Let's Talk About Black People

list the top 10 negro inventors and their inventions, fake negro..LMAO...
List the top 10 reasons I should educate you monkey.
don't dodge the challenge....
Only a monkey like you would think that was a credible challenge.

List them then, since it's not really a challenge for you. Shouldn't take a second...or will you evade again?
I dont do what monkeys say. Your challenge is for you. Go look it up and get back to me.

like I said and you just confirmed...post sharp sticks and rocks, negroids haven't invented much.
List the top 10 reasons I should educate you monkey.
don't dodge the challenge....
Only a monkey like you would think that was a credible challenge.

List them then, since it's not really a challenge for you. Shouldn't take a second...or will you evade again?
I dont do what monkeys say. Your challenge is for you. Go look it up and get back to me.

like I said and you just confirmed...post sharp sticks and rocks, negroids haven't invented much.
Like I said and you just confirmed, its an exercise in futility educating monkeys like you.
Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
YOU DO NOT have RIGHT to demand ANYTHING. You CAN ask but that is all.

Okay, than I'm "asking". Can you please arrest a black motherfukkker without severing his spine?
List the top 10 reasons I should educate you monkey.
don't dodge the challenge....
Only a monkey like you would think that was a credible challenge.

List them then, since it's not really a challenge for you. Shouldn't take a second...or will you evade again?
I dont do what monkeys say. Your challenge is for you. Go look it up and get back to me.

like I said and you just confirmed...post sharp sticks and rocks, negroids haven't invented much.

Excuse me? Nigga's around the country must have invented something, cause yo women is all over it.
don't dodge the challenge....
Only a monkey like you would think that was a credible challenge.

List them then, since it's not really a challenge for you. Shouldn't take a second...or will you evade again?
I dont do what monkeys say. Your challenge is for you. Go look it up and get back to me.

like I said and you just confirmed...post sharp sticks and rocks, negroids haven't invented much.
Like I said and you just confirmed, its an exercise in futility educating monkeys like you.


White losers that got beat down by Black Union soldiers.

Got a link?[/QUOT
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
...and all inventions by white people, too...
Tell me just one that wasnt dependent on what Blacks taught them or invented themselves and I will oblige.

Every single one of them.
We've been over this before..do you want to get embarrassed again?
You only embarrassed yourself last time. Blacks taught whites the sciences then after they were too dumb to hold onto it, Blacks retaught them and brought them out of the Dark Ages.


I challenge these nuts to listen to the GOP debate with Perry.....you'll shit yourself laughing!!
Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
YOU DO NOT have RIGHT to demand ANYTHING. You CAN ask but that is all.

Okay, than I'm "asking". Can you please arrest a black motherfukkker without severing his spine?
They SHOULD be able to do that.
You finished being mad you cant prove your point? How stupid are you to think whites invented gun powder? I know you took the invention and created more death and destruction. Asians have that burden to deal with giving white savages the ability to destroy the world.
I NEVER said whites invented gun powder, RE-read the thread RETARD. But blacks did NOT invent everything either. Now get your bigoted racist ass down to the NEXT thread that likes you lying ass ways.
I know you didnt say it. I said they didnt invent gunpowder. Either you were stupid and didnt read what you were replying to or you were claiming whites invented gunpowder.

Blacks invented the foundation of knowledge you whites learned from. Without us you would still be in the caves of europe eating each other and painting yourself with chewed up blueberries like in Brave heart.
Funny you should bring that up. Those "cave dwellers" as you call them HAD swords NOT pointed sticks. So white Europe gets advancing work with metal.
Sorry but Africans were the first to work metal and actually invent steel. Try again.
Africa DID invent AIDS and Ebola and West Nile. Happy now?

Yelp and I can't wait for you to get a samplin'
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.
Nothing racist in pointing out what appears to be the LONE group in modern day riots.
You forgot about the whites rioting over pumpkins and sports. Typical white boy mistake.
There's a huge difference between rioting when my team loses--or wins--and people getting all worked up over petty things like discrimination and death. Let's use reason people. :thup:
don't dodge the challenge....
Only a monkey like you would think that was a credible challenge.

List them then, since it's not really a challenge for you. Shouldn't take a second...or will you evade again?
I dont do what monkeys say. Your challenge is for you. Go look it up and get back to me.

like I said and you just confirmed...post sharp sticks and rocks, negroids haven't invented much.

Excuse me? Nigga's around the country must have invented something, cause yo women is all over it.
child, please..grow up...
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.
Nothing racist in pointing out what appears to be the LONE group in modern day riots.

I'm glad that do not hold the peaceful protesters in disesteem.


A week of peaceful, constitutionally guaranteed right, protestors BEFORE the Black AND white outside agitators showed up and rioted, burned, looted.

And authorities did nothing to help the people who actually live in the neighborhood. Nothing except escalate.
Fomenting discord is not "nothing".
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.
Nothing racist in pointing out what appears to be the LONE group in modern day riots.

I'm glad that do not hold the peaceful protesters in disesteem.


A week of peaceful, constitutionally guaranteed right, protestors BEFORE the Black AND white outside agitators showed up and rioted, burned, looted.

And authorities did nothing to help the people who actually live in the neighborhood. Nothing except escalate.
Fomenting discord is not "nothing".
That democrat mayor made it LEGAL in a given area. She REALLY cares about those folks huh?
Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
YOU DO NOT have RIGHT to demand ANYTHING. You CAN ask but that is all.

Okay, than I'm "asking". Can you please arrest a black motherfukkker without severing his spine?
Can a black motherfukker stop resisting arrest?
Let's talk about Black People?


They're only 12% of the population.

They already get more than 12% of the air-time and bandwidth.

That's enough.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.
yep, whitey had to earn it
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

White people built this country into a first world nation.

Lincoln lied about his intentions.... and then allowed his troops to commit scorched earth warfare against civilians. Fellow AMERICANS who just wanted to peacefully withdraw from the union.

criminals, white and "black" used to get lynched, unfortunately.

a "black" president had nothing to do with the bundy dispute.
White people didnt build anything. They enslaved others to build for them.
Let's talk about Black People?


They're only 12% of the population.

They already get more than 12% of the air-time and bandwidth.

That's enough.

If you dont talk about Black people you have to face white problems like rampant white drug use, white on white crime, anorexia, animal sexual molestation, recessive gene pool etc etc. Its all part of the social programming.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

White people built this country into a first world nation.

Lincoln lied about his intentions.... and then allowed his troops to commit scorched earth warfare against civilians. Fellow AMERICANS who just wanted to peacefully withdraw from the union.

criminals, white and "black" used to get lynched, unfortunately.

a "black" president had nothing to do with the bundy dispute.
White people didnt build anything. They enslaved others to build for them.
Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
YOU DO NOT have RIGHT to demand ANYTHING. You CAN ask but that is all.

Okay, than I'm "asking". Can you please arrest a black motherfukkker without severing his spine?

As long as the black motherfucker doesnt resist arrest ...no problem.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

White people built this country into a first world nation.

Lincoln lied about his intentions.... and then allowed his troops to commit scorched earth warfare against civilians. Fellow AMERICANS who just wanted to peacefully withdraw from the union.

criminals, white and "black" used to get lynched, unfortunately.

a "black" president had nothing to do with the bundy dispute.
White people didnt build anything. They enslaved others to build for them.

sorry tree slime
if you were not inferior you would not have been slaves

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