Let's Play 'Name That Hillary Clinton Accomplishment'!

“First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
TRANSLATION: Someone else picked her, for reasons unknown.
Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School.
TRANSLATION: She didn't do anything that thousands of others didn't also do.
Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
TRANSLATION: I don't know what she did there, either. Maybe she gave advice?
Former civil litigation attorney.
TRANSLATION: I don't know what she did there, either. Maybe she gave advice?
Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
TRANSLATION: I don't know what she did there, either.
Former First Lady of Arkansas.
TRANSLATION: She married the right guy, and rode his coattails into office.
Former First Lady of the United States
TRANSLATION: She married the right guy, and rode his coattails into office.
, and the first FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree. First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate. Elected by the… State of New York to serve two terms in the United States Senate. Former US Secretary of State. GRAMMY Award Winner. Author. Self proclaimed Pantsuit Aficionado. Married to a man named Bill, who plays the saxophone.
TRANSLATION: She managed to fool people into thinking she had done something, still without naming any actual contribution she made.
"Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed
TRANSLATION: She got her husband to appoint her to a post she couldn't handle, tried to take over 1/7 of the national economy, and failed due to publishing a book describing exactly what she intended. American voters were so repelled by her scheme, that they wrote to their congressmen in droves and persuaded them not to vote for it. In the subsequent national election, more members of her party were thrown out of office than at any other time in U.S. history, as American voters gave majorities to Republicans for the first time in living memory.

Hillary's role in destroying the Democrat party for decades, remains her only significant accomplishment. For this, the nation owes her a debt of gratitude.

(There follows a long list of things she "helped", in which no actual accomplishments are listed. There's a reason for that.)

There's a pattern here. :lol:
....You haven't listed a single Republican candidates accomplishments to compare. Ashamed?

Cause you Libs haven't understood yet that this Thread is about HILLARY, not the GOP...thus the title:

Let's Play 'Name That Hillary Clinton Accomplishment'! Hellooooooo...

Whatever. The GOP cannot produce any candidate that rises to her level and that is the biggest GOP problem going forward.
Post their accomplishments! I've been asking you to do that the entire thread.
TRANSLATION: Please stop pointing out that Hillary has no accomplishments! I have to change the subject somehow, umm, yeah, talk about other people instead! ANYTHING but Hillary's!
I listed her accomplishments twice Sequoia, You haven't listed a single Republican candidates accomplishments to compare. Ashamed?
TRANSLATION: Damn, they keep talking about the subject of the thread, despite my attempts to hijack it. I'll try again: REPUBLICANS!!! REPUBLICANS!!!
2. Equal-pay proponent. As both an advocate and legislator, she is a stalwart on women’s rights to equal pay, and she remains so as a presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton Pays Women Staffers Less than Men on Her Campaign

The Free Beacon strikes again!

In May, women on her staff earned 88 cents for each dollar that was earned by men. In June, the campaign staff grew by 55 employees and women fared even worse, earning just 87 cents for each dollar earned by men.

When projected out to reflect annual salary figures, it was calculated that the median annual salary for a woman would be about $7,000 less than the median male salary.
Hillary's role in destroying the Democrat party for decades, remains her only significant accomplishment. For this, the nation owes her a debt of gratitude.

(There follows a long list of things she "helped", in which no actual accomplishments are listed. There's a reason for that.)

There's a pattern here. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Post their accomplishments! I've been asking you to do that the entire thread.
TRANSLATION: Please stop pointing out that Hillary has no accomplishments! I have to change the subject somehow, umm, yeah, talk about other people instead! ANYTHING but Hillary's!
I listed her accomplishments twice Sequoia, You haven't listed a single Republican candidates accomplishments to compare. Ashamed?
TRANSLATION: Damn, they keep talking about the subject of the thread, despite my attempts to hijack it. I'll try again: REPUBLICANS!!! REPUBLICANS!!!

Just reminding you that you got nothing.

1. Advocate for women and children.
- Architect of the original 'War on Women' - spent the majority of her time by Bill's side during his career, through the end of her time as 1st Lady, attacking, discrediting, and insulting women he victimized. She has taken and still continues to take MILLIONS from nations and groups that enslave, mistreat, rape, and abuse both women and children!

2. Equal-pay proponent.
- Female members on her own staff, it was revealed, were paid less than men.

3. Women’s safety.
Her 'advocacy for gender equality'? See #s 1 & 2. Making millions for herself and family was/is the proven priority for the Clinton Foundation.

4. 9/11 redevelopment.
- Schumer acknowledged Hillary never sponsored or co-sponsored a bill...

5. Middle East ceasefire.
- The same Cease fire that HAMAS violated 5 times...or the eventual Cease Fire that resulted from HAMAS running out of rockets to fire?

6. Iranian Nuclear Deal.
- The same Iran Deal this whose details they have tried to keep secret from the American people by labeling them 'SECRET' (classification...so she DOES know a little something about it, huh?!) She and Obama used Bill's 'definition of 'IS'' argument to claim that their 'deal' is not the same thing as a TREATY, which this is, in order to get is imposed with only 1/3 of Congress (and only 22% of the American people) approving of it.

