Let's Put Bud Completely Out Of Business

Believe what you want. Now try to convince his critics he's worth another chance. Can't do it while calling them bad names for daring to challenge the gospel.
Last time I drank Budweiser it gave me the sharts. I ain't doin' that no more. :nono:
Down 26% isn't enough. Spread the word to everyone everywhere that companies will pay the price for going woke. Business is business. Customers don't want their dollars spent on woke ideology.

They've been around since 1852.

They've survived a civil war, two world wars, a depression, prohibition... well... every adversity this country has faced since 1852, and you think your call to boycott will put them to ruin? That's fucking laughable.
At this point the boycott should end.
The message sent to AB was VERY loud and VERY clear.
There can be no mistaking that the majority of their customers do not want agree with transanity.
They also fired both top executives involved.

You want to boycott more - don't buy Nike which also hired Dylan.
Let their sales fall to correct their bullshit also.
I don't think they were fired. Both Bud and Nike should go bankrupt.
Budwiser cares about transexuals as much as it does the conservatives who are offended at their commercials.

All they care about is making money as corporations are pressured more and more to comply with wokeness or be destroyed by the PC police and politicians

They are between a rock and a hard place

But if they go under, the same problem remains for those still in bussiness.

Even so, it would be nice for others to see the example

So I hope they do go under, but I doubt they will.
They won't go under but we can make them lose millions or even billions. Yes, a very strong message needs to be sent to all.
They've been around since 1852.

They've survived a civil war, two world wars, a depression, prohibition... well... every adversity this country has faced since 1852, and you think your call to boycott will put them to ruin? That's fucking laughable.
We can make them pay heavily. Already have. But, we the job is only half done.
This is why the 2024 election is going to be an appalling loss for republicans. So obsessed with the culture wars crap you can't see the people leaving camp in the middle of the night.
You've got to be kidding or trolling and or blind, deaf, and stupid. Drag shows for children, so many genders you can't keep them straight, men in women sports and a multitude of other culture war shit you loons spew forth on a daily bases.
The demand for beer will not go away so jobs will be available elsewhere.
You are right but it is too bad that low level employees are the ones to suffer financially when upper management screws up.
Down 26% isn't enough. Spread the word to everyone everywhere that companies will pay the price for going woke. Business is business. Customers don't want their dollars spent on woke ideology.

Absolutely brother you go woke go broke. I see unsold Bud Light and Budweiser products all over the grocery stores. It’s the American people this is an American thing it’s freedom in motion. It’s exactly how you stand up to the totalitarian cancel culture people. The boycott is as pro American as it gets, cancel culture as for the sick minded totalitarian Nazis on the left wing in the Democrat party, the BLM people those who canceled aunt Jemima those who canceled uncle Ben

Of course the Democrats on the US message board again because they’re either on drugs, they’re brainwashed or they are racist against white people…. they have said “oh look the Republicans are engaging in cancel culture”, of course this is trolling or a result of them being on drugs. They know better that it’s not cancel culture it’s a boycott.

All the far left wing posters of the US message board they truly are totalitarians . These words are not use lightly I hope that these people on the left get the help they need ….. our country is in a horrendous spot economically and the sick totalitarian beasts on the far left want to give reparation payments to Black people even though hundreds of years ago Black people owned white people. So it is an outrage but we have to do our best to say calm cool and collective… that’s how we patriots beat the far left wingers.

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