Let's See The Excuse for This One

I wonder what the black guy did to piss off the white guy. These things just do not happen without provocation. Perhaps the guy got tired of cleaning up grape soda cans and Church’s wrappers all over his lawn. IDK
Too funny. Some idiot gets in an argument with his lowlife neighbor and gets charged with a "hate crime" now for spitting in his direction.
When I was growing up, this would not have been a crime at all, would not have happened much less needed a cop nor a court, and would have been resolved in 5 minutes with an apology and a handshake, a slap on the back and a cold beer but not anymore due to progressive America.

I was right: putting the black man in among the modern western civilization long before and too fast for him to be ready is leading to the collapse of civilization for all.

The decay of Harlem has spread out to not only the inner city, but now into the suburbs and rural America. Social decay, moral decay, mental decay.

The black man has made the entire country a shamble of decay, immorality and crime.
I'm assuming that you're not black.
Unruly white animal spits on black man, cop shows asks him to go home, he refuses, then gets louder. Let's see what our "comply with the cops" command all stars say about this one.

He should of complied with the cops…and also not be an asshole

What’s your point?
What will be IM2’s excuse — this time — for making a thread all about an obvious bit of disgraceful behavior but only posting it because the bad actor happens to be one of “those people.” You know. The “W” word.
Why would you assume that?

How is it that people like you continually expect whites to be criticized by all races, yet when the focus comes on black people, you hypocrites automatically assume that only white people can or would criticize blacks?
You went well beyond criticizing.
Unruly white animal spits on black man, cop shows asks him to go home, he refuses, then gets louder. Let's see what our "comply with the cops" command all stars say about this one.


You need to get away from this outrage porn if you want to be happy.


Or you can be a Black version of our USMB KKKers and lap this garbage up and let it make you crazy.

Your call.
Unruly white animal spits on black man, cop shows asks him to go home, he refuses, then gets louder. Let's see what our "comply with the cops" command all stars say about this one.

It's not a hate crime it is simple assault.
Your story doesn't meet all criteria to make national news..
What will be IM2’s excuse — this time — for making a thread all about an obvious bit of disgraceful behavior but only posting it because the bad actor happens to be one of “those people.” You know. The “W” word.
and suspiciously illegitimate.

You need to get away from this outrage porn if you want to be happy.


Or you can be a Black version of our USMB KKKers and lap this garbage up and let it make you crazy.

Your call.
Nah. I'm a sociologist and this is my laboratory. Little
Nah. I'm a sociologist and this is my laboratory. Little
Well, I can tell you how the story ends...

They die bitter and willfully ignorant.

You can lead a horse to water & all that.

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