wall Street mavens, and former Bush officials -- and a Congress beholden to Blue Dogs and Lieberdems -- has been captive "to the Left" is so patently false that everyone should be too embarrassed to utter it. For better or worse, the Democratic strategy has long been and still is to steer clear of their leftist base and instead govern as "pragmatists" and centrists -- which means keeping the permanent Washington factions pleased. That strategy may or not be politically shrewd, but it is just a fact that the dreaded "Left" has gotten very little of what it wanted the entire year. Is there anyone who actually believes that "The Left" is in control of anything, let alone the Democratic Party? The fact that Lanny Davis -- to prove the Left's dominance -- has to cite one provision that was jettisoned (the public option) and another which the Left hates (the mandate) reflects how false that claim is. What are all of the Far Left policies the Democrats have been enacting and Obama has been advocating? I'd honestly love to know.

And then there is the "Blame the Left" theme from Obama loyalists, who actually claim that the Democrats' problems are due to the fact that the Left hasn't been cheering loudly enough for the Leader. I recall quite vividly how Bush followers spent years claiming that the failings of the Iraq War were not the fault of George Bush -- who had control of the entire war, the entire Congress, and the power to do everything he wanted -- but, rather, it was all "the Left's" fault for excessively criticizing the President, and thus weakening both him and the war effort.

To insist that the Democratic Party's failures are not the fault of Barack Obama -- who controls the entire party infrastructure, its agenda, the news cycle, and the health care plan -- we now hear from Obama supporters a similar claim: it's all the Left's fault for excessively criticizing the Leader. A couple of days ago, Josh Marshall promoted -- and Kevin Drum endorsed -- a post that made this claim:

And we can look no further than Howard Dean, and MSNBC, and Arianna Huffington, and, yes, some columnists at the Times and bloggers here at TPM--you know, real progressives--who have lambasted Obama again and again since last March over arguable need-to-haves like the "public option," as if nobody else was listening. They've been thinking: "Oh, if only we ran things, how much more subtle would the legislation be," as if 41 senators add up to subtle. Meanwhile the undecideds are thinking: "Hell, if his own people think he's a sell-out and jerk, why should we support this?"

The reason "the Left" criticized the Iraq War was because . . . they thought it was a bad thing and thus opposed it. The reason some on the Left have been criticizing the health care plan and other Obama policies (the ones I listed above) is because . . . they think they're bad things and thus oppose them. For instance, health care opponents believe that forcing Americans to buy private insurance that they can't afford and/or do not want is bad policy and will harm the Democrats politically. That's what rational citizens do: they support proposals that they think are good and oppose the ones they think are bad. What are people on "the Left" supposed to do: go on television and into their columns and lie by pretending they support things that they actually oppose, all in order to sustain high levels of affection and excitement for Barack Obama? Someone who would do that is what we call a dishonest propagandist and party loyalist, and, in any event, is unlikely to have any credibility with anyone beyond already-converted, fellow Obama admirers.

A political party is actually much healthier and stronger when criticisms of the Leader are permitted. Ask the Republicans circa 2005 and 2006 about how a party fares when party-loyalty and leader-loyalty trump all other considerations. Moreover, if a political party adopts a strategy of ignoring its base, as the Democrats routinely do, it's an inevitable cost that the base will become dispirited and unmotivated. As Darcy Burner put it yesterday: "Perhaps if the Democratic base doesn't show up to elect Coakley, party leadership should consider *trying to appeal* to the base." There's a reason it's called "the base" -- it's because it's the foundation of the party -- and, as the Republicans never forget, there is a serious cost to ignoring or spurning them.

... But whatever else is true, the Left, as usual, has very little power, both within the Party and in general. Blaming them for the Democrats' failings is about as rational as the 2006 attempt to blame them for the collapsing Iraq War. The Left is many things; "dominant within the Democratic Party and our political discourse" is not one of them.

* * * * *

...All that said, and as horrible as the Democrats have been all year, the most amazing -- and depressing -- aspect of all of this is how Americans have so quickly forgotten how thoroughly the Republicans, during their eight-year reign, destroyed the country. Whatever the source of our national woes are, re-empowering that faction cannot possibly be the answer to anything.

