Let's Talk About Black People

Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
YOU DO NOT have RIGHT to demand ANYTHING. You CAN ask but that is all.
You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright.

Ebonics..the language of success.:blsmile::lmao:
Thats right. Never hurt me making my money.

Well sure..when you're a crack dealer.

If you're going to accuse a poster of a felony, post proof or admit you're lying.

Just kidding.

Everyone already knows you're a liar.


Nice to know you endorse ebonics.
He has the "Stars and Bars" as an avatar. He's not going to stop being racist anytime soon.

Stars and Bars..yes indeed...Proud of my ancestors standing up to the fed gvmt., fair weather "patriot".

Hell even that lying POS lincoln said people should always have the right to disengage from a government that doesn't represent them....that's what this country was founded on.

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848
Youre ancestors were losers that got their asses kicked.

Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Stars and Bars..yes indeed...Proud of my ancestors standing up to the fed gvmt., fair weather "patriot".

Hell even that lying POS lincoln said people should always have the right to disengage from a government that doesn't represent them....that's what this country was founded on.

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848
Youre ancestors were losers that got their asses kicked.

Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright.

Ebonics..the language of success.:blsmile::lmao:
Thats right. Never hurt me making my money.

Well sure..when you're a crack dealer.

If you're going to accuse a poster of a felony, post proof or admit you're lying.

Just kidding.

Everyone already knows you're a liar.


Nice to know you endorse ebonics.
I endorse Ebonics. Why would I care what white monkeys like you think of it?
Youre ancestors were losers that got their asses kicked.

Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
Youre ancestors were losers that got their asses kicked.

Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.

Every single one of them.
We've been over this before..do you want to get embarrassed again?
Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.

I think you just stumbled on asslips new name....
The micro-chimp!!
Whats a Youre? Some tribe in africa?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.

Every single one of them.
We've been over this before..do you want to get embarrassed again?
You only embarrassed yourself last time. Blacks taught whites the sciences then after they were too dumb to hold onto it, Blacks retaught them and brought them out of the Dark Ages.
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.

negroes didn't have anything to do with any inventions post "sharp stick" or "fire"...and even those are arguable.
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.

I think you just stumbled on asslips new name....
The micro-chimp!!
He said micro-dick. We all know you suffer from that. :laugh:
Got a link?[/QUOT
Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.

negroes didn't have anything to do with any inventions post "sharp stick" or "fire"...and even those are arguable.
If you say so. You just keep scratching your fleas and pretending that.
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
There were NO black people in the country it came from. NONE.
Your statement is just as racist as any by a KKK member.

The micro-chip was invented in Israel. How about gun powder?
White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.

Every single one of them.
We've been over this before..do you want to get embarrassed again?
You only embarrassed yourself last time. Blacks taught whites the sciences then after they were too dumb to hold onto it, Blacks retaught them and brought them out of the Dark Ages.

LMAO...sure, fake negro.whatever you say...now prove it.
Got a link?[/QUOT
Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
There were NO black people in the country it came from. NONE.
Your statement is just as racist as any by a KKK member.

The micro-chip was invented in Israel. How about gun powder?
Doesnt matter where it was invented. It was based on math taught to white people. Gun powder was invented by Asians not whites you fucking moron.
Got a link?[/QUOT
Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.

Every single one of them.
We've been over this before..do you want to get embarrassed again?
You only embarrassed yourself last time. Blacks taught whites the sciences then after they were too dumb to hold onto it, Blacks retaught them and brought them out of the Dark Ages.

LMAO...sure, fake negro.whatever you say...now prove it.
Youre a white monkey. I dont have time to prove things to you that you dont have the intellect to grasp.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
There were NO black people in the country it came from. NONE.
Your statement is just as racist as any by a KKK member.

The micro-chip was invented in Israel. How about gun powder?
Doesnt matter where it was invented. It was based on math taught to white people. Gun powder was invented by Asians not whites you fucking moron.
I KNEW that unlike YOU who sees everything as invented by black people. YOU are the racist in this thread. YOU are the reason for riots for looting.

Ignorance is NOT held bt ANY lone color and YOU just PROVED that.
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
There were NO black people in the country it came from. NONE.
Your statement is just as racist as any by a KKK member.

The micro-chip was invented in Israel. How about gun powder?
Doesnt matter where it was invented. It was based on math taught to white people. Gun powder was invented by Asians not whites you fucking moron.
I KNEW that unlike YOU who sees everything as invented by black people. YOU are the racist in this thread. YOU are the reason for riots for looting.

Ignorance is NOT held bt ANY lone color and YOU just PROVED that.
You finished being mad you cant prove your point? How stupid are you to think whites invented gun powder? I know you took the invention and created more death and destruction. Asians have that burden to deal with giving white savages the ability to destroy the world.
The micro-chip.
Based on math taught to them by Blacks.
There were NO black people in the country it came from. NONE.
Your statement is just as racist as any by a KKK member.

The micro-chip was invented in Israel. How about gun powder?
Doesnt matter where it was invented. It was based on math taught to white people. Gun powder was invented by Asians not whites you fucking moron.
I KNEW that unlike YOU who sees everything as invented by black people. YOU are the racist in this thread. YOU are the reason for riots for looting.

Ignorance is NOT held bt ANY lone color and YOU just PROVED that.
You finished being mad you cant prove your point? How stupid are you to think whites invented gun powder? I know you took the invention and created more death and destruction. Asians have that burden to deal with giving white savages the ability to destroy the world.
I NEVER said whites invented gun powder, RE-read the thread RETARD. But blacks did NOT invent everything either. Now get your bigoted racist ass down to the NEXT thread that likes you lying ass ways.

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