Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
You care to apply this to all these new wave unqualified Demoncrat's being elected or running for office also ???? Thought not.

No you'd rather stick with career politicians that have raped, pillaged, and enriched themselves from their positions, while using taxpayer funds to bribe the electorate into sustaining their power for them. It's really been a crime syndicate for quite sometime now. The use of the race card has been their favorite go to when ever they begin to get caught in their bullcrap.

Complete nonsense. Stop and think for yourself, you're just repeating the same nonsense you're being told as a mean to anger you and manipulate you.
Unlike you, he is thinking for himself. It's not nonsense. That's exactly how politics works. Career politicians are invariably scum, especially Democrats.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
You didn’t drink the Trump cult koolaid; you fucking guzzled it and asked for more.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
You care to apply this to all these new wave unqualified Demoncrat's being elected or running for office also ???? Thought not.

No you'd rather stick with career politicians that have raped, pillaged, and enriched themselves from their positions, while using taxpayer funds to bribe the electorate into sustaining their power for them. It's really been a crime syndicate for quite sometime now. The use of the race card has been their favorite go to when ever they begin to get caught in their bullcrap.

Complete nonsense. Stop and think for yourself, you're just repeating the same nonsense you're being told as a mean to anger you and manipulate you.
Unlike you, he is thinking for himself. It's not nonsense. That's exactly how politics works. Career politicians are invariably scum, especially Democrats.
Bullshit. He’s trying to be a populist. For the most part, he’s saying whatever floats your boat.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?

What possibly makes you think that politicians "run" the government? Where did you get that stupid idea?
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?

What possibly makes you think that politicians "run" the government? Where did you get that stupid idea?

I think I see where this is going. I’m not in the mood for playing semantics. Go troll elsewhere.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?

What possibly makes you think that politicians "run" the government? Where did you get that stupid idea?

I think I see where this is going. I’m not in the mood for playing semantics. Go troll elsewhere.

Of course it's only Republicans you hold to the standard of running the government. You hold Republicans personally responsible for the actions of everyone in the Federal government while you don't hold Obama responsible for his own actions
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?

What possibly makes you think that politicians "run" the government? Where did you get that stupid idea?

I think I see where this is going. I’m not in the mood for playing semantics. Go troll elsewhere.

Of course it's only Republicans you hold to the standard of running the government. You hold Republicans personally responsible for the actions of everyone in the Federal government while you don't hold Obama responsible for his own actions

You’re just talking out your ass now, trying to pick a pointless fight. Get lost. I don’t need to be a part of your two minutes of hate today.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
What a moron. So you mean we can only choose from corrupt DC insiders? People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. The last thing this country needs is more professional politicians. The only thing you proved is that you're a douchebag.

I prefer people who have the slightest idea what they're doing.

Do you get an "outsider" to perform open heart surgery or do you go with someone with experience?

Comparing politicians and surgeons is actually the official example of a false equivalency in the handbook of logical fallacies
Why? Don’t you think running the federal government takes some knowledge and experience?
I do. Government is complicated. The world is complicated. Trump has little idea what he is doing.

Politicians don't run the government. Bureaucrats do. Politicians are PR people. Seriously, you thought Trump ran the government? You thought Obama did? LOL. Of course you did.

Obama never ran anything before he was President, BTW

Who the hell told you that?

What possibly makes you think that politicians "run" the government? Where did you get that stupid idea?

I think I see where this is going. I’m not in the mood for playing semantics. Go troll elsewhere.

Of course it's only Republicans you hold to the standard of running the government. You hold Republicans personally responsible for the actions of everyone in the Federal government while you don't hold Obama responsible for his own actions

You’re just talking out your ass now, trying to pick a pointless fight. Get lost. I don’t need to be a part of your two minutes of hate today.

Yeah, a Democrat worried about hate in politics. That's like a fish worrying there is too much water in the ocean

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever
"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

Pelosi directs House Democrats to proceed with articles of impeachment against Trump

Roger Stone guilty on all counts in federal trial of lying to Congress, witness tampering

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

First sentencing in Mueller probe: Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan gets 30 days in prison, $20,000 in fines

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Acosta to Resign as Labor Secretary Over Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

She inflated her resume and peddled a fake Time cover. Trump appointed her to the State Department.

