Are We Seeing The Last Gasp Of The GOP’s Two Santa Clause Scam?

Fiscal ignorance is deep with this one.

It's not the Dem's who are worried about a shut down. It's Wall Street, and Main Street, and government workers who will be without income. The last time Republicans tried this irresponsible stunt, the nation's credit was downgraded for the first time in history, and it cost the nation trillions of dollars.
Trillions? Where does that figure come from? According to the CBO, it was 11 billion. Could send me a link on where you got your info? Thanks!
You don't believe there is a border crisis?
NO, at least not how republicans portray it, crossings at the Mexican border ebbs and flows, it's unfortunately been like that for decades.

The Secure Fence Act (Bill H.R. 6061) was introduced in the House of Representatives on September 13, 2006, by Congressman Peter T. King, Republican of New York. The Act passed the House by a vote of 283–138 on September 14, 2006.
It passed the Senate 80–19 on September 29, 2006.
The Act received bipartisan support.

In 2006, at the time the Secure Fence Act was passed, George W. Bush's White House touted the fence as "an important step toward immigration reform."
The White House Office of the Press Secretary stated that the Act "Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border; Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally; Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border."

Border crossing records have been set and record border crossings have been broken, for decades, each time, it's a "crisis".

May 31 2019
While more than 112,000 people were prosecuted for illegal entry or re-entry into the U.S. over the past year, just 11 employers faced criminal charges for hiring undocumented workers.
“The latest available data show that during the last 12 months (April 2018 to March 2019) only 11 individuals (and no companies) were prosecuted in just seven cases,” TRAC said in a statement releasing the findings. “Not only are few employers prosecuted, fewer who are convicted receive sentences that amount to more than token punishment.”
Additionally, of the 11 people convicted during the 12-month period, only three served prison time despite, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s stated mission: “ICE’s worksite-enforcement strategy focuses on the criminal prosecution of employers who knowingly hire illegal workers.”
If what you say is true, then why does the tax foundation indicate differently?

Why did a record number of corporations not pay any taxes in 2021 and what did the Democratic held House, Senate and Executive to stop this? They had the legislative and executive branch and did nothing.

To me it is simple, the Republicans and Democrats write laws for the rich and then send scraps to the lower income groups. Hence, that is why I despise the two parties.

In Canada the top 20% pay under 56% of Canada‘s taxes. In the US the top 10% pay over 70% of all income taxes. So fix Canada’s unfair taxes by your party before you complain about ours.
Good post, but the point being, in the US the rich keep getting richer. The hi-tech oligarchs are currently buying elections. Not good.
NO, at least not how republicans portray it, crossings at the Mexican border ebbs and flows, it's unfortunately been like that for decades.

The Secure Fence Act (Bill H.R. 6061) was introduced in the House of Representatives on September 13, 2006, by Congressman Peter T. King, Republican of New York. The Act passed the House by a vote of 283–138 on September 14, 2006.
It passed the Senate 80–19 on September 29, 2006.
The Act received bipartisan support.

In 2006, at the time the Secure Fence Act was passed, George W. Bush's White House touted the fence as "an important step toward immigration reform."
The White House Office of the Press Secretary stated that the Act "Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border; Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally; Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border."

Border crossing records have been set and record border crossings have been broken, for decades, each time, it's a "crisis".

May 31 2019
While more than 112,000 people were prosecuted for illegal entry or re-entry into the U.S. over the past year, just 11 employers faced criminal charges for hiring undocumented workers.
“The latest available data show that during the last 12 months (April 2018 to March 2019) only 11 individuals (and no companies) were prosecuted in just seven cases,” TRAC said in a statement releasing the findings. “Not only are few employers prosecuted, fewer who are convicted receive sentences that amount to more than token punishment.”
Additionally, of the 11 people convicted during the 12-month period, only three served prison time despite, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s stated mission: “ICE’s worksite-enforcement strategy focuses on the criminal prosecution of employers who knowingly hire illegal workers.”
Look at the difference between 2020, 2022 and 2023. Trump had the border closed with his "remain in Mexico" policy. Fuckwad Biden has the US border wide open.



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Look at the difference between 2020, 2022 and 2023. Trump had the border closed with his "remain in Mexico" policy. Fuckwad Biden has the US border wide open.

