Let's Play 'Name That Hillary Clinton Accomplishment'!

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker knows a little something about being an underdog. His first political victory was in April 2002, when he became Milwaukee County Executive. As a conservative Republican in a deeply liberal area, it is nothing short of remarkable that he garnered 57 percent of the vote to defeat former state budget director, David Reiemer. He was re-elected by an even larger margin in 2008. To date, he is the only Republican to ever hold this office. In 2010, just two years after the state of Wisconsin voted for Barack Obama for president, Walker was elected governor with 52 percent of the vote. After taking strong stands on reforming public worker pensions, Walker faced a recall election in 2012. He won this electoral battle with an even larger margin (53 percent to 47 percent) than when he first became governor. In 2014, the pundits swore Walker wouldn’t win, but again, he surprised them all. He won re-election by a 5.7 percent margin. In all, Walker won three gubernatorial races in four years, proving that even in a purple state that trends blue, good conservative governance can withstand some pretty tough political challenges.
In 2012, after leaving Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina served as the vice chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and is currently chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, global ambassador for Opportunity International and board chairman of Good360. She says she has traveled the world and met many world leaders, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Vladimir Putin.

I guess Hillary Clinton hasn't traveled and met world leaders.

Fuckinay this gets better every post.
In the four years before Scott Walker became governor, the state of Wisconsin had lost about 133,000 jobs. After reining in government spending, cutting taxes and making vital fiscal reforms, the unemployment rate dropped from 8 percent to 4.5 percent (February 2015), nearly a full point lower than the national average. Thanks to conservative solutions to economic challenges, more Wisconsinites are back to work and their economy is growing.
In 2012, after leaving Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina served as the vice chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and is currently chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, global ambassador for Opportunity International and board chairman of Good360. She says she has traveled the world and met many world leaders, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Vladimir Putin.

Yeah, but did she sell Putin any US Plutonium or try to sell him a couple of the Aleutian Islands without telling anyone?! YEAH...I thought NOT! :p
awww look at this pathetic loser carbintard

wasnt it predictable when you were given FACTS you would start crying and denying???
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker knows a little something about being an underdog. His first political victory was in April 2002, when he became Milwaukee County Executive. As a conservative Republican in a deeply liberal area, it is nothing short of remarkable that he garnered 57 percent of the vote to defeat former state budget director, David Reiemer. He was re-elected by an even larger margin in 2008. To date, he is the only Republican to ever hold this office. In 2010, just two years after the state of Wisconsin voted for Barack Obama for president, Walker was elected governor with 52 percent of the vote. After taking strong stands on reforming public worker pensions, Walker faced a recall election in 2012. He won this electoral battle with an even larger margin (53 percent to 47 percent) than when he first became governor. In 2014, the pundits swore Walker wouldn’t win, but again, he surprised them all. He won re-election by a 5.7 percent margin. In all, Walker won three gubernatorial races in four years, proving that even in a purple state that trends blue, good conservative governance can withstand some pretty tough political challenges.

So he's slightly less qualified than Martin O'Malley.

lol, good one.
In his first year in office, Walker sought to close the significant budget holes left by his Democrat predecessor Jim Doyle. His attempts to create real pension reform – requiring public workers like teachers to contribute more to their retirement plans – were met with hostility by those who would be asked to give more to their own funds. For weeks, thousands of angry mobs led by teachers’ unions gathered in the Wisconsin State Capitol. He received death threats and his family feared for their safety. Still, Walker held strong and passed a budget that saved $30 million in the first fiscal year and $300 million over the course of two years. This all occurred within weeks of taking office, propelling Walker onto the national stage for his courageous resolve when tackling a contentious issue. The budget went through the state’s judicial system – even causing some judicial recall elections along the way, which the Republicans ultimately won – and Wisconsin’s State Supreme Court ruled in favor of Walker’s bill. Today, Wisconsin is on better fiscal footing because Walker was brave enough to solve a problem in constructive way.
Conservatives believe that coerced union membership violates the rights of the American worker. Public and private sector unions have largely become political agents instead of advocating for the interests of the worker. Initially, Governor Walker balked on signing right-to-work legislation in Wisconsin, citing the cooperative relationship he had with private sector unions in the Badger State. However, in March 2015, he changed course and signed into law legislation that would prohibit forced membership in labor unions.
Post their accomplishments! I've been asking you to do that the entire thread.