7. Free-trade agreements.
- What role did she play? Those sitting at the table during these negotiations claim she was hardly ever there, if she was there at all.

8. Minimum wage.
- Supporting something is NOT an 'accomplishment'. lol Hail, I support WORLD PEACE but doesn't mean I ever accomplished anything to get it done!

9. Climate Change.
- Seriously? I don't know what is more of a joke - climate change or that she 'championed' the fight for it as she flew all over the world on her huge private jets, blowing all that carbon out, on business and pleasure at millions of tax-payer expense! LOL!

10. Human Rights.
- It has been proven that she has taken 'donations' from some of the biggest Human Rights violators in the world and still continues to do so...

11. Gun control.
- Hillary Clinton's views on gun control are HARDLY 'in-step' with the majority of Americans who support the Constitutional right to bear arms while she has advocated limiting or doing away with that right. The last time a mentally challenged person went on a shooting spree she did not advocate addressing mental illness - she advocated more gun control!


Sorry, I didn't get to the other long list.

Based on just the above, though, I am till waiting for her 'accomplishments' and the justifications for much of the above. To many, many of these are either 'NON-accomplishments' or reasons why she SHOULDN'T be President...ever...
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Hillary somehow avoided killing president Clinton after someone broke the news to her that Bill's latest girlfriend's keepsake was a crusted collection of his dried up jizz on her blue knit dress. That's gotta be an accomplishment, no?

Word at the time was the Hildebeast wanted to spin it as egg whites smeared on the dress by the vast right-wing conspiracty, but then someone explained the DNA facts of life to her and she defaulted to humiliation mode, again.
Hillary, who supports Planned Parenthood, was challenged by Fiorina to simply WATCH the videos regarding the murder, mutilation, and profiteering off of babies Planned Parenthood has killed and is killing. Hillary can't even credit THAT as one of her accomplishments because she refuses to do it.

Why should she watch something Fiorina fabricated?
Carly Fiorina's greatest accomplishment in politics was to suffer only a crushing defeat against Barbara Boxer.

Can you imagine spending all your own money to defeat a pushover like Barbara Boxer and getting your ass handed to you?

Fiorina just declares victory and runs for President
Hillary, who supports Planned Parenthood, was challenged by Fiorina to simply WATCH the videos regarding the murder, mutilation, and profiteering off of babies Planned Parenthood has killed and is killing. Hillary can't even credit THAT as one of her accomplishments because she refuses to do it.

Why should she watch something Fiorina fabricated?


So you are saying that the numerous videos that have been released...and viewed millions of times now...that were validated by the ex-head of Planned Parenthood as happening now....are Fiorina's fabrication?!

:lmao: :uhoh3: :cuckoo::haha:
Now, lets stump Carly Fiorina

How is it that Hillary managed to accomplish getting elected to the US Senate and you couldn't?

'Funny' you should ask:

Bill Clinton BOUGHT the votes Hillary needed to win the NY Senate City Seat in his FALN Pardon Scandal. (Look it up before saying anything stupid about it...)
** From the WSJ: The Clintons' Terror Pardons

Everyone knows that the Clintons' giving (and receiving) timely and extensive' donations to the right people at the right time open lots of doors and gets things done, a lesson Hillary has never forgotten, but so does PARDONING TERRORISTS!

FALN, Islamic Extremists, bragged about the bloodbath, calling the victims "reactionary corporate executives" and threatening: "You have unleashed a storm from which you comfortable Yankees can't escape." By 1996, the FBI had linked FALN to 146 bombings and a string of armed robberies -- a reign of terror that resulted in nine deaths and hundreds of injured victims. (What is it about Liberals that make them like and so willing to help Islamic Extremists who attack and kill Americans?)

On Aug. 7, 1999, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. African embassy bombings that killed 257 people and injured 5,000, President Bill Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to the victims of terrorism, vowing that he "will not rest until justice is done." Four days later, while Congress was on summer recess, the White House quietly issued a press release announcing that the president was granting clemency to 16 imprisoned members of FALN. What began as a simple paragraph on the AP wire exploded into a major controversy.

Mr. Clinton justified the clemencies by asserting that the sentences were disproportionate to the crimes. None of the petitioners, he stated, had been directly involved in crimes that caused bodily harm to anyone. "For me," the president concluded, "the question, therefore, was whether their continuing incarceration served any meaningful purpose." The U.S. Sentencing Commission affirmed a pre-existing Justice Department assessment that the sentences, ranging from 30 to 90 years, were "in line with sentences imposed in other cases for similar terrorist activity."

