Let's Talk About Black People

Got a link?
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Well, it's that time of the year again where I and every other black person takes a hiatus from Reddit. Seeing as this is rocketing to the top page, here is my opinion as a black male on his opinions. I will be editing.

He is right in that the violence is utter bullshit. He is right in that the disorganization and full blown tom foolery is only diminishing the goal of black people protesting and that it is a damn disgrace and an utter shame to see the looting and idiocy going on in Baltimore. He is also right about the media showing us what they wants us to see.

Now this is the only thread I will be commenting on because reddit is currently in its "fuck black people" cycle. What the bloke in the video failed to mention is that there were 4 whole days of peaceful protest before this whole kerfuffle began. He also fell into the pit of the media showing him what they want him to see because he has forgotten about the point he made at the beginning and has made a judgement towards the end saying he is glad he didn't go. If he was supposed to practice what he just preached, HE SHOULD HAVE GONE! He should have, in his own words tried to be that one nigga that goes against the grain and riles up those with the camera phones to help break up the idiocy. After all it is an easy feat to make judgement calls when one did not even attend any of the peaceful marches.

Here is one of such instances that doesn't make it to the evenign news

It's so easy to harken back to the days of MLK and say "oh MLK will be rolling in his grave" because you see uneducated blacks rioting stupidly. But what you fail to consider is that in MLK's time, the proof of racism was encoded into law so MLK could point and say "see, these laws are here to hold us down" and shit like that. He had a reciept to fall back on and point at as vindication. Now we are in a world of dog whistles. Where the police won't come out right and say they are hunitng black men but would say they are hunting "thugs" or "drug dealers' or "urban youths'. For every stupid shit the media decides to show "youths" doing, white teenagers do the same. Is it hunting people to beat up? Read up on the murder of James craig anderson in mississipi . How about the video of those group of white kids that were beating up the Asian kid in an alley?

Seven Teens Charged in Chicago Beating Posted on YouTube - ABC News'

Idiocy is like a wave that gets amplified when in contact with more of it. Seeing poor people looting is not some new revelation about phrenology or the degeneracy of the negro as much as Reddit want it to be. It's so goddamn easy to say "This just confirmed my stereotypes" and "this black man confirms my racism" because all it takes is for one minority who you would never interact with to confirm your perceptions about others.

What is going on in Baltimore is reflective of Ferguson. You're talking about a group of people that have been hammered to the point of frustration by both the law and those who claim to work for it. First people said blacks were dangerous. They have always said blacks are dangerous and that if we dont want to be arrested we should not commit crime. Is that not the advice Freddie Gray took that led to him losing his spine in 8 places? How about the other bloke shot 4 times while reaching in for his wallet? Freddie Gray was arrested for being in possession of a switch blade! A SWITCH BLADE! How many white guys do we see strolling around with their guns quoting the freedoms handed down to them from the ghosts of Washington past? Yet this bloke was arrested for a switch blade and had his spine broken in 8 places by some sort of law enforcement apparition.

how about this bloke who was gunned down and had a taser planted on him?

Or this reserve deputy that shot a black guy and said he thought it was his taser? The bloke is going to bahamas. Fucking bahmas

After the mike Brown fiasco, the DOJ conducted an investigation into the ferguson PD and discovered unmittigated instances of corruption so deep that the reports never made headlines here on Reddit even after they were publsihed. The same people posting these videos for "truth" were nowhere to be seen. They had no stormfront statistics to back them up or the token black man to confirm the prejudice.

Here is the Ferguson report for those interested

Did anyone hear of these recent developments in Missouri? Did the chasers of racial truth on Reddit upvote them?

Parma, MO: "The first African-American female mayor in Parma, Missouri’s history was sworn in on Tuesday. Half of the Parma Missouri police department resigned on Wednesday. Five of the six officers quit immediately and three other city employees also vacated their positions."

Kinloch, MO: "Just minutes away from Ferguson, its now-famous neighbor, is Kinloch... They elected a new mayor earlier this month: Betty McCray, 64, a seven-year veteran of the Kinloch Board of Aldermen. But the Board of Aldermen refused to swear her in, and now McCray can't get into city hall. On Thursday, after she was sworn in by St. Louis County officials in nearby Clayton, McCray showed up at Kinloch's combination city hall and police department. She was denied entry and handed impeachment papers."

