
Capitalism uses up too much resources to produce stuff we don't need. Capitalism is still unable to produce necessities like affordable housing and health care
So is socialism.

The difference is no one least of all YOU are qualified to determine what someone NEEDS. Under capitalism we understand no one can decide on the needs of another.
That's all great. But again, it's the policy toward traditional, privately held companies that I'm curious about. My understanding is that socialists want to replace privately owned companies. That they want to seize their assets and put them under state control. I think most people assume the same if they hear the term socialism. If all you're doing is promoting worker owned businesses, you're kind of undermining your cause by calling it socialism.
There are multiple forms of socialism challenging the conventional economic model of rational choice, the idea that individuals seek to maximize their individual utility.

For example:

"Aspects of Utopian-socialism

  • "No state ownership of means of production
  • Advocates co-operation between owners and workers – rather than adversarial workers vs capitalist /trade unions
  • Local decentralisation of decision-making process.
  • Market forces harnessed but emphasis on considering common good rather than selfish ends."

Different types of socialism - Economics Help
So is socialism.

The difference is no one least of all YOU are qualified to determine what someone NEEDS. Under capitalism we understand no one can decide on the needs of another.

Who decided that banks needed billions of dollars bail out money?

Where does this fit into Capitalism?
Capitalism uses up too much resources to produce stuff we don't need. Capitalism is still unable to produce necessities like affordable housing and health care
That isn’t caused by capitalism per se. It’s caused by the collusion between government and business (Fascism) to generate enormous profits. Greed essentially.

Consider the War on Cancer, our government proclaimed years ago. We aren’t any nearer to a cure today, because cancer is a profit making enterprise and profit is the only goal.
The government did,

it has nothing to do with capitalism it is simply government corruption

But that is our economic system. Actual Capitalism is only a theory largely because the "capitalists" aren't actually interested in it.
But that is our economic system. Actual Capitalism is only a theory largely because the "capitalists" aren't actually interested in it.
but but but but

It is an applied theory that works.

Finding government corruption and whining about it is not a valid argument and does not refute the fact that it is an applied theory which works
If it worked it would be used somewhere. It isn't.

While I believe it all a corrupt system, bail outs aren't corrupt, they are simply what we do.
It is iused in many place so your full of shit

They are not simply what we do they are examples of government corruption and have nothing to do with capitalism
It's used nowhere.

We are not discussing corruption. Corruption exists in everything. When we were more capitalist than we are today there was corruption.
Wrong it is used here and many places

Yes we are discussing capitalism. Your example of bailous is unrelated and has nothing to do with capitalism. It is government corruption which does NOT prove or disprove ANYTHING about capitalism

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