Let's See What the Excuse is this Time

And here we go. I don't defend jack squat by twisting anything. That's what you do, you racist garbage. These questions aren't asked when its blacks beating up whites. Whites are automatically assumed innocent. That's what white racists do.
IM2, you are ridiculous. You show part of a video where I and you don't know the context, and that quite often
is your MO, and when all the context is presented and it shows something entirely different than your argument.
If anyone is racist, it that stooge IM2. Biggest racist on the forum, bar none.
I didn't read anyone who posted that the white girls were innocent, I read where they didn't know
because we didn't see everything. Then you jump in an start pointing fingers and indulge your racist
behavior. Not too bright on your behalf.

Here is another incident we never see here.

What will be the excuse and justification for this one?

Two girls in a bitch fight is one thing. Multiple white girls beating, kicking and pulling the hair of a lone black girl on video, obviously appears to be a racists attack, whether it was or not.
High school fights? What's to discuss?
That's fair, but my point here is this forum is full of threads with videos of blacks attacking people as if no one else does. Yet the UCR shows that annually whites leaad in aarrests for assault. The same UCR shows that whites commit the majority of hate crime and blacks are the most targeted based on all biases. So then, there is a disconnect between reality and what gets shown here. And it's not because mostly white conservative owned media tried hiding hate crimes by blacks.

In short, race baiting is allowed here when whites do it.
IM2, you are ridiculous. You show part of a video where I and you don't know the context, and that quite often
is your MO, and when all the context is presented and it shows something entirely different than your argument.
If anyone is racist, it that stooge IM2. Biggest racist on the forum, bar none.
I didn't read anyone who posted that the white girls were innocent, I read where they didn't know
because we didn't see everything. Then you jump in an start pointing fingers and indulge your racist
behavior. Not too bright on your behalf.

And so do white posters who put up videos of blacks doing things. What's ridiculuous is your double standards and excuse making. Now stop following me around and find someone else to harrass.
Two girls in a bitch fight is one thing. Multiple white girls beating, kicking and pulling the hair of a lone black girl on video, obviously appears to be a racists attack, whether it was or not.
Again, this level of scrutiny is not done when whites post similar things. However, you are at least trying to make a fair assessment and I respect thaat. Thank you.
How do we know who started it?
How do we know who starts things when the videos of blacks are shown. When that happens we see words such as animals and savages.
How do we know who starts things when the videos of blacks are shown. When that happens we see words such as animals and savages.
You’re not totally wrong, however blacks jumping white are more the norm than whites jumping blacks.
Here is another incident we never see here.

What will be the excuse and justification for this one?

This can be excused 2 different ways...

One way is to imply "we don't know what happened before this, what did the black girl do?"


"but what about black on black crime?"

I don't think any kid should be jumped for any reason.....
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You’re not totally wrong, however blacks jumping white are more the norm than whites jumping blacks.
No it's not. There are years of hate crime stats that show it's not. In fact whites jumping whites is the norm. But none of these right wingers want to touch that.
This can be excused 2 different ways...

One way is to imply "we don't know what happened before this, what did the black girl do?"


"but what about black on black crime?"

I don't think any kid should be jumped for any reason.....
And you see the excuses being posted. No one should be jumped period. But no one white should be race baited into a state of paranioa then told to arm themselves. Because the record shows that non white people have way more to fear from white aggression than the rreverse.
Aww honey, just because you accuse me, doesn't make it so. You think white bread is racist...
Your behavior makes it so. I think white bread is bread. But racists go to this kind of extreme trying to downplay racism.
No it's not. There are years of hate crime stats that show it's not. In fact whites jumping whites is the norm. But none of these right wingers want to touch that.
Stop trying to gaslight. Yeah the norm in a country that’s 71% white is white on white violence, but in terms of interracial violence it’s usually black on White. Hate crime statistics don’t mean anything because blacks are rarely charged with hate crimes.

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