Here is another of Reddits black man speaking "the truth"

Here is a more recent one

I get it Reddit. You see black people as criminals and the ones who confirm your pejudices as articulate and "logikewl" and yes there are some points to be made that these stupid idiots rioting are stupid idiots rioting. But whenever I wander into these threads, it is not just criticism. It is full blown storm front bullshit.

REV AL SHARPTON and JESSE JACKSON that Reddit hates so much always tour the country to have talks with black communities and yet the common concesnus is that blacks dont talk about "black on black crime". When we talk about it, you guys don't listen or say we are blaming whites. When we start considering things like socioeconomic factors, Reddit screams SJW! SJW! Academia because the discussion is only convenient when "the animalistic thug" black people are the narrative.

When other Redditors DO talk about this, everyone yells at them and calls them SJW's or white privileged tumblrinas because as you know, anyone left of hitler is an SJW these days, as if white people understanding and trying to understand perspectives of minorities is a race betrayal. By that logic Louise CK is SJW.

Just for funsies, here are the threads from the past few days about the baltimore riots.

Want these photos inside 7-Eleven being looted in Baltimore to be seen pics

Baltimore protestor holds a bottle of vodka a bag and is stealing a woman s purse pics



Reporter robbed by black youths while covering baltimore protests videos

Baltimore Rioters Destroy Public Property Loot Businesses videos

The comments are all "BLACK LIVES MATTER KEK" and "These people wonder why they are stereotyped" . If at some point you find yourself supporting the active subjugation of a group of people and then in the very same thread saying "THESE PEOPLE ARE THE MOST RACIST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET" then there is some Olympic level mental gymnastics going on there.

Anyway, I'm off Reddit. Hope you guys have fun. Looking forward to watching the avengers or some shit. I expect another "black man" to come in here and let you guys know that yes, we black people really are terrible and so on and so forth. Don't worry. We have heard it all. We'll meet again couple of months down when we will repeat this dance and another "articulate black man" will confirm your racism in the AAVE that you guys actually talk shit about. Or maybe it will be Muslims next. Then it will be draw Mohammed or some edgy bollocks.
The point I was trying to make was the black community needs to go after this problem. Do they need help going after it? Yes, and riots do NOT bring the right kind of help. Burning down the mom and pops that TRY and help a community does not help.

Are there wrongs out there by city governments? Yes there is but riots COVER the wrongs NOT expose them.
Got a link?
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright.

Ebonics..the language of success.:blsmile::lmao:
Thats right. Never hurt me making my money.

Well sure..when you're a crack dealer.
Got a link?
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright.

Ebonics..the language of success.:blsmile::lmao:
Thats right. Never hurt me making my money.

Well sure..when you're a crack dealer.
How long have you been a crack dealer?
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

White people built this country into a first world nation.

Lincoln lied about his intentions.... and then allowed his troops to commit scorched earth warfare against civilians. Fellow AMERICANS who just wanted to peacefully withdraw from the union.

criminals, white and "black" used to get lynched, unfortunately.

a "black" president had nothing to do with the bundy dispute.
White people didnt build anything. They enslaved others to build for them.

And then in another example of mental gymnastics called the people who built it for them lazy.
Cognitive dissonance. White racists make up all kind of weird stories to soothe their inferiority complexes.

But what we see in en every thread like this one, what they all have one thing in common is that they're failures in their own lives and need someone to blame. They hate Hispanics for taking those really plum (bad pun, sorry) jobs they're too lazy to do and they're terrified their wimmin will run off with a Big Black Buck. They need to take responsibility for their own lives, their own failures but don't hold your breath.

On the plus side, I'm watching footage of both Blacks and whites, good cops and civilian residents, coming together, working to clean up the mess the Black AND white scum left last night.

