Let's Play 'Name That Hillary Clinton Accomplishment'!

In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.
With all due respect, Jillian...the question wasn't what "jobs" Hillary Clinton has held...it's what she's accomplished while holding one of those jobs. The fact that so many of her supporters can't come up with a single accomplishment for her is rather telling. It paints her as someone who is more sizzle than steak!

again, being one of the top 100 attorneys in the country is an accomplishment.

she was a great first lady.

she was a great nys senator.

she was an excellent secretary of state... notwithstanding the wingnutbrigade's rant about benghaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiii

baby bush had a dozen benghazis and 50 dead. still waiting for the wingers to talk about it.

so until you ask what accomplishments Carly Fiorina has had... other than driving HP into the dirt and firing 30,000 people.... or what the Donald has done other than parlay his daddy's money into a bit more money... i'd say the meme about hillary'ss "accomplishments" is kind of banal and disingenuous.... respectfully, of course.

Why do you maintain that she was an excellent Secretary of State? She was in charge of State and made the calls to go with less security in Libya because of "optics". Then she lied to the American people and more disturbingly, the families of those slain in Libya, blaming it all on a You Tube video that once again she KNEW had nothing to do with that attack! She was also the architect of the "Reset" with Russia. How's that working out for us? Name a single area of the world that was made safer for Americans by the policies and diplomacy that Hillary Clinton provided? It doesn't exist! To be quite blunt...Hillary's brand of naive liberalism was a complete failure as Secretary of State.

your characterization is slanted. but that's not surprising. it wasn't about "optics" in the way you're implying. the ambassador, as I recall, didn't want obtrusive security because he wanted a relationship with the people they were there to work with.

again, there were over a dozen benghazzis on bush's watch. I only see whining about this instance and the ambassador's family specifically requested that it not be politicized. but the right hasn't respected that wish because they're so desperate.
Your characterization is slanted.

:blahblah: YES, I AGREE...NO ONE COULD NAME A HILLARY ACCOMPLISHMENT, NOT EVEN THE STATE DEPARTMENT...and you find that offensive and a 'mischaracterization'. :itsok:

again, there were over a dozen benghazzis on bush's watch.

"B...b....b...BUT WHAT ABOUT BUSH?!"

:offtopic: The day I see a liberal who can actually carry on a conversation about one of their own politicians without invoking the ghost of Bush to attempt to justify or explain away the actions of said politician I will know HAIL JUST FROZE OVER!
Now, lets stump Carly Fiorina

How is it that Hillary managed to accomplish getting elected to the US Senate and you couldn't?

'Funny' you should ask:

Bill Clinton BOUGHT the votes Hillary needed to win the NY Senate City Seat in his FALN Pardon Scandal. (Look it up before saying anything stupid about it...)
** From the WSJ: The Clintons' Terror Pardons

Everyone knows that the Clintons' giving (and receiving) timely and extensive' donations to the right people at the right time open lots of doors and gets things done, a lesson Hillary has never forgotten, but so does PARDONING TERRORISTS!

FALN, Islamic Extremists, bragged about the bloodbath, calling the victims "reactionary corporate executives" and threatening: "You have unleashed a storm from which you comfortable Yankees can't escape." By 1996, the FBI had linked FALN to 146 bombings and a string of armed robberies -- a reign of terror that resulted in nine deaths and hundreds of injured victims. (What is it about Liberals that make them like and so willing to help Islamic Extremists who attack and kill Americans?)

On Aug. 7, 1999, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. African embassy bombings that killed 257 people and injured 5,000, President Bill Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to the victims of terrorism, vowing that he "will not rest until justice is done." Four days later, while Congress was on summer recess, the White House quietly issued a press release announcing that the president was granting clemency to 16 imprisoned members of FALN. What began as a simple paragraph on the AP wire exploded into a major controversy.

