Lets Summarize Obama's Good Legacy...OK, Thats About All Of It

Operative word?


We are not prisoners of this country.

It's not a word I would associate with the Presidency.
Oh whatever. You know what I mean. Anyways you voted for a guy who ran as an extreme warden. Good job buddy.
You're welcome.

And yes I did know what you meant.

Alot of us Dem defectors voted against Clinton.

I, like many others, wanted an outsider and to send a message to both parties.

They both suck.
If you voted for Trump then you are a deplorable, and responsible for the horrors that inexperienced, racist lunatic is going to inflict on us. Congrats on your "outsider."
Does that make you responsible for the murder of the countless innocent civilians under Obama's administration?
Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
His real legacy....well......he didn't screw up the country more than he actually did......? How about that?
Oh whatever. You know what I mean. Anyways you voted for a guy who ran as an extreme warden. Good job buddy.
You're welcome.

And yes I did know what you meant.

Alot of us Dem defectors voted against Clinton.

I, like many others, wanted an outsider and to send a message to both parties.

They both suck.
If you voted for Trump then you are a deplorable, and responsible for the horrors that inexperienced, racist lunatic is going to inflict on us. Congrats on your "outsider."
Does that make you responsible for the murder of the countless innocent civilians under Obama's administration?
Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
It was Obama who allowed ISIS to be created and spread, it was Obama's inaction and incompetence that gave the green light to Syria, Russia, China, Iran and other dictators that we have a moron as president, and they can do as they please.
I knew it, liberals will try to give Obama credit for the stock market going up under his presidency when it's gone up two thousand points since Trump was elected president.
You're welcome.

And yes I did know what you meant.

Alot of us Dem defectors voted against Clinton.

I, like many others, wanted an outsider and to send a message to both parties.

They both suck.
If you voted for Trump then you are a deplorable, and responsible for the horrors that inexperienced, racist lunatic is going to inflict on us. Congrats on your "outsider."
Does that make you responsible for the murder of the countless innocent civilians under Obama's administration?
Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
It was Obama who allowed ISIS to be created and spread, it was Obama's inaction and incompetence that gave the green light to Syria, Russia, China, Iran and other dictators that we have a moron as president, and they can do as they please.
Bush created a power vacuum .....ISIS filled it
If you voted for Trump then you are a deplorable, and responsible for the horrors that inexperienced, racist lunatic is going to inflict on us. Congrats on your "outsider."
Does that make you responsible for the murder of the countless innocent civilians under Obama's administration?
Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
It was Obama who allowed ISIS to be created and spread, it was Obama's inaction and incompetence that gave the green light to Syria, Russia, China, Iran and other dictators that we have a moron as president, and they can do as they please.
Bush created a power vacuum .....ISIS filled it
Bzzzz wrong. Bush implemented the Surge and handed a stable Iraq to the Hussein Buffoon Obama, with no ISIS in sight.
Let's summarize President Hussein Shithead's legacy:


Add two big ears, and it looks just like him, no?
Does that make you responsible for the murder of the countless innocent civilians under Obama's administration?
Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
It was Obama who allowed ISIS to be created and spread, it was Obama's inaction and incompetence that gave the green light to Syria, Russia, China, Iran and other dictators that we have a moron as president, and they can do as they please.
Bush created a power vacuum .....ISIS filled it
Bzzzz wrong. Bush implemented the Surge and handed a stable Iraq to the Hussein Buffoon Obama, with no ISIS in sight.

Iraq was not stable. Bush deposed Saddam and created a Civil War
He also left the US to keep the peace as our soldiers continued to die because of his blunder
The man who got Bin Laden is Dr. Shakil Afridi. Dr. Afridi found out just what kind of a degenerate backstabber obama really is when obama gleefully smacked his lips over Dr. Afridi's arrest.
Was the o afraid that the Dr. Who risked his life would prevent the fake legacy? Or, is it just the nature of the black beast to double cross his friends?

And the man who is still rotting in a Pakistan prison enduring torture and starvation for trusting our Kenyan punk with his life. The only worse act of betrayal is the naming of SEAL Team Six as the operators who got bin-Laden and were later denied air-cover and shot down. Obama should be tried for treason and put up against the wall for that alone.

Your talking to a brick wall Tom, one of the ones who can and never will be able to connect the dots . They see our Government as being like the little gentle tooth fairy .

Obama is a lame duck mutha fucka not responsible for anything but the turds coming out of his ass.

Just slapped down Russia yesterday

Some lame duck
With three weeks left, after his "incumbent" was totally rebuked by the American people in an electoral landslide? Ha ha ha.

Nah, he just looks like a small, petty, bitter man who is having issues dealing with the results of the election.
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Over 400,000 slaughtered in Syria as a result of Obama's incompetence and inaction, but he has time to take one last jab at our ally Israel, the only democracy in the region.

Syria is Putins ally.....you know, the guy who fixed the election for Trump

It was Putin who propped up Assad and helped him slaughter civilians
It was Obama who allowed ISIS to be created and spread, it was Obama's inaction and incompetence that gave the green light to Syria, Russia, China, Iran and other dictators that we have a moron as president, and they can do as they please.
Bush created a power vacuum .....ISIS filled it
Bzzzz wrong. Bush implemented the Surge and handed a stable Iraq to the Hussein Buffoon Obama, with no ISIS in sight.

Iraq was not stable. Bush deposed Saddam and created a Civil War
He also left the US to keep the peace as our soldiers continued to die because of his blunder
Yeah yeah yeah. And the fact that president Hussein Shithead pulled out all the troops prematurely despite the warnings therefore creating a huge void, had nothing to do with it? Basically what The Shithead Traitor did was to piss on the lives of all the Americans who died.

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