That's what we all need to remember. I marched and demonstrated with Blacks in Denver in the 70s and I have to say, it breaks my heart that we are still fighting these scum racists, all these years later. We just have to keep up the good fight and not let the racist slime win.
You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Hey fake indian. english is in fact a white boy language. Its from england you fucking idiot. :laugh:

I dont give a fuck what you strive for. I notice you strive to lick the white mans boots like a good dog.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
No problem. I'm pretty healthy and not afraid to die. If I need some medicine I will use my ancestors medicine. White medicine doesnt work. It just treats the symptoms.
Let me give you a real low down on black people:

1) blacks are ten times more likely to pay twice as much for shit in their communities than white communities. The fact a CVS was even in the neighborhood, proves my point.
2) blacks pay more in property and homeowners insurance that white well off communities and will pay more when purchasing homes, than whites or any ethnic group in this country.
3) blacks are ten times more likely to be disenfranchised when it comes to voting, with unfair practices put in place by conservatives, thus creating low voter turn out and then berated for it.
4) When the crash hit in 08, first time homebuyers were the biggest target of banks with preditory lenders and blacks were hit the most.
5) black communities all across this country carry higher tax rates, higher property rates, etc.
6) 1 in every 10 black children born in this country is born into poverty and without fathers..thus creating the framework for a dysfunctional lifestyle.
7) black teens are ten times as likely to drop out of high school, yet make up 17% of our nations military.
8) blacks are the first to be fired or hours shorten when employee's need to downsize their work force.
9) blacks experience more discrimination when it comes to jobs, being promoted, when seeking housing, etc.
and 10)....no other race or ethnic group on the planet has had to deal with more shit than black people living in AMERIKKKA...NONE!!

Either post a link to where you stole this from or post links to back up your ridiculous points.
You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Hey fake indian. english is in fact a white boy language. Its from england you fucking idiot. :laugh:

I dont give a fuck what you strive for. I notice you strive to lick the white mans boots like a good dog.

You know what's funny? How you blacks also try to make a racial identity out of smoking Black & Mild cigarillos. Those Middleton boys are white, you know, a company that goes all the way back to 1856 and used slave labor to harvest their tobacco. If trying to make a white culture product an emblem of black culture isn't Double Dee, I don't know what is.
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.

All cultures, within this country or not, want cultural identity. Where do you think racism comes from?

And, just where do you think American English originated?
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright. Has nothing to do with the fact. That the white losers called the confederates suffered the ultimate humiliation by getting their asses kicked by Black men.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Hey fake indian. english is in fact a white boy language. Its from england you fucking idiot. :laugh:

I dont give a fuck what you strive for. I notice you strive to lick the white mans boots like a good dog.

You know what's funny? How you blacks also try to make a racial identity out of smoking Black & Mild cigarillos. Those Middleton boys are white, you know, a company that goes all the way back to 1856 and used slave labor to harvest their tobacco. If trying to make a white culture product an emblem of black culture isn't Double Dee, I don't know what is.
I have no clue what you are talking about. You indians drink fire water from whites but for you thats something to be proud of?

Tell us again how english is not from white people you fucking idiot.
Got a H.S. education?

You apparently dont.
You cant spell "your" for Christ sake.
Who cares how you spell it? Its not important to spell it correctly. Its white boy english. As long as you can read you should be alright.

Ebonics..the language of success.:blsmile::lmao:
Thats right. Never hurt me making my money.

Well sure..when you're a crack dealer.

If you're going to accuse a poster of a felony, post proof or admit you're lying.

Just kidding.

Everyone already knows you're a liar.

That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Hey fake indian. english is in fact a white boy language. Its from england you fucking idiot. :laugh:

I dont give a fuck what you strive for. I notice you strive to lick the white mans boots like a good dog.

You know what's funny? How you blacks also try to make a racial identity out of smoking Black & Mild cigarillos. Those Middleton boys are white, you know, a company that goes all the way back to 1856 and used slave labor to harvest their tobacco. If trying to make a white culture product an emblem of black culture isn't Double Dee, I don't know what is.
I have no clue what you are talking about. You indians drink fire water from whites but for you thats something to be proud of?

Tell us again how english is not from white people you fucking idiot.