Yeah, and it's way past 'annoying'.... :offtopic:

This TOPIC has been asking for any of Hillary's accomplishments and hasn't gotten any either.

I posted two lists one from Fox News. Perhaps you need to start paying attention?

They're playing the same standard childish RWnut game. Issue a challenge and then ignore or deny everything that meets the challenge.

To them, that's what passes for brilliance.
(Walker signs a bill increasing high school requirements for math and science credits in December, 2013.)
Throughout his gubernatorial tenure, Walker has remained a steadfast advocate for greater accountability and more choices in the educational system. In 2012, he signed into law legislation that would mandate kindergartners’ reading skills be evaluated, as well as performance-based review of teachers.

no fair; you gave me what i asked for!!!

If one had polled the “smart set” of Washington, D.C. a year before the 2010 midterm elections, it would probably have been concluded that the Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat former governor Charlie Christ would be in the U.S. Senate. The little-known Speaker of the House in the Sunshine State captivated conservatives and soon, his base of support began to swell. On Election Day, Rubio took nearly 49 percent of the vote, while the previously presumptive favorite Crist came in a distant second with only 30 percent of the vote. The Democrat came in third with 20 percent. Rubio shocked the political world by his unlikely ascent, proving that when articulated by a messenger willing to fight on the battlefield of ideas, conservatism has a broad appeal and can win at the ballot box.
The Democrats will retake the Senate and the presidency in 2016. The House after that followed by 2/3rds of the governorship's.

...and monkeys might fly out of your bottom! :lmao: Not based on the 2014 elections, my friend...not unless a helluva lot more dead people, pets, felons, and illegals start voting.

I guess you will be one of those who will spend the next twenty five years scratching your head and trying to figure it out.
There is perhaps no greater advocate for human rights in the U.S. Senate than Marco Rubio. Since 2011, Florida’s junior senator has worked diligently to develop a legislative portfolio that focuses intently upon improving the welfare of people across the globe. He has been especially vocal about abuses in countries like Venezuela and Cuba, the latter being of particular interest to him as the son of refugees from the communist nation. His role on the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has provided Rubio with an informed perspective on America’s unique role in the world, and consequently, unmistakable responsibility to give a voice to the voiceles
When he was first elected to the U.S. Senate, grassroots conservatives were excited to see a lot of Marco Rubio. With the exception of a 2013 State of the Union response, he has largely kept out of the limelight, content instead to quietly learn issues inside and out, as well as propose his own creative solutions to problems facing the country. His Economic Growth and Family Fairness Tax Plan, co-authored with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), seeks to even the fiscal playing field by lowering tax rates, broadening the base and eliminating wasteful loopholes that reward cronyism and connectivity. His proposal would simplify the tax code to just two brackets, making things easier for families and businesses, helping our economy grow.
The best part of this thread is your ignoring the Hillary accomplishments. It really completes the picture of you as a classic Rightwing nut.

PLEASE list them...... I so want to be impressed and inspired by the woman fired from the Watergate team for unethical behavior, who for years attacked women her husband victimized, and who is on the verge of going to jail due to a list of crimes regarding mismanagement of classified material and jeopardizing national security!
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker knows a little something about being an underdog. His first political victory was in April 2002, when he became Milwaukee County Executive. As a conservative Republican in a deeply liberal area, it is nothing short of remarkable that he garnered 57 percent of the vote to defeat former state budget director, David Reiemer. He was re-elected by an even larger margin in 2008. To date, he is the only Republican to ever hold this office. In 2010, just two years after the state of Wisconsin voted for Barack Obama for president, Walker was elected governor with 52 percent of the vote. After taking strong stands on reforming public worker pensions, Walker faced a recall election in 2012. He won this electoral battle with an even larger margin (53 percent to 47 percent) than when he first became governor. In 2014, the pundits swore Walker wouldn’t win, but again, he surprised them all. He won re-election by a 5.7 percent margin. In all, Walker won three gubernatorial races in four years, proving that even in a purple state that trends blue, good conservative governance can withstand some pretty tough political challenges.

Now polling at 2% what a politician.
In 2012, after leaving Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina served as the vice chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and is currently chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, global ambassador for Opportunity International and board chairman of Good360. She says she has traveled the world and met many world leaders, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Vladimir Putin.

I guess Hillary Clinton hasn't traveled and met world leaders.

Fuckinay this gets better every post.
Damn, Hillary gets to meet everybody...

Even snipers in Bosnia.

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