Mr. Clinton justified the clemencies by asserting that the sentences were disproportionate to the crimes. None of the petitioners, he stated, had been directly involved in crimes that caused bodily harm to anyone. "For me," the president concluded, "the question, therefore, was whether their continuing incarceration served any meaningful purpose." The U.S. Sentencing Commission affirmed a pre-existing Justice Department assessment that the sentences, ranging from 30 to 90 years, were "in line with sentences imposed in other cases for similar terrorist activity."

The prisoners were convicted on a variety of charges that included conspiracy, sedition, violation of the Hobbes Act (extortion by force, violence or fear), armed robbery and illegal possession of weapons and explosives -- including large quantities of C-4 plastic explosive, dynamite and huge caches of ammunition. Several of the members he pardoned, however, declared they rejected his pardon, that they were apologetic for the terrorist attacks. (Kinda reminds you of Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, doesn't it?) Twenty-four hours before a scheduled Senate committee hearing, the DOJ withheld the FBI's written statement about the history of the FALN and an assessment of its current terrorist capability.

FALN's pardon came with strings...a guarantee for votes for Hillary.

lol, you people have a crackpot conspiracy theory.

Right, Bill Clinton bought Hillary a Senate seat by pardoning Muslims in the Jewish-American capital of America.

Holy fuck!

God are you ignorant! The FALN is not a Muslim group.

So when I got tripped up by this, in the post I quoted:

"FALN, Islamic Extremists, bragged about the bloodbath"

you decided to attack ME?

Fucking hilarious. You're a mental retard.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.
With all due respect, Jillian...the question wasn't what "jobs" Hillary Clinton has held...it's what she's accomplished while holding one of those jobs. The fact that so many of her supporters can't come up with a single accomplishment for her is rather telling. It paints her as someone who is more sizzle than steak!

again, being one of the top 100 attorneys in the country is an accomplishment.

she was a great first lady.

she was a great nys senator.

she was an excellent secretary of state... notwithstanding the wingnutbrigade's rant about benghaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiii

baby bush had a dozen benghazis and 50 dead. still waiting for the wingers to talk about it.

so until you ask what accomplishments Carly Fiorina has had... other than driving HP into the dirt and firing 30,000 people.... or what the Donald has done other than parlay his daddy's money into a bit more money... i'd say the meme about hillary'ss "accomplishments" is kind of banal and disingenuous.... respectfully, of course.

Why do you maintain that she was an excellent Secretary of State? She was in charge of State and made the calls to go with less security in Libya because of "optics". Then she lied to the American people and more disturbingly, the families of those slain in Libya, blaming it all on a You Tube video that once again she KNEW had nothing to do with that attack! She was also the architect of the "Reset" with Russia. How's that working out for us? Name a single area of the world that was made safer for Americans by the policies and diplomacy that Hillary Clinton provided? It doesn't exist! To be quite blunt...Hillary's brand of naive liberalism was a complete failure as Secretary of State.

All unsubstantiated propaganda. Turn off your radio.
lol, Trump says Hillary Clinton was the worst Secretary of State in history,

but I'll bet he couldn't name 10 off the top of his head.
Can YOU...without 'googling' it or looking it up? (Don't bother...no way to prove it....)

I'm not the one claiming to know the historical record of every Secretary of State in the country's history. Trump is.
So when I got tripped up by this, in the post I quoted:

"FALN, Islamic Extremists, bragged about the bloodbath"

you decided to attack ME?

Speaking on behalf of myself, I own up to the mistake that I used the word 'Islamic' above. Actually, as I later pointed out, FALN is just another terrorist group, much like the Weathermen Underground from whence Obama's buddy Bill Ayers came. Clinton pardoned these terrorists to help his wife win an election. At least the Clintons did not share the same ideology of FALN, the way Obama seemed to share the ideology of Ayers.
So when I got tripped up by this, in the post I quoted:

"FALN, Islamic Extremists, bragged about the bloodbath"

you decided to attack ME?