Lobbyist Sam Patten Pleads Guilty to Steering Foreign Funds to Trump Inaugural

Steve Bannon, three others charged with fraud in border wall fundraising campaign
The Swamp™ is bigger, deeper, and wider than ever under the Trump regime.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
You didn’t drink the Trump cult koolaid; you fucking guzzled it and asked for more.
Listen to the moron who swalled a hoax for three fucking years.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever
"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

Pelosi directs House Democrats to proceed with articles of impeachment against Trump

Roger Stone guilty on all counts in federal trial of lying to Congress, witness tampering

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

First sentencing in Mueller probe: Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan gets 30 days in prison, $20,000 in fines

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Acosta to Resign as Labor Secretary Over Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

She inflated her resume and peddled a fake Time cover. Trump appointed her to the State Department.

Lobbyist Sam Patten Pleads Guilty to Steering Foreign Funds to Trump Inaugural

Steve Bannon, three others charged with fraud in border wall fundraising campaign
Dim talking points. Horseshit, in other words.
Dude please, we aren't that stupid so quit embarassing yourself. It's amazing how brainwashed you peo

Brainwashed how? Facts are that Obama's closest advisors aren't in jail, but a surprisingly high number of Trump's are.
They weren't his "closest advisors," moron, and a lot of Obama people are about to be indicted.
Campaign managers are indeed some of the closest advisors.
Manafort was his campaign manager for 2 months, moron.
Manafort was involved with the campaign since March, and remained active with them after he was removed from the campaign manager role.

Oh and he was replaced with Steve Bannon, who is currently out on bail.
How many people were "involved with the campaign," thousands? What does that even mean? If you tweeted at Trump during the campaign, were you 'involved?" I know how you imbeciles like to point out so-called "connections" between people, as if receiving an email is some kind of crime.

TDS douchebags have a thousand ways to justify their absurd accusations. Manafort was let go specifically because of the controversy surrounding his activities in Ukraine.
Ha! Thousands, no. It was a famously thin campaign with a very small circle of decision makers.

Manafort was let go shortly after being briefed by intelligence for the first time. He did basically no vetting of Manafort who turned out to be a serious risk to national security as determined by the bipartisan Senate report issued last week that no one is ever going to read.
Manafort was a "decision maker" for only 2 months, dumbass, and thousands of people were "involved" in the campaign. In one post you used the term "involved with" and in the next you used the term "decision maker." That's so you can have it both ways. That's what douchebag do. The bottom line is that you're a douchebag.

What part of "he let Manafort go" didn't you understand? How is Trump responsible for anything Manafort did?

When talking with adults, context is usually sufficient to not have to explain every single little detail to everyone. Thousands were “involved” but the context should tell you that we aren’t talking about people knocking on doors.

Trump is responsible for hiring Manafort without having done the barest minimum of due diligence.

Lazy bastard.
Is that babble supposed to justify talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Obama is a prefessional politician. He had decades to vet the people in his campaign. Trump had never run for office before. I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm not a malicious douchebag like you.

If Trump has no idea what he’s doing, he shouldn’t be running for president.

Totally unqualified and it shows.
You care to apply this to all these new wave unqualified Demoncrat's being elected or running for office also ???? Thought not.

No you'd rather stick with career politicians that have raped, pillaged, and enriched themselves from their positions, while using taxpayer funds to bribe the electorate into sustaining their power for them. It's really been a crime syndicate for quite sometime now. The use of the race card has been their favorite go to when ever they begin to get caught in their bullcrap.

Complete nonsense. Stop and think for yourself, you're just repeating the same nonsense you're being told as a mean to anger you and manipulate you.
Unlike you, he is thinking for himself. It's not nonsense. That's exactly how politics works. Career politicians are invariably scum, especially Democrats.
Bullshit. He’s trying to be a populist. For the most part, he’s saying whatever floats your boat.
What does populism have to do with the subject of the discussion?

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