Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

Nice to see trump's fan club getting off their barstools and couches to defend these crooked republican low lifes. Another link below with Barr defending some earlier republican cockroaches. Notice it's always the republicans who are the crooks no matter how much they go to church and pretend that they're so honest and honorable. They're not. Been that way at least since Nixon.
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
/—-/ What do I think? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - Baretta

Your accountant is arrested for tax evasion and fraud. That makes you a bad judge of character? You should join him in prison?
I think it shows the caliber of people that trump associates with and takes advice from. Apple doesn’t fall far as they say
/——/ Trump was an outsider. He didn’t have a network of Washington insider advisors to call on. The insider Republicans wouldn’t help either. He’s much better at it now. But You won’t give him any credit for that. TDS
I don’t give him credit because I don’t think he has selected good people. Half the people indicted where associates of Trumps for decades.
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
/—-/ What do I think? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - Baretta

Your accountant is arrested for tax evasion and fraud. That makes you a bad judge of character? You should join him in prison?
I think it shows the caliber of people that trump associates with and takes advice from. Apple doesn’t fall far as they say
Shush be quite everyone, did a democrat just speak some sort of worn out cliche ?? Now that just hurt the republicans so bad. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Got anything of substance to say? Perhaps something that addresses the topic
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Trump and Barr could charge Hillary if they wanted too. They don’t because the evidence doesn’t support it. You really need to give up on your CDS. It’s all hot air
Evidence? When did a lack of evidence ever stop the Democrats from indicting members of the Trump Administration?
Name one person that was indicted for something they didn’t have evidence of?
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
wishful thinking. Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Even Kushner's dad is a criminal what that has to do with the deep state again?
And the Democrat's are what ? These clean little angels that never do no wrong ?? What ever happened to let's get these brilliant minds to working for us and not against us in life ??? Oh I know, it's because it's alledged corruption attacking alledged corruption in hopes for a better outcome. Never happen until the people decide to stop supporting corruption no matter where it is.

The Lord said "Who amongst you is without sin, then let him cast the first stone". They just dropped their stones and walked away.

Focus on the good in people, and we all win. Trump has done some great things since elected, but in the battle for power and greed, these demon-cratzi's won't admit to it for no amount of good that there is. In this we all lose as a nation.
I was following till you mentioned trump. Dude you can be a decent human being and approve of trump. I DON'T care about politics, economy, or whatever metric is used to measure once performance. Trump represent everything think our parents, religions, morals told us not to say or do.
He lower the bar across the board, constant bullying, name calling, tantrums, belittling, lying and so much more. A president should set the example of being decent, humane and articulate....trump has none of that. And the worst think about him is his narcissism that's a nauseating level.

I don't of many things the left do and I always come out saying it, but the worst of all evils now is trump and his base....they have to be shut down or we gonna head to chaos.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
That's because most republicans are ass holes and support ah's
Dim definition of "asshole" is someone who opposes giving free money to parasites.
Yeah we'd rather help those who have nothing than billionaires Trump is an AH
If it weren't for the rich and their investment's, you'd still be crapping in outdoor outhouses, riding on horse and buggy rig's, and living like the Amish for whom y'all make fun of. Gotta love the idiocy.
the rich can't exist with the masses, let that sink in. And I never met a lefty who thinks we should rob the rich....they need to pay a little more than their fair share.
Bezos for example what's gonna hurt him if he paid 10 billions a year? why not pay his Amazon eomployees a decent wages? he is not gonna go broke is he?
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
wishful thinking. Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Even Kushner's dad is a criminal what that has to do with the deep state again?
And the Democrat's are what ? These clean little angels that never do no wrong ?? What ever happened to let's get these brilliant minds to working for us and not against us in life ??? Oh I know, it's because it's alledged corruption attacking alledged corruption in hopes for a better outcome. Never happen until the people decide to stop supporting corruption no matter where it is.

The Lord said "Who amongst you is without sin, then let him cast the first stone". They just dropped their stones and walked away.

