Let's Talk About Black People

Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.

Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.
Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.
How about those black people that muslims enslave TODAY? You doing ANYTHING for them? NO, because the muslims would kill you NOT give you FREE LOOT ZONES.
Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.
How about those black people that muslims enslave TODAY? You doing ANYTHING for them? NO, because the muslims would kill you NOT give you FREE LOOT ZONES.
You must be emotional. You completely deflected with that post.:laugh:
Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.

Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.

Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Says the guy comparing 50 years to 400 years. Youre a fucking idiot.
Poor blacks have had almost 50 years since the 'Civil Rights Era' AND the 'War on Poverty' to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in order to join mainstream America, but have not. Meantime, all other ethnic groups (some were Vietnamese boat people who were 'Johnny come lately to the American dream' in the late 70's!), whom have perservered through good times, and bad times,yet, have carved out a comfortable lifestyle. Any prominent black who criticizes blacks for, lack of a better word, un-achievement, is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.

As a result, poor blacks who remain loyal to the 'Democrat plantation', loot and burn and embrace their 'victim identity' with succor!
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.

Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Says the guy comparing 50 years to 400 years. Youre a fucking idiot.

You're a modern-day dupe, dupe! :afro:
Well whites had 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow to pull themsleves up. Fair is fair.

Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Says the guy comparing 50 years to 400 years. Youre a fucking idiot.

You're a modern-day dupe, dupe! :afro:
Youre a modern day albino troglodyte.
Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Says the guy comparing 50 years to 400 years. Youre a fucking idiot.

You're a modern-day dupe, dupe! :afro:
Youre a modern day albino troglodyte.

Loser..........(who jus' happens to be black......).....:popcorn:
Keep cryin' fukin' rivers.........your white Democrat masters love this shit!!!
Awww! Him mad his point was plowed over.

You've been fooled.........fool. But, take solace in that you got alot of company....
Says the guy comparing 50 years to 400 years. Youre a fucking idiot.

You're a modern-day dupe, dupe! :afro:
Youre a modern day albino troglodyte.
Well at least your people got the looting rates UP!
Does that qualify as "work" for welfare?
Just asking.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

You do realize that the examples you gave are all democrats except the last one......what is that anyway...?

So...all democrats....causing riots, war and violence............
:lol: Another teaper race baiting thread. But...teapers are all about less government and fewer taxes...:lmao: what a pathetic bunch of racist dolts.

He is just common white trash , whose ilks days are numbers in America
Native Americans have had their bad days in America but they are NOT rioting.
Asians have had their bad days in America but they are NOT rioting.
Mexicans/Polish/Germans/Irish and Italians ALL have had their days in America and they are NOT rioting.

West Baltimore wanted a CVS in their area so blacks would have better access to medical care and they got one. Blacks get mad at Whites and burn it down. Whose that helping stupid? Some black people have medical needs like heart meds so who you helping black people?

Did you enjoy your looting black people? Hope so because it was a CLOSING sale! No one with a brain will EVER re-open in that area. A 1 in 3 chance of getting robbed DAILY? People do not invest time money or effort into those kind of areas.

"Those" kind of areas does NOT mean BLACK AREAS it means areas so high in CRIME there is NO profit. When YOU do something to remove MY profit I LEAVE PERIOD.

Now I HAD an auction house IN Fergusion Missouri for TEN YEARS but I left, why? I HAD to hire somebody to stand at the back of my open 24 foot box truck to keep STEALING from going on while I unloaded. For the first year or two when you broke a window I fixed it or when you spray painted some CRAP I painted over it.

So you black people just keep burning down what you own keep looting those trying. And WE will take our money and LEAVE. You black people have a problem and YOU need to FIX IT! Looting is NOT protest it's criminal. And that 'mayor"? "Room To Destroy"? Who you kidding? You want me or anybody to put money into that? Really?

The money has run out and your "pity credit" card is overdrawn. Grow the hell up and join the REAL world. Post WW2 Japanese are doing better the you. Why is that? Post Vietnam war refugees are doing better then you. Why is that? Post Cuban boat lift is doing better then you. Why is that?

And they ALL have done it DESPITE that FAKE "boogeyman" WHITE PEOPLE as screamed by Al Sharpton OR Obozo. What's THAT tell you?
All you ever do is talk like a bunch of monkeys chattering to each other. Is there something new you have to say or is your fright at new heights?
And once again you have NOTHING to contribute. WHY am I NOT surprised?

You've been on here for over two months and haven't contributed a fucking thing except your bigoted, myopic opinions.
You must be somewhat masochistic since you thrive in a cesspool of your own delusion.
Native Americans have had their bad days in America but they are NOT rioting.
Asians have had their bad days in America but they are NOT rioting.
Mexicans/Polish/Germans/Irish and Italians ALL have had their days in America and they are NOT rioting.

West Baltimore wanted a CVS in their area so blacks would have better access to medical care and they got one. Blacks get mad at Whites and burn it down. Whose that helping stupid? Some black people have medical needs like heart meds so who you helping black people?

Did you enjoy your looting black people? Hope so because it was a CLOSING sale! No one with a brain will EVER re-open in that area. A 1 in 3 chance of getting robbed DAILY? People do not invest time money or effort into those kind of areas.

"Those" kind of areas does NOT mean BLACK AREAS it means areas so high in CRIME there is NO profit. When YOU do something to remove MY profit I LEAVE PERIOD.

Now I HAD an auction house IN Fergusion Missouri for TEN YEARS but I left, why? I HAD to hire somebody to stand at the back of my open 24 foot box truck to keep STEALING from going on while I unloaded. For the first year or two when you broke a window I fixed it or when you spray painted some CRAP I painted over it.

So you black people just keep burning down what you own keep looting those trying. And WE will take our money and LEAVE. You black people have a problem and YOU need to FIX IT! Looting is NOT protest it's criminal. And that 'mayor"? "Room To Destroy"? Who you kidding? You want me or anybody to put money into that? Really?

The money has run out and your "pity credit" card is overdrawn. Grow the hell up and join the REAL world. Post WW2 Japanese are doing better the you. Why is that? Post Vietnam war refugees are doing better then you. Why is that? Post Cuban boat lift is doing better then you. Why is that?

And they ALL have done it DESPITE that FAKE "boogeyman" WHITE PEOPLE as screamed by Al Sharpton OR Obozo. What's THAT tell you?
All you ever do is talk like a bunch of monkeys chattering to each other. Is there something new you have to say or is your fright at new heights?
And once again you have NOTHING to contribute. WHY am I NOT surprised?

You've been on here for over two months and haven't contributed a fucking thing except your bigoted, myopic opinions.
You must be somewhat masochistic since you thrive in a cesspool of your own delusion.
The truth is even sadder. You've been here 2.5 years and in two months, he's gotten more traction around here than I've ever seen from you. He's a thinking person, you're a Leftist troll. There isn't even a remote comparison.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

You do realize that the examples you gave are all democrats except the last one......what is that anyway...?

So...all democrats....causing riots, war and violence............

You DO realize that the parties have largely switched sides, right?

And not just on matters of race.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

You do realize that the examples you gave are all democrats except the last one......what is that anyway...?

So...all democrats....causing riots, war and violence............

You DO realize that the parties have largely switched sides, right?

And not just on matters of race.
The party switch story is a lie to start with. If the racists went to the Republicans then you would still have lynchings and such.
Those blue states turning red is democratic racist thinking dying.

So there was NO party switch, it was a switch in practice and thought as FORMER democrats came to REALIZE the days of their bigotry and their Jim Crowe were over.

So no, no switch.

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