... Noting that even reasonable conservatives like Stephen Bainbridge are saying things like: "Obama and the Congressional Democrats (especially in the House) governed for the last year as though the median voter is a Daily Kos fan," Andrew Sullivan writes:

This must come as some surprise to most Daily Kos fans. But if one had traveled to Mars and back this past year and read this statement, what would you assume had happened? I would assume that the banks had been nationalized, the stimulus was twice as large, that single-payer healthcare had been pushed through on narrow majority votes, that card-check had passed, that an immigration amnesty had been legislated, that prosecutions of Bush and Cheney for war crimes would be underway, that withdrawal from Afghanistan would be commencing, that no troops would be left in Iraq, that Larry Tribe was on the Supreme Court, that DADT and DOMA would be repealed, and so on.
Exactly. Of course, none of those things has happened, precisely because the Democrats under Obama (and before) have been doing everything except "governing from the Left." But our political discourse, as usual, is so suffuse with blinding stupidity that this clichéd falsehood -- Democrats have been beholden to the Left -- will take root as Unchallengeable Truth and shape what happens next. That's already happening.
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They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

And that's the problem. The Dems acted as if they were in the minority. They should have taken a page from the GOP and just shoved their agenda down their throats. If they had, they wouldn't have lost the MA senate seat.
it's not excuse because although Obama has done close to nothing he promised he's still a million light years ahead of Dubya and the economy is slowly recovering under him.

Bush is gone... Move on, you dumb fuckstain...

The economy is NOT recovering yet... Unemployment remains record high, housing market still in the pits, forclosures and bankrupcies reign...

It won't recover if he keeps spending money we don't have for shit we don't need...

Wake up, take your lips off the presidential ass, and give reality a chance...
No only had Obama gotten us to double digit unemployment, but the democrats have controlled the entire congress as well for over a year.

The blame Bush excuse doesn't work anymore.

The dems could have done anything they wanted too, without one republican vote.
[SIZE=+1]Obama, Our Judas?[/SIZE]
Demo base is very angry at him

wehateclintons.com Excerpt:
Obama probably thinks that if he just hangs out with his political enemies for a bit that somehow they will learn to see things the progressive way, isn't that what Lincoln did? Somehow those guys will start to soften and compromise, do something for the greater good for a change rather than look after themselves. But, the reality is, that special interests and Republicans are playing him for a fool, showering him with advice that makes sense on the surface, but in the end results in the betrayal of the middle class (and America). The end result is the enrichment of those who would crucify the "good" for 30 billion bucks without much second thought.

Maybe it's time for Obama to show up to work and get just one thing he promised done...... but first he should ask permission from the GOP.

Hahaha you cant possibly be serious. You are thinking Obama has been too nice with the right? That's got to be the dumbest thing Ive ever read. and Ive read some stupid things on here. Oh please, please have Obama go further to the left. It would be the greatest thing for America because it would guarentee a conservative congress.
it's not excuse because although Obama has done close to nothing he promised he's still a million light years ahead of Dubya and the economy is slowly recovering under him.

No kidding, last time I checked Obama brought us to double digit unemployment?
No only had Obama gotten us to double digit unemployment, but the democrats have controlled the entire congress as well for over a year.

The blame Bush excuse doesn't work anymore.

The dems could have done anything they wanted too, without one republican vote.

They've held Congress for over three years
No only had Obama gotten us to double digit unemployment, but the democrats have controlled the entire congress as well for over a year.

The blame Bush excuse doesn't work anymore.

The dems could have done anything they wanted too, without one republican vote.

They've held Congress for over three years

I didn't word it correctly. Thank you.

I meant the dems controlled the white house and congress for the past year.
They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

And that's the problem. The Dems acted as if they were in the minority. They should have taken a page from the GOP and just shoved their agenda down their throats. If they had, they wouldn't have lost the MA senate seat.

They tried.

That's one of the reason's Brown was elected.
The Democrats' Day After

Reactions to Scott Brown’s victory are predictable and self-serving. Obama loyalists insist it was all about local issues and Coakley’s weaknesses. Right-wing Democrats blame the “left elements in the Party” — who have gotten virtually nothing they’ve wanted the entire year. And most everyone else interprets it as vindication of their pre-existing views.

Whatever else is true, last night’s result — along with earlier gubernatorial losses in Virginia and New Jersey, polling disasters for Democratic Congressional incumbents, and the bizarre resurgence of a party widely assumed to be dead only a year ago — conclusively proves that something has gone radically wrong for the Democratic Party. One has to be in serious denial not to acknowledge that their approach is not working.


Some important factors — especially the collapsing economy and exploding unemployment which Obama inherited — were beyond their control. But an electorate that delivered smashing victories to the Democrats in two consecutive national elections — and which had such high hopes for the “change” Obama repeatedly vowed to usher in — is now turning on them. To insist that Obama and party leaders are blameless is to ensure the downward spiral continues.

