Let's See What the Excuse is this Time

Stop trying to gaslight. Yeah the norm in a country that’s 71% white is white on white violence, but in terms of interracial violence it’s usually black on White. Hate crime statistics don’t mean anything because blacks are rarely charged with hate crimes.
I'm not the one gaslighting. And here we see the lie that blacks are rarely charged with hate crime. Interracial crimes are a very small number and the excuse of there being more whites doesn't justify whites committing crimes. The fact is that you are at least 5 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black and that won't be called a hate crime. 85 percent of whites are killed by another white person but those like you want to make the 15 percent the bigger threat. That's insane.
And you see the excuses being posted. No one should be jumped period. But no one white should be race baited into a state of paranioa then told to arm themselves. Because the record shows that non white people have way more to fear from white aggression than the rreverse.
The media is powerful thing.....

Racist white folks have been taught to believe black people are superhuman since they brought some of them here in chains....so any brutality inflicted on them is justified, because look at them....they are big black bucks....

Now they wont admit it, because it highlights just how cowardly they are, but it is what it is....
Actually I don't give justifications. However, the continuing racism by whites like you going on noww 160 years after slavery was supposed to have ended does tend to piss non white people off.
So what is the justification for black racism? Seems to me if racism for one is wrong, racism is wrong for all. You practice racism on a daily basis if your posts are any indication, but you whine when you are called on it. Kind of like hamas whining about atrocities after an early morning sneak attack on an innocent civilian population.
That's fair, but my point here is this forum is full of threads with videos of blacks attacking people as if no one else does. Yet the UCR shows that annually whites leaad in aarrests for assault. The same UCR shows that whites commit the majority of hate crime and blacks are the most targeted based on all biases. So then, there is a disconnect between reality and what gets shown here. And it's not because mostly white conservative owned media tried hiding hate crimes by blacks.

In short, race baiting is allowed here when whites do it.
So, you admit you are race baiting.
No it's not. There are years of hate crime stats that show it's not. In fact whites jumping whites is the norm. But none of these right wingers want to touch that.
It may have been the norm in 1890 Tennessee, for example. It is not the norm today. DeRp!🤪
Here is another incident we never see here.

Because it rarely happens? Too bad the video doesn't show what the girl did or said to piss off so many around her. Must have really been bad.

If it happens so often, why don't you show us the video of it every day?
My big question is how did the school authority figures handle the matter?

God bless you always!!!

And here it begins. The term has been very clear when videos of blacks beating whites are posted.
Because it is an essential part of Negro culture - jumping and hopping around

Negros Jumping.png

Sounds like you're rushing to judgement, which is expected. What's the full context prior to the video? What fueled the conflict?
You guys rush all the time. When you show aa video of blaacks doing stuff you don't consider thhe full context. You don't ask what fueled the conflict. You rush to judgment andd then start hurling racist insult. So just cface the fact that if you listen to the video, you'll get all the context you need.
More excuses from the racists. When black kids are doing this you don'tt have excuses.
Those kids look like preteens. How many Black kids that age are doing things like that? Do you have any idea?
Whites should kick the shit out of Blacks more often.

Infrequently is not good enough.
You guys rush all the time. When you show aa video of blaacks doing stuff you don't consider thhe full context. You don't ask what fueled the conflict. You rush to judgment andd then start hurling racist insult. So just cface the fact that if you listen to the video, you'll get all the context you need.
"You guys?" The video provides no context prior to the incident and doesn't demonstrate what incited the violence ... it's a weak argument to justify your rush to judgement because others do it.

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