Speaking on behalf of myself, I own up to the mistake that I used the word 'Islamic' above. Actually, as I later pointed out, FALN is just another terrorist group, much like the Weathermen Underground from whence Obama's buddy Bill Ayers came. Clinton pardoned these terrorists to help his wife win an election. At least the Clintons did not share the same ideology of FALN, the way Obama seemed to share the ideology of Ayers.

Why did this help Hillary win?
I'm not the one claiming to know the historical record of every Secretary of State in the country's history. Trump is.

Trump never claimed to know the historical record of every Secretary of State in the country's history, either. What he said was that Hillary was the worst. That's isn't much of a leap when you consider the facts - here's just a FEW:

- Failed to prevent or prepare for the simultaneous terrorist attacks on 20 US Embassies throughout the Middle East - 4 overrun & 4 Americans dead, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

- LIED about not knowing it was a terrorist attack from the start, after the CIA had already testified they notified her of this within an hour of the attack beginning.

- 'Went into hiding' for the 14 hours the attacks happened, helped modify the CIA report - eliminating all references to 'terrorism', helped Obama sell the LIE about a VIDEO, and screamed at Congress after she was BUSTED for lying about not knowing it was a terrorist attack (and about the deaths of 4 Americans", "What does it matter" as che tried to continue the cover-up.

- Failed to protect Americans, after 2 previous terrorist attacks and warnings of attacks coming on 9/11/12, hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador and was surprised when he ended up dead. (They let Al Qaeida in, let them scout out the details of the compound, and was too stupid to know that the 2 previous attakcs just prior to the 2rd and final attack were 'PROBES' - TRIAL RUNS! Coincidently the militia group, that failed to even show up until after the 2 attacks were over, quit right after the 2nd one and before the final attack. Again, 'COINCIDENCE'? How can anyone be so stupid?!

- Sold 1/5th of the US's supply of Uranium to the Russians...

- While ALL of this was going on, she was collecting MILLIONS in 'contributions' (and still is) from of the world's leading oppressors of women, supporters of terror, and even those who she protected those illegally running contraband to Iran during the sanctions.

Again, these are only a VERY few of Hillary's 'resume' items as Sect of State....not a hard leap, as I said, to claim Hillary is the worst Sect of State ever!
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


Carly said that?

How about this.

Clinton won an election to the US Senate...twice.
Carly? Not once.

Game, set, match, HRC.

Thanks for playing; Check Please.
I'm not the one claiming to know the historical record of every Secretary of State in the country's history. Trump is.

Trump never claimed to know the historical record of every Secretary of State in the country's history, either. What he said was that Hillary was the worst. That's isn't much of a leap when you consider the facts - here's just a FEW:

- Failed to prevent or prepare for the simultaneous terrorist attacks on 20 US Embassies throughout the Middle East - 4 overrun & 4 Americans dead, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

- LIED about not knowing it was a terrorist attack from the start, after the CIA had already testified they notified her of this within an hour of the attack beginning.

- 'Went into hiding' for the 14 hours the attacks happened, helped modify the CIA report - eliminating all references to 'terrorism', helped Obama sell the LIE about a VIDEO, and screamed at Congress after she was BUSTED for lying about not knowing it was a terrorist attack (and about the deaths of 4 Americans", "What does it matter" as che tried to continue the cover-up.

- Failed to protect Americans, after 2 previous terrorist attacks and warnings of attacks coming on 9/11/12, hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador and was surprised when he ended up dead. (They let Al Qaeida in, let them scout out the details of the compound, and was too stupid to know that the 2 previous attakcs just prior to the 2rd and final attack were 'PROBES' - TRIAL RUNS! Coincidently the militia group, that failed to even show up until after the 2 attacks were over, quit right after the 2nd one and before the final attack. Again, 'COINCIDENCE'? How can anyone be so stupid?!