The notion that Obama’s policies are too “liberal” for the country is simply absurd, given that these are exactly the policies on which he successfully campaigned. But the central pledge of the Obama candidacy, beyond any specific issues, was his vow to change the way Washington works. It is his failure to do that which has become the party’s greatest liability.

A candidate who railed against secret deals and lobbyist influence negotiated this health care plan in secrecy with industry lobbyists, got caught entering into secret deals with the pharmaceutical industry, agreed to abandon his commitment to drug re-importation and bulk price negotiations in order to please the pharmaceutical lobby, and cavalierly refused to abide by his promise to conduct all negotiations out in the open.

Worse still, two of the most popular provisions — the public option and Medicare expansion — were jettisoned, leaving the insurance-industry-pleasing provisions as the bill’s dominant features.

When one adds to that the subservience of the administration’s top financial officials to Wall Street and the lack of programs designed to aid struggling Americans, the perception has arisen that Democrats are both guardians of the Washington status quo and loyal only to powerful interests. That has allowed the corporatist G.O.P. to masquerade as populists and monopolize populist anger.

One significant disadvantage burdening Democrats is that they must accommodate far more ideological diversity than Republicans. A party that has both Ben Nelson and Russ Feingold will be prone to in-fighting.

The choice now for the White House is whether to move even further to the right or whether they will finally focus on galvanizing their base. As it always does, Beltway conventional wisdom will insist that they do the former (which may include abandoning health care altogether), but a party that has an already demoralized base demoralizes them further at its peril.

The failure of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party generally has not been, in any sense, that they are too far left. Rather, is is their reversal on the "leftist" issues they campaigned and won on that enjoyed broad support -withdrawal from our occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, a public option, laws to protect the environment, a return to the rule of law, and minimization of corporate influence - that have seen their popularity sink.

The idea that an administration that has enacted exactly no leftist policies and instead rebuked the left at every conceivable opportunity to either serve corporate interests at the expense of the people, acquiesce to Republicans, or hide the crimes of the previous administration, is now losing support because it's "too left" is absolutely absurd. The reason they have and will continue to lose support is because they are, correctly, seen as not progressive but rather propping up and serving the same deeply unpopular status quo.
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They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

Wow. That almost sounds like you actually figured something out, leftwinger!

I can't quite decide whether you are trying to be sarcastic --

or if you actually said something fairly honest and accurate on purpose!

If it's of any comfort to you, the GOP squandered their time while in a solid position of power.

Having seen what a determined bunch of liberal Democratics managed to do (albeit with difficulty) so far while holding some clear majorities, I am very grateful that they turned out to be rather inept.
If anyone believes that the American electorate thinks BHO brought double-digit unemployement and a recession is a fool. The great majority know exactly which party was most responsible for that, my party, the GOP. Brown's election was not a vote for Republicans, it was an anti-Obama administration vote. If Obama and the Dem playmakers understand this, they will pull the nuclear option in the Senate and ram their playbook down our throats.
it's not excuse because although Obama has done close to nothing he promised he's still a million light years ahead of Dubya and the economy is slowly recovering under him.

We must resist the urge to grade politicians based on their quarter to quarter performance. Such focus on short term gains leads banks to issuing stupid mortgages or the Germans into invading Russia.

Do you feel cheated by Obama closing Gitmo slower than he thought? How about the healthcare thing, few folks who voted for him didn't think he'd try to pass it. Afghanistan? He said we'd concentrate on that while pulling out of Iraq.

Any ideas about the economy turning around in no time are misinformed. And yes I will continue blaming everyone in history for the effects of their actions on us. Bush II included. My goodness, this isn't a soap opera. We're still paying for the decision to arm and train the Muslims against the Russians and benefiting in whatever way from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
hmmmm unemployment....isn't that usually the last indication of an economy that is recovering? - lot of economic Gurus around here...the same that voted for the retard who got you into this mess.
If anyone believes that the American electorate thinks BHO brought double-digit unemployement and a recession is a fool. The great majority know exactly which party was most responsible for that, my party, the GOP. Brown's election was not a vote for Republicans, it was an anti-Obama administration vote. If Obama and the Dem playmakers understand this, they will pull the nuclear option in the Senate and ram their playbook down our throats.

Obviously the fact that unemployment is double digits is because of Obama. It's been over a year now.

The blame Bush stuff doesn't work anymore.

Just about each month that Obama has reigned unemployment rates have been higher.

The reason is obvious, all Obama has promised the people who hire people, are more taxes, more regulations, and thus more costs.

