Let's not over react


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Browns win is great for the right. The Healthcare bill may be dead now. We might have successfully stopped alot of the bad legislation the Obama administration has been planning.

However, this was one election. We cant get cocky. We have to focus on winning back both houses of Congress this fall. Yeah, be happy for yesterdays vote. But this is just one step. The war for the hearts and minds of the people is far from over.

There are lessons to this race. No seat is untouchable. The American people are upset, now. But that doesnt mean they still will be in 10 months. We just need to get good candidates out there that focus on the issues and who will govern like that when they get to Washington.

Oh, and focus on local elections. People tend to look at congressional races and ignore the local stuff. But the congressional candidates generally come from local leaders. Vote them out before they have a chance of getting into congressional races.
Not that much will change in ten months nor even years actually. The whole system is so corrupt and truly I see no end in sight at this point they are just getting worse. Iowa has both Dem and Rep senators. I cannot say one is any better than the other, they have both been there way too long and have little to no concept of reality nor do they intend on changing anything for the better of the average honest citizen. I doubt you will find very many politicians with true integrity. Their are not enough to make a change to put a stop to the corruption that has infiltrated this nation in every aspect you can possibly think of. The kickbacks, payoffs, special interest and pork has financially ruined this country. Justice has now found it and it will keep spiraling downward until all have been affected so dramatically that all cry out for it to be stopped.

What transpired here his morning is a good example of what we have in this nation. Rod filed for his unemployment. The last employer is a proclaimed disabled, retired farmer. The man claimed he had quit employment which was a flat out lie and well documented within the workforce center from the filing Rod had to make to even get his pay from the man after he broke his hand working for the guy. The interviewer told Rod, Well he is an older gentleman' etc. (the man claims as a farmer he is exempt from labor laws, does not have to pay work comp, etc...) Rod asked, You mean the man is not accountable to his lies. The guy told him what difference does it make you still get your unemployment. Lies mean nothing anymore. Laws and regulations are broken on a daily basis and those who are so apt to lie to get money from taxpayer coffers do so uninhibited and unrestrained. There is very little integrity, truth, accountability and very few that seek these things while living off of taxpayer dollars.

I recall talking to an FBI agent after being directed there several years back by another federal employee. After explaining to him how phony deeds and stealing of property where the deeds had been abstracted to collect federal money for these farm programs the guy said, "So what it does not really affect you". I wanted to scream at him but did not. I left the office feeling a bit sick and thinking "What a shame. This is what we are facing. It all affects me as I am a citizen."
Maybe you should run then
"Run". Seriously Avatar, this is what our country is facing. Should all citizens here who believe there should be truth and justice in all things just walk or run away. Where will we all be going?

As a Believer consider this, did Jesus run from those who would be hanging Him on the cross or did He stand and face them with the truth? Personally knowing that He stood there with full knowledge of what they would be doing to Him and told them the truth, I will not be "running" and I will stand on truth.
Maybe you should run then
With what millions? That's the core problem with our political system in America. You need capital, and lots of it to get your word out and run a competent campaign that stands a chance. So, how do you get your money? By accepting donations from "sponsors", i.e. special interests. You get elected, you owe them.

That, and usually attorneys are the ones running.

If we have radical campaign reform; say a $100,000 limit on campaign spending, you might actually see some of the corruption go away. That'll never happen though.
Maybe you should run then
With what millions? That's the core problem with our political system in America. You need capital, and lots of it to get your word out and run a competent campaign that stands a chance. So, how do you get your money? By accepting donations from "sponsors", i.e. special interests. You get elected, you owe them.

That, and usually attorneys are the ones running.

If we have radical campaign reform; say a $100,000 limit on campaign spending, you might actually see some of the corruption go away. That'll never happen though.
I maybe mistook what Avatar was saying. Run for political office. I did that once. Not truly wanting to be in any public office but wanting anyone that at least was not senile in that office to replace the guy that had been there thirty some odd years. (darn near won and did not campaign, just the threat of running and putting my name in the mix got other people involved. Mission accomplished we got a non-senile person in the office)

You are correct it does take money to pay for a campaign and we have way too many attorneys in these public offices. Also though are all the headaches that come with that office. How many people with integrity are willing to put up with all the crap that comes along with being a public figure. Look at all the shit and threats they have slung at people like Ross Perot and Sarah Palin and their families (I am sure many others who have ran for public offices). Then once in that office you still would have all of the corrupt figures around you to deal with. Also any decision you make is going to affect someone negatively. It is not roses and rainbows here in this world for everyone. Someone is not going to be satisfied somewhere along the way and you will have enemies that you never even considered before would be an enemy to you.

True campaign reform would be a start. With so much interference from outside sources and other countries in the mix now we have a political nightmare going down also.

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