Let's not forget the kneeling millionairs

Just a reminder of why the wife and I don't watch our beloved, past, tunnel hiding Steelers.

A good take down of the kneelers.

The players aren't protesting Trump. They aren't protesting our wars. They aren't protesting against the flag, the troops or our veterans. If you understood what they are protesting, you wouldn't come off as so petulant, an adjective most often applied to our boorish current president.

You guys are, in fact, portraying yourselves as victims while there are real victims on whose behalf these protests are being made.
Just a reminder of why the wife and I don't watch our beloved, past, tunnel hiding Steelers.

A good take down of the kneelers.

The players aren't protesting Trump. They aren't protesting our wars. They aren't protesting against the flag, the troops or our veterans. If you understood what they are protesting, you wouldn't come off as so petulant, an adjective most often applied to our boorish current president.

You guys are, in fact, portraying yourselves as victims while there are real victims on whose behalf these protests are being made.

They are kneeling in solidarity with the racist BLM terrorist organization.
I have no reason to disrespect our cats which is why I stand. My youngest brother died serving this country. That being said I will never be seen waving a flag. My loyalty goes first to God then to family. Then country.
Just a reminder of why the wife and I don't watch our beloved, past, tunnel hiding Steelers.

A good take down of the kneelers.

The players aren't protesting Trump. They aren't protesting our wars. They aren't protesting against the flag, the troops or our veterans. If you understood what they are protesting, you wouldn't come off as so petulant, an adjective most often applied to our boorish current president.

You guys are, in fact, portraying yourselves as victims while there are real victims on whose behalf these protests are being made.

In theory you are right. In fact before Trump made some comments there was virtually no "protest." There were players who said they would NEVER kneel, but did after Trump's comments. You do the math.

So, let's say that what they are doing is protesting social injustice, it ain't, they picked the wrong venue. Let's say that is their reason, does it have merit? Just because they say it is about social injustice is there in fact social injustice? A black thug gets shot, armed or not, and the police officer is tried and found not guilty, where is the social injustice?

Just because people say things don't make them fact. In the end their "cause" is without merit.

But don't take it from me:

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Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus.

Well, the other one was a crook, too, so...

Crooked Hillary, I think they were calling her.

Trump admitted self dealing in his foundation. You have no evidence the Clintons were crooks, none.

Oh for Chrissakes, the only thing oppressing the black crybabies is the natural results of their crime epidemic. Listen carefully: if blacks stopped getting violent with the cops the cops wouldn't shoot them, it's as simple as that. Now having said this, I enjoy the deaths of black career criminal thugs because it makes America a safer place. I wish cops would kill more.

And the Clintons weren't crooks??? Even liberals deep-down know they are. Whatever you're smoking it must be fantasic.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus.

Well, the other one was a crook, too, so...

Crooked Hillary, I think they were calling her.

Trump admitted self dealing in his foundation. You have no evidence the Clintons were crooks, none.

Oh for Chrissakes, the only thing oppressing the black crybabies is the natural results of their crime epidemic. Listen carefully: if blacks stopped getting violent with the cops the cops wouldn't shoot them, it's as simple as that. Now having said this, I enjoy the deaths of black career criminal thugs because it makes America a safer place. I wish cops would kill more.

And the Clintons weren't crooks??? Even liberals deep-down know they are. Whatever you're smoking it must be fantasic.

No I do not believe the Clintons were guilty, they had a least a honest foundation. Where Trumps and his sons Erick were not honest.

Who does the mass shootings, the white man, the LV, the texas Church , Dylan roof, Tim McVeigh. The list goes on.

The cops in question shot unarmed black men.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus.

Well, the other one was a crook, too, so...

Crooked Hillary, I think they were calling her.

Trump admitted self dealing in his foundation. You have no evidence the Clintons were crooks, none.
Actually Comey laid out the evidence in front Congress under oath.
He simply refused to recommend an indictment because of intent....which isn't part of the crime.
He felt Hillary didn't mean to break the law.....even though she obviously had. Who cares that she destroyed evidence and sent everything through a secret personal server that massively spells out intent.
Not to mention the fact that he had written her acquittal before he even interviewed her....obviously he had no intention of sending the case to a Grand Jury even though the level of guilt had been met according to the evidence during discovery as laid out in the statute.
His testimony was just a dog and pony show to end the investigation and let Hillary skate.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus.

Well, the other one was a crook, too, so...

Crooked Hillary, I think they were calling her.

Trump admitted self dealing in his foundation. You have no evidence the Clintons were crooks, none.

Oh for Chrissakes, the only thing oppressing the black crybabies is the natural results of their crime epidemic. Listen carefully: if blacks stopped getting violent with the cops the cops wouldn't shoot them, it's as simple as that. Now having said this, I enjoy the deaths of black career criminal thugs because it makes America a safer place. I wish cops would kill more.

And the Clintons weren't crooks??? Even liberals deep-down know they are. Whatever you're smoking it must be fantasic.