Therefore, businesses know that they need to brace themselves to withstand the Obama economic disaster.
The failure of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party generally has not been, in any sense, that they are too far left. Rather, is is their reversal on the "leftist" issues they campaigned and won on that enjoyed broad support -withdrawal from our occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, a public option, laws to protect the environment, a return to the rule of law, and minimization of corporate influence - that have seen their popularity sink.

The idea that an administration that has enacted exactly no leftist policies and instead rebuked the left at every conceivable opportunity to either serve corporate interests at the expense of the people, acquiesce to Republicans, or hide the crimes of the previous administration, is now losing support because it's "too left" is absolutely absurd. The reason they have and will continue to lose support is because they are, correctly, seen as not progressive but rather propping up and serving the same deeply unpopular status quo.
The stimulus wasn't leftist? ...spending billions we don't have on things that won't "stimulate" the economy? This whole health care reform bill is wildly leftist although yet to be passed. Forcing someone to buy something is definitely not a conservative ideal, as is the idea of a public option or single payer entity controlled by uncle Sam. Cap and trade is wildly leftist as well and is basically just another reason to tax.

Oh yea; the government buying and running car companies isn't leftist either.

You can't seriously believe that this voter backlash against Obama is because he can't get the terrorists into Illinois fast enough, can't raise taxes fast enough and can't enact greater control over people's lives fast enough.
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They accomplish more with a 40% minority than the Dems can with a 60% majority

Wow. That almost sounds like you actually figured something out, leftwinger!

I can't quite decide whether you are trying to be sarcastic --

or if you actually said something fairly honest and accurate on purpose!

If it's of any comfort to you, the GOP squandered their time while in a solid position of power.

Having seen what a determined bunch of liberal Democratics managed to do (albeit with difficulty) so far while holding some clear majorities, I am very grateful that they turned out to be rather inept.

Just an acknowledgement that the democrats are a bunch of pussies. No real leadership and no killer instincts. They know what they want to do but have no clue on how to get it done
If anyone believes that the American electorate thinks BHO brought double-digit unemployement and a recession is a fool. The great majority know exactly which party was most responsible for that, my party, the GOP. Brown's election was not a vote for Republicans, it was an anti-Obama administration vote. If Obama and the Dem playmakers understand this, they will pull the nuclear option in the Senate and ram their playbook down our throats.

I forgot. Please remind us how all the terrible things that are happenning are Bush's fault. Please remind us how a guy retired in Texas, probably shooting ducks in his underwear, and NO LONGER IN POWER is responsible for the continuing slide of the economy.

Remind us of the policy that that guy created that made this happen?
hmmmm unemployment....isn't that usually the last indication of an economy that is recovering? - lot of economic Gurus around here...the same that voted for the retard who got you into this mess.

There is no business activity either...

This is the first recession where there is no job creation that usually offsets the number of jobs lost. Its the reason why the job losses are so big when compared to the 01 recession. That was light compared to this.
Some Guy said:
The stimulus wasn't leftist? Spending money we don't have on thing that won't "stimulate" the economy. This whole health care reform bill is wildly leftist. Forcing someone to buy something is definitely not a conservative ideal, as is the idea of a public option or single payer entity controlled by uncle Sam. Cap and trade is wildly leftist as well.

You can't seriously believe that this voter backlash against Obama is because he can't get the terrorists into Illinois fast enough, can't raise taxes fast enough and can't enact greater control over people's lives fast enough.

No, the stimulus wasn't leftist. It was a handout to giant corporate entities who failed, and deeply unpopular among the left, antithetical to liberalism. Just because something is not conservative does not make it leftist. The stimulus bill was corporatist, as is the health care bill. A leftist stimulus bill would have given the money to the debt-ridden citizens, not to the banks who caused the collapse in the hopes that they might lend to them (but with no guarantee they would do so). A leftist health care would be the most simple and effective option yet concocted by man, single-payer, with taxes going directly to pay for medical care, not the corporatist bill that has been stripped of every leftist policy (single-payer was never on the table, public option is scrapped, medicare expansion scrapped) and is merely a mandate that we all give money to the same private insurance industry that caused this mess. Leftist environmental policy would not permit wide-scale pollution, it wouldn't allow those with the most money to buy "okay to pollute" cards and continue to poison the environment.

I believe, and public opinion demonstrates, that Obama is unpopular because he didn't push for a public option, supported the bank bailout, escalated in Afghanistan and has not withdrawn from Iraq, continues to hold detainees in an extralegal gulag in Cuba, and on the most fundamental level, reneged on his central campaign promise to usher in an era of transparent, transformative, progressive government and has instead opted for corporatism and the protection of the status quo monied interests who have fucked the country and the vast majority of citizens are furious at.
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