Let’s pretend republicans gained full control of the government in 2024

It’s amazing how much emotional investment you people put into this stupid idea lol. Why, specifically, would dems lose the House existed? I have no idea. You don’t either.
Studies have shown that California, for instance, would lose four House seats if illegals were not counted in the Census, Billy.
That's four members of Congress from a liberal enclave that wouldn't be sitting there voting.
That's four less Electoral College votes that wouldn't go in the Democrats tally almost every election cycle!
What SPECIFIC policies would address inflation or ANY economic problem?

We already know trickle down economics is a failure. What else do republicans even offer?

Billy, the trumpublicans have no intent on waiting until 2024 to take full control of our government, plans for the impeachment of Biden and Harris after their sweeping victories in next year's Mid-terms are already in place.

However, to take the White House will involve pushing aside the entire Democratic presidential line of succession. And, since there will be no one to stop them, that should only take a quick show of hands to accomplish.

Fascism and a despotic dictatorship is all the GOP has to offer. A goal they have been working to attain since Nixon was forced from office for his treason.

Umm okay, but a wall wouldn’t somehow guarantee that.
Having an open border like we do now DOES guarantee Democrats packing the country with illegals though...doesn't it, Billy? It's happening as we speak! MILLIONS of illegals being let into the country by Democrats! Only you're too clueless to really understand WHY they're doing that!
Having an open border like we do now DOES guarantee Democrats packing the country with illegals though...doesn't it, Billy? It's happening as we speak! MILLIONS of illegals being let into the country by Democrats! Only you're too clueless to really understand WHY they're doing that!
Well a wall would not stop them. Again, they would tunnel and climb over it. Also again, the wall would never be completed either way.
Trickle down economics only exists in the minds of liberals like you, Billy...liberals that are clueless about economics in general and how businesses in general operate! Profits trickle "up"...not down!
Trickle down was created by the god of the GOP, and has been the economic policy to feed the greed of the 0.1% championed by all Republicans and the corporate-owned "moderate" Democrats ever since.

The trump Nazis' cannot let go of trickle down despite its decades of negative impact on all wage-earning Americans. A$$holes concerned about recent inflation are too stupid to see how much their buying power has diminished during the past forty years, and how they are the victims of income inequality just like the rest of the 99.9%.

Well a wall would not stop them. Again, they would tunnel and climb over it. Also again, the wall would never be completed either way.
The "wall" would be impossible to maintain in areas prone to flooding, as it would become a dam once the flood debris blocked the flow of water and then be washed away downstream when the stress forced the "dam" to give way.

Trickle down was created by the god of the GOP, and has been the economic policy to feed the greed of the 0.1% championed by all Republicans and the corporate-owned "moderate" Democrats ever since.

The trump Nazis' cannot let go of trickle down despite its decades of negative impact on all wage-earning Americans. A$$holes concerned about recent inflation are too stupid to see how much their buying power has diminished during the past forty years, and how they are the victims of income inequality just like the rest of the 99.9%.

If you WANTED to post something that showed how little you know about Economics, Bertram...THAT would be the post you'd do it with! Trickle Down doesn't exist. It never has...other than in the heads of people like you that are Econ illiterates!
The "wall" would be impossible to maintain in areas prone to flooding, as it would become a dam once the flood debris blocked the flow of water and then be washed away downstream when the stress forced the "dam" to give way.

Yep, there’s good reason why no political leader before Trump campaigned on such non sense. There’s also good reason why the wall didn’t get approved in Trump’s first two years when Republicans had full control.
You're a Dem, top that insult. :auiqs.jpg:
Fail. I called you a coward because you lack the courage to face the future. You'll trade away everything good about this country to people who falsely claim they can turn back the clock.
Fail. I called you a coward because you lack the courage to face the future. You'll trade away everything good about this country to people who falsely claim they can turn back the clock.
The left will be erased from history, live with that.
Do you say shit like that because you think it will scare me or do you really believe it? Either way you sound like a retard.
Lowlife scum like the left have repeatedly been destroyed over the past 5,000+ years of human history. People eventually get fed up with their crap and wipe them out.
Fail. I called you a coward because you lack the courage to face the future. You'll trade away everything good about this country to people who falsely claim they can turn back the clock.
What good things would he trade away?

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