Let's Reverse The Situation: What If Brown Successfully Grabbed Wilsons Gun And Killed Him?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Heard this on Michael Savage tonight. It's a good question. What would have happened if the situation was reversed?
I think that the answer is pretty self evident. It would have been a local story that would not have gotten hardly any attention.
Maybe it would've opened a portal into another dimension.

Oh well we'll never know because it's wild speculation.
No one would have cared in the slightest. No one ever does.

To blacks and the media. White life is worthless. Blacks think nothing about slaughtering whites at 10 times per captia comparely to the other way around. Blacks have nerve to whine about how they're worthless? Really, assholes???

Blacks commit 50% of all murders and 93% of these are against other blacks. Now who's killing blacks and whites alike??? The lying fucking media couldn't careless.
How about this scenario:

Darren Wilson goes for his taser instead of gun, or shoots Brown in the legs and Michael Brown is arrested?

Or if we want to get really crazy what if Wilson was wearing a camera and any question of what happened was eliminated?

Or what if Michael Brown was an alien?

What other crazy speculations can you all come up with?
There are no reasonable questions remaining. Brown was addled by chronic drug abuse, was in the midst of making fatally flawed decisions and died as a consequence of those decisions.

End of story.

(Accept the addled mobs, stirred by the irrational forces of evil... manifested by the race hustling jackasses of the Democrat party, who need it as a means of clinging to infamy and their 15 minutes... . )
I was talking with this guy yesterday, He was black, he said that he watched the news footage and all the people Brown's step father around him, he called them "thugs" He said their is more to the story behind browns stepfather, he called browns step father a "shot caller" I asked what that was, he said one who called the shots, I said like a God Father he said something like that. Even little towns have big fish browns step father was one of them.
No one would have cared in the slightest. No one ever does.

To blacks and the media. White life is worthless. Blacks think nothing about slaughtering whites at 10 times per captia comparely to the other way around. Blacks have nerve to whine about how they're worthless? Really, assholes???

Blacks commit 50% of all murders and 93% of these are against other blacks. Now who's killing blacks and whites alike??? The lying fucking media couldn't careless.

I can tell you really want to use the N word. It's okay, you can go ahead and say it. Its not going to shock anyone.
I was talking with this guy yesterday, He was black, he said that he watched the news footage and all the people Brown's step father around him, he called them "thugs" He said their is more to the story behind browns stepfather, he called browns step father a "shot caller" I asked what that was, he said one who called the shots, I said like a God Father he said something like that. Even little towns have big fish browns step father was one of them.

Call up Fox News. They'll be thrilled to hear this.
Heard this on Michael Savage tonight. It's a good question. What would have happened if the situation was reversed?

So you are holding the same argument as the prosecutor?

What if Brown talked some smack to the cop and the cop went for his gun, then Brown tried to keep him from grabbing it to protect his life?

I know lot's of blacks talk smack to police. I haven't heard of many jumping into their car and trying to grab their gun.

We can "what if" all day.
Heard this on Michael Savage tonight. It's a good question. What would have happened if the situation was reversed?
What if Brown never attempted to grab the officers gun in the first place? How many try to grab an officer's gun? It's about as believable as "Fast and Furious" or a young earth.
Heard this on Michael Savage tonight. It's a good question. What would have happened if the situation was reversed?

So you are holding the same argument as the prosecutor?

What if Brown talked some smack to the cop and the cop went for his gun, then Brown tried to keep him from grabbing it to protect his life?

I know lot's of blacks talk smack to police. I haven't heard of many jumping into their car and trying to grab their gun.

We can "what if" all day.

Wow! I never thought of that! It's just as likely a scenario as any of the others that have been dreamed up.

Once again here's another idea supporting police wearing cameras.

I was talking with this guy yesterday, He was black, he said that he watched the news footage and all the people Brown's step father around him, he called them "thugs" He said their is more to the story behind browns stepfather, he called browns step father a "shot caller" I asked what that was, he said one who called the shots, I said like a God Father he said something like that. Even little towns have big fish browns step father was one of them.

Call up Fox News. They'll be thrilled to hear this.
Some black people call those in Ferguson stupid
or as they say acting stupidly

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