View attachment 750303
You're FOS.
Trump never had the border closed.
Biden never opened it.

January 6 2023
The Biden administration unveiled a blanket policy to immediately eject asylum-seekers from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua who cross the border from Mexico without having previously applied for asylum in a third country — which means obtaining a financial sponsor in the U.S. and going through a background check.

The same “transit ban” policy is already in place for migrants from Venezuela, an extension of the Title 42 measure deployed by the Trump administration in the first year of the pandemic as a way to turn away migrants under the guise of public health. In some nine months under Trump, nearly half a million people were removed under the law; keeping the law around for two years, the Biden administration has already used it to deport over 2 million.

Biden’s border regime would be no more acceptable if it were a political ploy aimed at insulating Democrats from “law and order” attacks by the right, but it isn’t even that: Republicans have made clear that they will paint Biden as an “open border” president, regardless of how harshly Trumpian his border policies remain.

AND that's exactly what FOX and teabaggers are doing.
You're FOS.
Trump never had the border closed.
Biden never opened it.

January 6 2023
The Biden administration unveiled a blanket policy to immediately eject asylum-seekers from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua who cross the border from Mexico without having previously applied for asylum in a third country — which means obtaining a financial sponsor in the U.S. and going through a background check.

The same “transit ban” policy is already in place for migrants from Venezuela, an extension of the Title 42 measure deployed by the Trump administration in the first year of the pandemic as a way to turn away migrants under the guise of public health. In some nine months under Trump, nearly half a million people were removed under the law; keeping the law around for two years, the Biden administration has already used it to deport over 2 million.

Biden’s border regime would be no more acceptable if it were a political ploy aimed at insulating Democrats from “law and order” attacks by the right, but it isn’t even that: Republicans have made clear that they will paint Biden as an “open border” president, regardless of how harshly Trumpian his border policies remain.

AND that's exactly what FOX and teabaggers are doing.
The Democrats' attempts to gaslight us into disbelieving our own eyes is getting comical.

You're FOS.
Trump never had the border closed.
Biden never opened it.

January 6 2023
The Biden administration unveiled a blanket policy to immediately eject asylum-seekers from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua who cross the border from Mexico without having previously applied for asylum in a third country — which means obtaining a financial sponsor in the U.S. and going through a background check.

The same “transit ban” policy is already in place for migrants from Venezuela, an extension of the Title 42 measure deployed by the Trump administration in the first year of the pandemic as a way to turn away migrants under the guise of public health. In some nine months under Trump, nearly half a million people were removed under the law; keeping the law around for two years, the Biden administration has already used it to deport over 2 million.

Biden’s border regime would be no more acceptable if it were a political ploy aimed at insulating Democrats from “law and order” attacks by the right, but it isn’t even that: Republicans have made clear that they will paint Biden as an “open border” president, regardless of how harshly Trumpian his border policies remain.

AND that's exactly what FOX and teabaggers are doing.
The CBP website doesn't lie. Here are the "official" numbers again.
Mayorkas and Biden needs to be impeached

Biden has the same policy as Trump.

Biden= "CRISIS".
Trump= "Closed border".
Here are the numbers again.
Trump had a "remain in Mexico" policy. Biden has an "open border" policy

President Joe Biden wrapped up a record-breaking year resulting in a deadly humanitarian toll of drugs, devastation and complete dereliction of duty at the southwest border. In fiscal year 2022 (October 2021-September 2022), this administration achieved record numbers of terrorists encounters at the border, copious amounts of drugs seized, and a litany of other tragic consequences driven by politically motivated policy decisions.
Good post, but the point being, in the US the rich keep getting richer. The hi-tech oligarchs are currently buying elections. Not good.
View attachment 750300
I do think we are voting in the rich that make laws for the rich, we need to change how we vote and who we vote for. I don’t like either party when it comes down to it, the Democrats were in charge when we had the biggest swing of money to the rich and not one Democrat said a word. The rich don’t need tax cuts and Canadians don’t need to tell us how to run our country when they are clueless on how to run theirs.
Here are the numbers again.
Trump had a "remain in Mexico" policy. Biden has an "open border" policy
View attachment 750317

President Joe Biden wrapped up a record-breaking year resulting in a deadly humanitarian toll of drugs, devastation and complete dereliction of duty at the southwest border. In fiscal year 2022 (October 2021-September 2022), this administration achieved record numbers of terrorists encounters at the border, copious amounts of drugs seized, and a litany of other tragic consequences driven by politically motivated policy decisions.

