Let's not forget the kneeling millionairs

Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus.

Well, the other one was a crook, too, so...

Crooked Hillary, I think they were calling her.

Trump admitted self dealing in his foundation. You have no evidence the Clintons were crooks, none.
worse than crooks--
Bill Clinton lied under oath--and Hillary enabled him...she was a wh*re for $$$$ to allow him to KEEP doing the SIn of adultery and the ''serious'' crime of perjury
To “perjure” yourself is to knowingly make false or misleading statements under oath or to sign a legal document you know to be false or misleading. This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility. After all, just one sworn statement has the power to tip the scales of justice and dramatically alter someone’s life.
Perjury - FindLaw
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Oh and yes lets not forget we have a crook as Potus. Why doesn't the dipshit blond ask the players why they are taking a knee? Its about social injustice. They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does.

"They do not need to stand for the anthem, no one does"

When people are asked to stand, they stand. That's the whole point here. These guys are asked to stand, and the ones who fail to answer the call are slime to millions of us. It's a patriotic thing. You just wouldn't understand.
About this kneeling thing...

Why is it that so few people are willing to publicly address how stupid and inappropriate it is?

The National Anthem is not played to honor policemen for brutalizing Negroes. If it were, then taking a knee might be appropriate. The National Anthem is a tribute to our military history - the heroism of those who fought and died in order to preserve the Republic in which we so fortunately reside. And the kneeling footballers are among the MOST fortunate of all.

If you want to protest police brutality, then identify it when it occurs and protest the actions of those police officers, while acknowledging that it is relatively rare, though quite justified in many cases. YBM's are, in point of fact, responsible for a hugely disproportionate share of our national violent crime, which might have the effect of making police more assertive when dealing with YBM's. Just sayin'.

And if those lucky individuals REALLY want to do something for their Community, they might actively promote things like staying in school, avoiding criminality, and waiting until marriage to procreate. And stop wasting your time pursuing a dream of professional sports stardom, which is a pipe-dream for 99% of the people who do it.

You can tell I am boycotting the NFL by the dozens of threads I start about it.

And no one cares, as the stadiums are full.

No they aren't pal:

all the ones I watch are. Is that on a Mon or Thurs night or a Sun. night.

The pics from this article are from Nov. 5th which was a Sunday:

NFL Continues to Suffer Empty Seats on Game Day

Yep. She has most likely already been educated on this but refuses to listen to FACTS as they always do.

a.) yes. They have sold 2017 Season tickets and PSL money is paid in. They act smug now....posting ticket sales. But they know. Trust me ............ they know. Maybe the can recover?
b.) Day of game show-ups are way down. Your link showed NY, SF and even SEA (very empty). Shocker there. NY and SF are not doing so well on the field also. SF moved to Santa Clara and have other issues.
c.) People once on 10 year waiting lists are suddenly getting calls offering 2018 tickets and PSL license. Got extra $50K?
d.) NY bars are turning off and putting up signs.....no NFL games on TV. Would have caused a riot few years back.
e.) College games are more exciting.

some things............are going on. uh....yes. they is.
they are protesting for CRIMINALS who are a threat to cops--- and the community---- are shot dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is good for the community and all shootings were judged justified by the legal, fair, civilized courts--not burning/looting/destructive black mobs

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