Focus on the good in people, and we all win. Trump has done some great things since elected, but in the battle for power and greed, these demon-cratzi's won't admit to it for no amount of good that there is. In this we all lose as a nation.
What great things has the trump scum done?? Drag America thru the dirt ,,make us the worlds laughing stock ? You pos republicans deserve what ever misfortune comes your way ,,,I pray for it
You mad ?? By your words yes you are. Mad as in crazy as a loon. You leftist show your a-holeness daily, but in your minds it's everyone else being that way. Wrong!!!!
Mad? Probably much worse. Mad people are insane which implies a mind and the possibility at least of some treatment and recovery. No chance of that here.

When you burn a pot roast, you throw it out, you don't try to recook it again.

Let's face it. This nation is full of millions of failed human lives called progressives suffering a terminal rotting disease of the mind and soul.
in my experience and from what I saw, although i'm conservative this country would've been like Afghanistan if it was led by conservatives.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.

Let’s not forget the difference between indictment and conviction. Indictment is simply a legal term for accusation.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.
It’s impossible to take you seriously as an adult if you think Trump isn’t corrupt.

Lib PLEASE all your leftist schemes to 'get Trump' have death spiraled into the ground you people got nothing on Trump. All you have are the unsubstantiated accusations you keep parroting. We get it, you wish to adjudicate Trump in the biased lying fake news. Probably because you would get laughed out of any court of law. Until you people can present a reasonable case for corruption you can talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
That's because most republicans are ass holes and support ah's
Dim definition of "asshole" is someone who opposes giving free money to parasites.
Yeah we'd rather help those who have nothing than billionaires Trump is an AH
No one is stopping you from writing them a check. However, you point guns at me and tell me to write them a check.

Yeah, real nice guys.
Nice to see trump's fan club getting off their barstools and couches to defend these crooked republican low lifes. Another link below with Barr defending some earlier republican cockroaches. Notice it's always the republicans who are the crooks no matter how much they go to church and pretend that they're so honest and honorable. They're not. Been that way at least since Nixon.
He was right. That was a witch hunt.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.
It’s impossible to take you seriously as an adult if you think Trump isn’t corrupt.
/——-/ And you can’t be taken seriously for calling someone corrupt with zero evidence.

BINGO! That's how it works in the liberal bubble, just accuse someone with no evidence and go looking for a crime. Guilty by default until proven innocent and if that happens go right on claiming they are guilty anyways or pivot to the next baseless accusation. Adjudicate the accusation in the liberal news media. Reminds me of the Salem witch trials. These leftists are a lawless mob.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
Facts are that Obama and his whole crew should be behind bars, but surprisingly their not. If his skin was white, he would have been behind bars for what him and his henchmen pulled on Trump. Luckily he was seen as being the first African American President (even though he wasn't), and that gave him immunity on just about everything.
Yeah, sure. I'm sorry, but people are put behind bars for actual crimes and not for right wing fantasies.

You know this, which is why you invent idiotic excuses (race card) for why your fantasies aren't ever realized.
Democrats never pay for their crimes. That's the two tier system of justice we have in this country.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
That's because most republicans are ass holes and support ah's
Dim definition of "asshole" is someone who opposes giving free money to parasites.
Yeah we'd rather help those who have nothing than billionaires Trump is an AH
If it weren't for the rich and their investment's, you'd still be crapping in outdoor outhouses, riding on horse and buggy rig's, and living like the Amish for whom y'all make fun of. Gotta love the idiocy.
the rich can't exist with the masses, let that sink in. And I never met a lefty who thinks we should rob the rich....they need to pay a little more than their fair share.
Bezos for example what's gonna hurt him if he paid 10 billions a year? why not pay his Amazon eomployees a decent wages? he is not gonna go broke is he?
"Pay a little more" means you want to loot them. We aren't fooled by your euphemisms.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.
It’s impossible to take you seriously as an adult if you think Trump isn’t corrupt.
/——-/ And you can’t be taken seriously for calling someone corrupt with zero evidence.

BINGO! That's how it works in the liberal bubble, just accuse someone with no evidence and go looking for a crime. Guilty by default until proven innocent and if that happens go right on claiming they are guilty anyways or pivot to the next baseless accusation. Adjudicate the accusation in the liberal news media. Reminds me of the Salem witch trials. These leftists are a lawless mob.
Kind of like what you did with Clinton?
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.

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