No I do not believe the Clintons were guilty, they had a least a honest foundation. Where Trumps and his sons Erick were not honest.

Who does the mass shootings, the white man, the LV, the texas Church , Dylan roof, Tim McVeigh. The list goes on.

The cops in question shot unarmed black men.
Yep....every cop shoots only unarmed black men. Never armed black men....and only when they're white cops.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus. Why doesn't the dipshit blond ask the players why they are taking a knee? Its about social injustice. They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does.
Upon what do you base the statement >> "we have a crook as Potus" (???)

As for social injustice, you mean the affirmative action that gives them first shot at jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, with which whites are being discriminated against ? THAT's the only "social injustice" I know about. Don't tell us you believe the Obama/Sharton/Jackson race hustlers BS about police brutality/ If you do, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for you.

Social injustice , MY ASS!
Roger Goodell is on his way out, to be replaced by Condaleeza Rice.

The kneeling will come to an abrupt end and the NFL will make a comeback.

We're going to have even richer wife / women beaters.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus. Why doesn't the dipshit blond ask the players why they are taking a knee? Its about social injustice. They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does.
Upon what do you base the statement >> "we have a crook as Potus" (???)

As for social injustice, you mean the affirmative action that gives them first shot at jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, with which whites are being discriminated against ? THAT's the only "social injustice" I know about. Don't tell us you believe the Obama/Sharton/Jackson race hustlers BS about police brutality/ If you do, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for you.

Social injustice , MY ASS!

So far his foundation, and the lawsuits over it. He has his name on buildings in many countries. Now if you do not like to see the blacks kneeling, don't watch, of course you will not see it on TV.
About this kneeling thing...

Why is it that so few people are willing to publicly address how stupid and inappropriate it is?

The National Anthem is not played to honor policemen for brutalizing Negroes. If it were, then taking a knee might be appropriate. The National Anthem is a tribute to our military history - the heroism of those who fought and died in order to preserve the Republic in which we so fortunately reside. And the kneeling footballers are among the MOST fortunate of all.

If you want to protest police brutality, then identify it when it occurs and protest the actions of those police officers, while acknowledging that it is relatively rare, though quite justified in many cases. YBM's are, in point of fact, responsible for a hugely disproportionate share of our national violent crime, which might have the effect of making police more assertive when dealing with YBM's. Just sayin'.

And if those lucky individuals REALLY want to do something for their Community, they might actively promote things like staying in school, avoiding criminality, and waiting until marriage to procreate. And stop wasting your time pursuing a dream of professional sports stardom, which is a pipe-dream for 99% of the people who do it.

You can tell I am boycotting the NFL by the dozens of threads I start about it.

And no one cares, as the stadiums are full.

No they aren't pal:

all the ones I watch are. Is that on a Mon or Thurs night or a Sun. night.
Now if you white men do not want to watch football, don't. I could careless. Why do they play the anthem at sporting events, using athletes to promote enlisting in the military.
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus. Why doesn't the dipshit blond ask the players why they are taking a knee? Its about social injustice. They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does.

She burned the fuck out of you ...
Now if you white men do not want to watch football, don't. I could careless. Why do they play the anthem at sporting events, using athletes to promote enlisting in the military.
If white men didn't watch NFL football, there would no longer BE any NFL football.
So far his foundation, and the lawsuits over it. He has his name on buildings in many countries. Now if you do not like to see the blacks kneeling, don't watch, of course you will not see it on TV.
What about his foundation ? You said he was a "crook". Back that up/ And he has his name on buildings in many countries. So what ?
About this kneeling thing...

Why is it that so few people are willing to publicly address how stupid and inappropriate it is?

The National Anthem is not played to honor policemen for brutalizing Negroes. If it were, then taking a knee might be appropriate. The National Anthem is a tribute to our military history - the heroism of those who fought and died in order to preserve the Republic in which we so fortunately reside. And the kneeling footballers are among the MOST fortunate of all.

If you want to protest police brutality, then identify it when it occurs and protest the actions of those police officers, while acknowledging that it is relatively rare, though quite justified in many cases. YBM's are, in point of fact, responsible for a hugely disproportionate share of our national violent crime, which might have the effect of making police more assertive when dealing with YBM's. Just sayin'.

And if those lucky individuals REALLY want to do something for their Community, they might actively promote things like staying in school, avoiding criminality, and waiting until marriage to procreate. And stop wasting your time pursuing a dream of professional sports stardom, which is a pipe-dream for 99% of the people who do it.

You can tell I am boycotting the NFL by the dozens of threads I start about it.

And no one cares, as the stadiums are full.

No they aren't pal:

all the ones I watch are. Is that on a Mon or Thurs night or a Sun. night.

The pics from this article are from Nov. 5th which was a Sunday:

NFL Continues to Suffer Empty Seats on Game Day
Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus. Why doesn't the dipshit blond ask the players why they are taking a knee? Its about social injustice. They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does.
crook? please link/prove
I've documented and linked many times on different threads that there is no widespread, chronic, etc social injustice
they are protesting for lies

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