The English speaking world is a rainbow of colors and hues. And yes you do know what I'm talking about with the Black and Mild's.

Either that or you've been pretending to be black all this time and have no clue about real black cultural icons.
White people had it rough: threw a bunch of tea in a harbor.

Didn't like Lincoln: Civil War

Didn't like diversity: Lynching

Didn't believe in black churches: Bombingham

Didn't like paying range fees to a black president: insurgency

Of course these are only individual examples. At least 40% of us don't let racism cloud our political judgement, and do not act lawlessly as a result.

White people built this country into a first world nation.

Lincoln lied about his intentions.... and then allowed his troops to commit scorched earth warfare against civilians. Fellow AMERICANS who just wanted to peacefully withdraw from the union.

criminals, white and "black" used to get lynched, unfortunately.

a "black" president had nothing to do with the bundy dispute.
White people didnt build anything. They enslaved others to build for them.

And then in another example of mental gymnastics called the people who built it for them lazy.
Cognitive dissonance. White racists make up all kind of weird stories to soothe their inferiority complexes.

But what we see in en every thread like this one, what they all have one thing in common is that they're failures in their own lives and need someone to blame. They hate Hispanics for taking those really plum (bad pun, sorry) jobs they're too lazy to do and they're terrified their wimmin will run off with a Big Black Buck. They need to take responsibility for their own lives, their own failures but don't hold your breath.

On the plus side, I'm watching footage of both Blacks and whites, good cops and civilian residents, coming together, working to clean up the mess the Black AND white scum left last night.

That's what we all need to remember. I marched and demonstrated with Blacks in Denver in the 70s and I have to say, it breaks my heart that we are still fighting these scum racists, all these years later. We just have to keep up the good fight and not let the racist slime win.
Democrats are USING black people to cover their crimes. That "mayor" that democrat was giving rioters a taste of the spoils to COVER the crimes COMMITTED by democrats who run the city.
As America watches blacks steal on TV democrats STEAL in office un-noticed.
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

I'm not even white and yet I strive for impeccable writing and speaking skills. So do Asians. Hell, Hispanics too. So much for your idiotic claim that it's a "white boy language". Only blacks seem to want to make a racial identity out of ignorance, illiteracy, and gutter dialect.
Hey fake indian. english is in fact a white boy language. Its from england you fucking idiot. :laugh:

I dont give a fuck what you strive for. I notice you strive to lick the white mans boots like a good dog.

You know what's funny? How you blacks also try to make a racial identity out of smoking Black & Mild cigarillos. Those Middleton boys are white, you know, a company that goes all the way back to 1856 and used slave labor to harvest their tobacco. If trying to make a white culture product an emblem of black culture isn't Double Dee, I don't know what is.
I have no clue what you are talking about. You indians drink fire water from whites but for you thats something to be proud of?

Tell us again how english is not from white people you fucking idiot.

The English speaking world is a rainbow of colors and hues. And yes you do know what I'm talking about with the Black and Mild's.

Either that or you've been pretending to be black all this time and have no clue about real black cultural icons.
No stupid. English originated in England by white people. How fucking stupid are you?

Cigarettes are not cultural icons. Only a boot licker drunk on fire water would think that.
That's right. Proper grammar and spelling is a low priority for black culture blacks who say "Axed" (asked) and "You was" (you were). Dumb, stupid, illiterate blacks perpetuating the belief that you all are uneducated and uneducable, do you have any shame?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
No problem. I'm pretty healthy and not afraid to die. If I need some medicine I will use my ancestors medicine. White medicine doesnt work. It just treats the symptoms.

So you know a lot of witch doctors?
Its a white boy language. Unless I'm writing a term paper it holds no importance to me. Why would I have shame over what white people want me to think of as important?

Do you feel the same about all things white?
Pretty much. I dont subscribe to what whites think is important. Why would I?

Be sure and reject all that white boy modern medicine.
No problem. I'm pretty healthy and not afraid to die. If I need some medicine I will use my ancestors medicine. White medicine doesnt work. It just treats the symptoms.

So you know a lot of witch doctors?

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