Let's lay it all on the line... sins... what are yours?


Apr 25, 2011
I'd like to expound upon a conversation that I have been having with Sky Dancer in another thread. We were talking about sin and sinning.

So, i thought that a good place to start is to address our sins. For those of other religions or no religion at all..you can call them moral struggles or whatever you feel comfortable with.

I'll go first.

1. Gluttony(I am overweight)

2. I tend to be lazy on my days off... I could be more productive..sloth?

3. I can be selfish, especially when I feel I'm being taken advantage of.

4. Sexual thoughts(which is what the conversation was about)

5. Cursing.

Those are the main ones... if I think of anymore I'll add them.
Cruelty to fellow people. I try not to be, and mostly I'm not. But I can be really cruel if I get pissed off enough. Cursing is another one.
I made a list of my sins once. I was surprised to find that it was a pretty long list. I suppose my pride blinded me to the truth. Since then, I've been working to change that one thing at a time.

However, thats between God, me, and any of the people I hurt. I don't think group confessions are really a good idea. especially on internet boards.
I love others before god
I wear a graven image around my neck
I take his name in vain
There is only one Sabbath I recognize, and it's not the one in the bible
I have stolen
I have coveted
I eat pork, and it's delicious
I have taken believers from him
I have rejected the holy spirit
I don't have sins, because sins do not exist. Just another creation myth. Live by the laws of the land is good enough.
I thought there were only 7 deadly sins:
Sloth....and Ok, cripes, I forgot the other one....but there are 10???????

Let's see, yeah I'm a sinner, wtf do I win as a prize?? ~LoL~
My biggest sin, if it can be called a "sin" is cussing. But why is that a sin??
I use God's name in vain, that goes with the cussing part.

I don't read the Bible, never have and do not want to. I do love others before God.

But I'm not guilty of pride, or lust (I don't think) or gluttony (I'm not a pig at all)...or envy or sloth, cause I'm not a lazy ass. But I am guilty of wrath, that would be another biggie of mine.
And I just cuss.
And I'd rather be a cusser than a smoker or a drinker. Cussing won't kill me~
I like to think of my sins as 'making mistakes'. :D In Hebrew, the word for 'sin' (cheit) is similar to the verb for archery, eg., a sin is 'missing the mark'. But seriously, with 613 sins, I pretty much do this shit all day - especially on Shabbat.

But the sins I feel responsible for are the ones I commit against other people. I'm known for being a good and loyal friend, so I think I do well in that category.
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I thought there were only 7 deadly sins

A sin is an infraction of biblical law. All that stuff in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers, biblical laws. If you eat pork, you're a sinner, if you wear a poly cotton shirt, you sinned, etc.
ll build a stairway to heaven from the tower of Babel
and I've doscovered a way to rise above all the rabble,
I'll cut you off at the knees then you'll be shorter than me
and I'll take eye after eye till it's just me that can see.

Is that too honest, are you shocked that a sinner sins?
Now it's behind me but I might go back again.
My vice is nothing when compared to my greatest sin.
My greatest sin is my religion

October Light - My Greatest Sin Lyrics
The book : Tropical Americans: describes me rather accurately. " You can trust him with your life but never with your wife ! ":cool:
Thank you to those that answered honestly. I respect those that didn't... Because after reading the one post... perhaps an internet message board isn't the best place to be airing one's dirty laundry.

I guess the original point of the exercise was to kind of show how we all fall short, how we are all human. While I do believe that there is true evil in this world, I also believe that most of us are just trying to get by the best we can.

Anyway... thanks.

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