Lets review the “case” the DA has on Trump. Statutes and violatons

It's called criminal fraud (bookkeeping/records fraud), which is a felony at the state level. He mischaracterized the payment as a legal retainer fee, which it was not.

Do I think he'll get convicted? The evidence is there, especially if Cohen testifies. However, I think this is a case where at least one or more jurors decides the premise is b.s., using a state fraud law to prosecute what basically amounts to a federal campaign finance violation.
Cohen was convicted of perjury. Impeaching him won’t be hard.
Trump's lackey testified yesterday. Bragg did not recall Cohen to refute Trump's lackey because his testimony was a crock of shit & the jurors know it.

Lol. Sure.
"Persecution"? If the accusation wasen't so pathetic it would be laughable.
It’s obviously true.
Btw, Jack Smith is going to nail Trump's ass to the wall & the legal maneuvering going on right now which may conclude tomorrow is the tool he will use to do it.
Keep that faith, girl. :itsok:
Our liberals are upset that Trump’s announcement of an expected arrest today seems to have caused a glitch in the Bragg time schedule.

It’s okay, libs. The delay isn’t particularly consequential in and of itself. But it might be a harbinger of things to come. 😁

There was no such delay.
My head isn't planted there, but yours is.

Better get while the getting is good. Once Bragg takes out a piece of Trump's ass in court there won't be much left for you to latch onto.

Btw, Trump's lawyer is saying that he has the "sads". That's a shame. :abgg2q.jpg:
I don't bring his name up ten times a day like you do. I see your outrage is still spewing, so you're still dreaming of his ass.
Trump's lackey testified yesterday. Bragg did not recall Cohen to refute Trump's lackey because his testimony was a crock of shit & the jurors know it.

"Persecution"? If the accusation wasen't so pathetic it would be laughable.

Btw, Jack Smith is going to nail Trump's ass to the wall & the legal maneuvering going on right now which may conclude tomorrow is the tool he will use to do it.
see, still talking about his ass. Dude, you have serious TDS. enjoy the stench.
It's called criminal fraud (bookkeeping/records fraud), which is a felony at the state level. He mischaracterized the payment as a legal retainer fee, which it was not.

Do I think he'll get convicted? The evidence is there, especially if Cohen testifies. However, I think this is a case where at least one or more jurors decides the premise is b.s., using a state fraud law to prosecute what basically amounts to a federal campaign finance violation.
Did Trump give the money to Cohen? Who gave the money to SD? They got bupkis.
Can someone from the cult please post the video of Trump being arrested? I have not seen it.
Because the news reported of a possible indictment as early as this week. That means he could be indicted this week, after this week, or not at all.
In way does that prove he hasn’t delayed it, Simp.
Because the news reported of a possible indictment as early as this week. That means he could be indicted this week, after this week, or not at all.

What part of the Trump arrest video is your favorite?

Did you claim Obama should have been arrested for murdering an American child?

What about Clinton paying off Paula Jones?

What about Hillary’s lawyer lying to the FBI?

Why do you cult fucks have such double standards?
How do we know that Cohen didn't actually have the affair with SD? I mean, he paid her.
What part of the Trump arrest video is your favorite?

Did you claim Obama should have been arrested for murdering an American child?

What about Clinton paying off Paula Jones?

What about Hillary’s lawyer lying to the FBI?

Why do you cult fucks have such double standards?
selective outrage?
What exactly did he do? Did he admit paying SD?
His crime is likely falsifying business records but I don't think anyone except the legal teams actually know for sure since the evidence and testimony are not fully known.

From what I remember, Trump has admitted to the payments but denied sleeping with stormy Daniels...but if someone else can correct me, please do.

"According to Mark Pomerantz, a former prosecutor who worked closely on the case and recently published a book about his experience, Cohen submitted phony invoices throughout 2017 referencing a “retainer agreement” and requesting payment. Then Cohen received a series of checks, hand-signed by Trump while he was in the White House. The legal problem is there was no retainer agreement — according to Pomerantz, it was all done to cover up the hush money scheme. The fake documentation of “legal expenses” on the Trump Organization’s books could trigger a charge under New York state law, which makes falsifying business records a crime."

Trump banged Stormy Daniels.

In 2016, Trump paid SD $130k to not speak about the affair.

Trump paid $130k to his attorney, Michael Cohen, who in turn gave the money to SD.

The transaction was recorded in the books as “legal expenses”.

The Manhattan DA‘s case is based on New York penal law 175.05. That is a statute makes it a crime to enter a false entry in the business records of an enterprise…a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

It basically means do not keep false books. This HAS A 2YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.

DA cannot charge Trump with this, as the incident occured in 2016.

Ah, but, as I understand it, NY has a law (the "tolling" of statues of limitations) which delays the expiration date if the offender moves out of state, and resumes, starting the clock where it left off when he or she comes back. Trump left for Florida a few years back, so the statute of limitations has not expired, and that is why the DA took up the case.

So, there is New York penal law 175.10…….a felony….if the intent to defraud by the false entry was in the commission of a crime.

The DA is trying to say it is a campaign finance law violation to pay hush money to someone.
As I understand the law as a layperson, hush money not illegal, per se, UNLESS, the act can be tied to a crime, such as 'fraud'. Given that if the affair had been public knowledge during the campaign, it could have conceivably affected the outcome of the election, thus depriving the electorate of the information they would need to make an informed decision when casting their ballots, and that hush money now becomes an act of Fraud against the United States (or state regarding state laws). Now the federal statute of limitations has expired, but the state statute hasn't, so it depends on what the state law is on this point.

Mueller already looked at this and decided it was NOT.
The Mueller Report made no determination on the issue of criminality regarding any act committed by the President, but not because there was, or wasn't crime, but because it was the OLC policy not to indict a sitting US President, and so such a determination regarding the president was not within the scope of the Special Counsel's assignment.

This case is bullshit.

See above.

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