Lets Talk About Teleprompters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump cult members yak about Bidens inability to speak without a teleprompter and often try claiming that trump talks for hours unscripted. The problem with this claim is that its untrue.

Lefties saw Trump use a teleprompter and now they are all excited. Meanwhile Biden hasn't given a press conference in two years and he obviously his brain can't function for more than an hour and a half.
Trump has never been without a teleprompter. Trump stopped giving press conferences. Trump is delusional. He lied for 90 minutes during that debate and the fact he believes those lies shows that his mental capacity is gone.
Trump has never been without a teleprompter. Trump stopped giving press conferences. Trump is delusional. He lied for 90 minutes during that debate and the fact he believes those lies shows that his mental capacity is gone.
Hey stupid, stop trying to spin that debate. You really should try to move on. You can't win.
Trump has never been without a teleprompter. Trump stopped giving press conferences. Trump is delusional. He lied for 90 minutes during that debate and the fact he believes those lies shows that his mental capacity is gone.
Wow, you sound so pathetic and childish here.

Whining will get you nowhere
Trump cult members yak about Bidens inability to speak without a teleprompter and often try claiming that trump talks for hours unscripted. The problem with this claim is that its untrue.

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Yes, trump and his trump Nazis are critical of failings in others. These same faults are present in their cult leader, but the trump Nazis are in extreme denial of this (and many other) points.

Trump has never been without a teleprompter. Trump stopped giving press conferences. Trump is delusional. He lied for 90 minutes during that debate and the fact he believes those lies shows that his mental capacity is gone.
The freaking president is shown to be mentally incapable of continuing in office and lefties want to talk about Trump and teleprompters? Of course he has never been without a teleprompter, no major politician ever is. It comes with the setup and it helps with remembering names and keeps the conversation moving. It should be obvious even to TDS democrats that Trump can go off on a tangent for half an hour and come back to his original point. Biden, however, is obviously incapable of speaking without written instructions even after a week of studying.
Trump had no teleprompter, earpiece, written speech at the debate, and we saw him thinking and speaking on his feet, and he literally ran circles around fossil Joe.
It was glaring.
The freaking president is shown to be mentally incapable of continuing in office and lefties want to talk about Trump and teleprompters? Of course he has never been without a teleprompter, no major politician ever is. It comes with the setup and it helps with remembering names and keeps the conversation moving. It should be obvious even to TDS democrats that Trump can go off on a tangent for half an hour and come back to his original point. Biden, however, is obviously incapable of speaking without written instructions even after a week of studying.
The president had a poor debate performance. His record as president shows he can do the job.
Trump has never been without a teleprompter. Trump stopped giving press conferences. Trump is delusional. He lied for 90 minutes during that debate and the fact he believes those lies shows that his mental capacity is gone.
Sooooo? Meanwhile Joey uses his prompts in speech. Like (Pause!), (End Quote!). Quite embarrassing for Joey that can;t find his way off the stage unless Jill guides him.
Democrats should all be arrested and tried for the elderly abuse of Joe Biden.
Sooooo? Meanwhile Joey uses his prompts in speech. Like (Pause!), (End Quote!). Quite embarrassing for Joey that can;t find his way off the stage unless Jill guides him.
Democrats should all be arrested and tried for the elderly abuse of Joe Biden.
Trump does too, amd trump can't finish a sentence whille using it, and says crazy sit while using one as well. And yu can stop lying about Biden needingto be led offstage. Where was Melania since we are talking about wives.

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