Remain in Mexico (officially Migrant Protection Protocols) is a United States immigration policy originally implemented in January 2019 under the administration of President Donald Trump, affecting immigration across the border with Mexico. It was initially ended by the Biden administration, and after some legal battles, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on June 30, 2022, in Biden v. Texas, that the Biden administration had the authority to end the policy. In December 2022, however, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from ending the program.

Administered by the Department of Homeland Security, it requires migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico until their US immigration court date. The program was widely criticized by human rights organizations as a violation of the United States' obligations under international and domestic law.

The policy is STILL in effect, moron.

More OPINION from FOX, masquerading as "news".
Remain in Mexico (officially Migrant Protection Protocols) is a United States immigration policy originally implemented in January 2019 under the administration of President Donald Trump, affecting immigration across the border with Mexico. It was initially ended by the Biden administration, and after some legal battles, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on June 30, 2022, in Biden v. Texas, that the Biden administration had the authority to end the policy. In December 2022, however, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from ending the program.

Administered by the Department of Homeland Security, it requires migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico until their US immigration court date. The program was widely criticized by human rights organizations as a violation of the United States' obligations under international and domestic law.

The policy is STILL in effect, moron.

More OPINION from FOX, masquerading as "news".
So the millions of migrants being flown all over the US infesting "sanctuary cities" is what? Imaginary?
Biden has "open borders" so says all the border states AND the CBP AND sanctuary cities.

You act like living in a first world country is free. The roads, the utilities, the infrastructure, the courts, the army and the amenities that you enjoy, like private property rights, and personal protection, are NOT FREE. Republicans view taxes as "theft" of "their money" instead of your share of the costs of living in a first world country.

When you get sick, there are lots of doctors, hospitals, and staff to look after you because of publicly funded education.

There are lots of countries with no income tax, but they're what you call "shithole countries", and you'll need a private security force to keep what's yours from maurading bands of "rebels" and "warlords", and maybe pay some bribes. If you get sick, good luck. If you're wealthy, you can buy some questionable care and hope for the best,

The ignorance and stupidity of right wing voters, knows no bounds.
You, like most libs totally misrepresent, if not outright lie about my stance on taxation….

1. Things like the military, that are constitutionally mandated? I have no problem paying taxes for. Education is a states matter.

2. I’m not leaving this country, and you’re not a citizen, so, your opinion of my thoughts about my taxes, in my country is where you step off…your opinion on US taxation is of no concern to me.
The lost income has to be replaced somehow. Tax breaks don't reduce what we already owe.
Maybe instead of taking more from me, they could, oh, I don‘t know, stop giving our tax money away to countries that just take it and do nothing for their people with it? Isn’t it amazing that we just give millions, if not billions to South American countries, and in return they send us their unemployable, and criminals….sounds fair right?
Barak Obama's $8.7T add to the Debt is the most by any president, by far.
How conveniently you forget Trump ran up $8 trillion in debt in half the time, making him the president who spent at a higher rate than any president, by far.

Name a Republican president who has not blown up the deficit they received from their Democratic predecessor.

Trump and the GOP Congress set about doubling the federal deficit immediately.

Bush and the GOP Congress did the same.
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So that’s why the Trump tax cuts led to record revenues coming into the government?
If you look at Clinton and Obama's tax increases, they also saw record revenues. You see, you've been hoaxed once again.

So long as tax rates stay within a certain margin, revenues continually go up.

Recessions and booms have far more impact on revenue.
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Maybe instead of taking more from me, they could, oh, I don‘t know, stop giving our tax money away to countries that just take it and do nothing for their people with it? Isn’t it amazing that we just give millions, if not billions to South American countries, and in return they send us their unemployable, and criminals….sounds fair right?
I'm not sure of the details, but the way it was explained to me is that they don't get help from us, they will get it from those that would harm us. I wouldn't argue with you if you called it buying friendship, but it seems to mostly work.

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