The prisoners were convicted on a variety of charges that included conspiracy, sedition, violation of the Hobbes Act (extortion by force, violence or fear), armed robbery and illegal possession of weapons and explosives -- including large quantities of C-4 plastic explosive, dynamite and huge caches of ammunition. Several of the members he pardoned, however, declared they rejected his pardon, that they were apologetic for the terrorist attacks. (Kinda reminds you of Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, doesn't it?) Twenty-four hours before a scheduled Senate committee hearing, the DOJ withheld the FBI's written statement about the history of the FALN and an assessment of its current terrorist capability.

FALN's pardon came with strings...a guarantee for votes for Hillary.

lol, you people have a crackpot conspiracy theory.

Right, Bill Clinton bought Hillary a Senate seat by pardoning Muslims in the Jewish-American capital of America.

Holy fuck!

God are you ignorant! The FALN is not a Muslim group.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.
With all due respect, Jillian...the question wasn't what "jobs" Hillary Clinton has held...it's what she's accomplished while holding one of those jobs. The fact that so many of her supporters can't come up with a single accomplishment for her is rather telling. It paints her as someone who is more sizzle than steak!

again, being one of the top 100 attorneys in the country is an accomplishment.

she was a great first lady.

she was a great nys senator.

she was an excellent secretary of state... notwithstanding the wingnutbrigade's rant about benghaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiii

baby bush had a dozen benghazis and 50 dead. still waiting for the wingers to talk about it.

so until you ask what accomplishments Carly Fiorina has had... other than driving HP into the dirt and firing 30,000 people.... or what the Donald has done other than parlay his daddy's money into a bit more money... i'd say the meme about hillary'ss "accomplishments" is kind of banal and disingenuous.... respectfully, of course.

Why was she a great First Lady? What did she accomplish? HillaryCare? That was what Bill put her in charge of and it was so unpopular that it cost the Democrats control of Congress in the next election for even thinking about supporting it? Do you think she was a great First Lady because she stuck by her man when he got caught diddling the women who worked for him? Funny how Hillary is supposed to be this great supporter of women's rights but when her hubby is guilty of some pretty blatant sexual harassment she declared that the women who spoke out about her Bill were "liars"...even though she knew damn well that wasn't the case.
FALN was just an EXTREMIST GROUP that Clinton aided... Much like the Weathermen Underground and Obama's buddy Bill Ayers....
Hillary, who supports Planned Parenthood, was challenged by Fiorina to simply WATCH the videos regarding the murder, mutilation, and profiteering off of babies Planned Parenthood has killed and is killing. Hillary can't even credit THAT as one of her accomplishments because she refuses to do it.

Why should she watch something Fiorina fabricated?


So you are saying that the numerous videos that have been released...and viewed millions of times now...that were validated by the ex-head of Planned Parenthood as happening now....are Fiorina's fabrication?!

:lmao: :uhoh3: :cuckoo::haha:

You mean yucky abortion videos?

Nasty stuff...so are executions

But they are legal
Hillary is pretty adept at deleting emails and wiping servers with cloth apparently. I don't know if we can consider those accomplishments though.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.
With all due respect, Jillian...the question wasn't what "jobs" Hillary Clinton has held...it's what she's accomplished while holding one of those jobs. The fact that so many of her supporters can't come up with a single accomplishment for her is rather telling. It paints her as someone who is more sizzle than steak!

again, being one of the top 100 attorneys in the country is an accomplishment.

she was a great first lady.

she was a great nys senator.

she was an excellent secretary of state... notwithstanding the wingnutbrigade's rant about benghaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiii

baby bush had a dozen benghazis and 50 dead. still waiting for the wingers to talk about it.

so until you ask what accomplishments Carly Fiorina has had... other than driving HP into the dirt and firing 30,000 people.... or what the Donald has done other than parlay his daddy's money into a bit more money... i'd say the meme about hillary'ss "accomplishments" is kind of banal and disingenuous.... respectfully, of course.

Why do you maintain that she was an excellent Secretary of State? She was in charge of State and made the calls to go with less security in Libya because of "optics". Then she lied to the American people and more disturbingly, the families of those slain in Libya, blaming it all on a You Tube video that once again she KNEW had nothing to do with that attack! She was also the architect of the "Reset" with Russia. How's that working out for us? Name a single area of the world that was made safer for Americans by the policies and diplomacy that Hillary Clinton provided? It doesn't exist! To be quite blunt...Hillary's brand of naive liberalism was a complete failure as Secretary of State.
You mean yucky abortion videos?

Nasty stuff...so are executions

But they are legal

So you are ok with murdering babies capable of surviving outside the womb, cutting them into pieces, and letting doctors sell the pieces for cash, Lamborghinis, etc...all at tax payer expense ... but you have a problem utting to death extremely violent criminals who have murdered American citizens in some of the worst ways possible?

You liberals have some SERIOUSLY $CREWDED up sense of morals / ethics / ways of looking at the perceived value of life, specifically which lives are more innocent and worth of saving and which of those should be extinguished.
Hillary is pretty adept at deleting emails and wiping servers with cloth apparently. I don't know if we can consider those accomplishments though.
Nah...she said she couldn't figure out how to operate multiple e-mail accounts on one blackberry....FAIL.

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