Let's talk about PPP paid political shills ("Digital Media Specialists"):

Is someone a shill if they actually believe in what they're posting if their paid.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Digital Media Specialist Salary

If someone strongly believes in a cause, and they're not being paid, they're not a shill, they're simply making posts on the beliefs.

Now suppose we take that same person, we observe their posts and offer to pay them to continue posting under a few guidelines that don't directly conflict with the posters views...is that person a shill? Seems that person is simply lucky, they get to do what they like and get paid for it.

Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC
This pro-Clinton super PAC is spending $1 million to 'correct' people online — and Redditors are outraged
Confession of Hillary Shill from /r/SandersForPresident - thread is now gone but someone saved the content. • r/conspiracy
Confession of Hillary Shill from /r/SandersForPresident - Pastebin.com
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I'm just curious as to what PPP is. :dunno:

PPP is the "Pay Per Post" website PayPerPost used by advertisers and political organizations.

O, most of those are here, (USMB is most gracious to them)

in "The Trump Administration" thread in the Rubber Room.

They make their post count and regular people go on about their business. :coffee:

There are a few exceptions that make it out into where normal people are, but whatever. :dunno:
I'm just curious as to what PPP is. :dunno:

PPP is the "Pay Per Post" website PayPerPost used by advertisers and political organizations.

O, most of those are here, (USMB is most gracious to them)

in "The Trump Administration" thread in the Rubber Room.

They make their post count and regular people go on about their business.

It's quite easy to identify the left and right paid shills here simply by the zealousness of their posts, the streamlined content of the post and the relentlessness of the poster. Lakhota comes to mind immediately (leftie). The ones on the right tend to be "trolls" that are hired by lefties to make the right look exceptionally bad without being obvious that their a troll account.
I'm just curious as to what PPP is. :dunno:
Paid political poster.

That term is offensive according to Hillary, you have to call them by they're politically correct name..."digital media specialist."

  1. Good afternoon. As of today, I am officially a former "digital media specialist" (a nice way to say "paid Internet troll") previously employed by Hillary Clinton's campaign (through a PR firm). I'm posting here today as a confession of sorts because I can no longer continue to participate in something that has become morally-indigestible for me. (This is a one-time throwaway account, but I'll stick around for this thread.)

  2. First, my background. I am [redacted] ... and first became involved in politics during the 2008 presidential race. I worked as a volunteer for Hillary during the Democratic primary and then for the Democratic Party in the general election. I was not heavily involved in the 2012 election cycle (employment issues - volunteering doesn't pay the rent), and I wasn't really planning on getting involved in this cycle until I was contacted by a friend from college around six months ago about working on Hillary's campaign.
Confession of Hillary Shill from /r/SandersForPresident - thread is now gone but someone saved the content. • r/conspiracy
I'm just curious as to what PPP is. :dunno:
They make an average of 45k a year, not too bad huh?

Digital Media Specialist Salary

Imagine we can get paid 45k a year to troll the internet!

  • Develop and implement online marketing policies and projects.
  • Capture and track public sentiment and interests around the industry or product.
  • Improve search engine optimization and general discovery of content by target groups.
  • Analyze and report on web traffic, analytics, and engagement.
Well now I know why my untitled links of Devin Kelley's facebook and LinkIn kept getting deleted by the authorities...12 deletions in 7 hours...had to repost a total of 14 times before the delete hammer didn't eliminate the URL link.

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Bah, I'm OK doing what I do. It's a lot more fun than trolling teh internetz. :eek:

It's real work, too. I suppose I'm crazy like that. :eek:
People have a tendency of becoming what they pretend to be.

If you get paid to push a certain perspective you’ll find a way to feel good about it.
I'm just curious as to what PPP is. :dunno:

PPP is the "Pay Per Post" website PayPerPost used by advertisers and political organizations.
Gee I wonder if any of those people post here? :lmao:I can think of about a dozen poster names right off the top of my head. Some specialize in spamming points (& their pages) into obscurity. Others specialize in artificial flame wars to same end. Others in outright unfounded propaganda. Others still in outright tag-team bullying of those holding opposing opinions.

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