- Sold 1/5th of the US's supply of Uranium to the Russians...

- While ALL of this was going on, she was collecting MILLIONS in 'contributions' (and still is) from of the world's leading oppressors of women, supporters of terror, and even those who she protected those illegally running contraband to Iran during the sanctions.

Again, these are only a VERY few of Hillary's 'resume' items as Sect of State....not a hard leap, as I said, to claim Hillary is the worst Sect of State ever!

In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


Carly said that?

How about this.

Clinton won an election to the US Senate...twice.
Carly? Not once.

Game, set, match, HRC.

Thanks for playing; Check Please.
So Carly didn't vote to go to war with Iraq, or encourage all the Democrats to vote for that war you Libs hate so much, right???
Accomplishment: She got that 3am phone call she'd been touting her abilities to answer...on September 11th no less. It was from Benghazi. She sent no help. The Ambassador to Libya was killed as well as three other Americans, the consulate was overrun and destroyed.

Her accomplishment?

Like I said, she sent no help, but she didn't do nothing.

She covered her and Obama's ass politically by blaming it on a Youtube video.

Thank God she was there to answer that 3am phone call.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


Carly said that?

How about this.

Clinton won an election to the US Senate...twice.
Carly? Not once.

Game, set, match, HRC.

Thanks for playing; Check Please.
So Carly didn't vote to go to war with Iraq, or encourage all the Democrats to vote for that war you Libs hate so much, right???

Right; Clinton made a mistake based on Bush's CIA chefs cooking the intel to a grilled perfection and serving it up to Congress. Of course, Hillary won the election that allowed her to take a seat in the Senate. Carly didn't even do that; rather, she was at HP laying off 30,000 people while banking millions personally all while the HP ship was sinking fast beneath her feet.

Both women made mistakes. The job Carly was given by the HP board was her last real job. The victories Clinton won on her own allowed her to, unfortunately, make some mistakes while she was in office.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


Carly said that?

How about this.

Clinton won an election to the US Senate...twice.
Carly? Not once.

Game, set, match, HRC.

Thanks for playing; Check Please.
So Carly didn't vote to go to war with Iraq, or encourage all the Democrats to vote for that war you Libs hate so much, right???

Right; Clinton made a mistake based on Bush's CIA chefs cooking the intel to a grilled perfection and serving it up to Congress. Of course, Hillary won the election that allowed her to take a seat in the Senate. Carly didn't even do that; rather, she was at HP laying off 30,000 people while banking millions personally all while the HP ship was sinking fast beneath her feet.

Both women made mistakes. The job Carly was given by the HP board was her last real job. The victories Clinton won on her own allowed her to, unfortunately, make some mistakes while she was in office.
As a sitting Senator, Hillary had access (and the necessary security clearance) to see ALL the Intel

And "mistakes" is an understatement when describing her career.
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


Carly said that?

How about this.

Clinton won an election to the US Senate...twice.
Carly? Not once.

Game, set, match, HRC.

Thanks for playing; Check Please.
So Carly didn't vote to go to war with Iraq, or encourage all the Democrats to vote for that war you Libs hate so much, right???

Right; Clinton made a mistake based on Bush's CIA chefs cooking the intel to a grilled perfection and serving it up to Congress. Of course, Hillary won the election that allowed her to take a seat in the Senate. Carly didn't even do that; rather, she was at HP laying off 30,000 people while banking millions personally all while the HP ship was sinking fast beneath her feet.

Both women made mistakes. The job Carly was given by the HP board was her last real job. The victories Clinton won on her own allowed her to, unfortunately, make some mistakes while she was in office.
As a sitting Senator, Hillary had access (and the necessary security clearance) to see ALL the Intel

And "mistakes" is an understatement when describing her career.

she mistakenly has a resume superior to all other candidates and miles above and beyond Fiorina and her losses and firings.

At the time senators trusted the CIA. Cheney proved you couldn't.

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