Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

The Rich spend billions in a propaganda campaign that blames everyone but the rich for America's problems.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

There is waste and malfeasance in any government. I would guess our government is one of the least wasteful and corrupt
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

The Rich spend billions in a propaganda campaign that blames everyone but the rich for America's problems.

You are struggling to feed and house your family?
Blame that woman on welfare......she is the one who has too much
I know I will be called a racist, but I saw a recent poll on 'Morning Joe' that had 91% of the African-Americans voting for Hillary and 1% voting for Trump. No, not a typo! Hillary promises more free stuff and Trump promises more jobs. What does that mean?
It means, why should these lazy bastards work when the Minorities can collect Welfare for free; and the promise of jobs leads nowhere but Minimum Wage at 30 hours a week!
What is it that you want to do but can't anymore?

I may have to go back to work in my 70s because these young assholes don't know enough to do their job; they are more interested in their social lives than supporting themselves...frankly, I don't feel sorry for 'em.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

No, guy, I would never think of talking you off the ledge. I think when you truly believe the 1929 crash was 'orchestrated', or that Sandy Hook was a "False Flag" operation, you are probably beyond the ability to be reasoned with.

But on a serious note, I think America has gotten complacent compared to earlier generations. We've become more selfish, more lazy, we don't get upset about the things we should be upset about. We tolerate growing wealth inequality much like the apocrophal boiled frog, because it is happening to us slowly.

The difference is that you think these things are all some master conspiracy done by the Illuminati, the Five Jew Bankers and the Lizard People. I think it's simply a matter of laziness. The real answers are hard, and we don't want to do these things that we need to do to compete in a global world.

For instance NaziTrump will scream all day about foreign competition, but when was the last time most of us picked up the products we are about to buy to check where they were actually made?
The biggest problem IMO is that people now see wants as needs and even as rights in some cases.

People feel entitled and think they shouldn't have to do anything but the bare minimum but then they expect to reap the same rewards as those who risk everything to succeed

Born on third base and thought he hit a triple, I see.
I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

Keeping up the infrastructure, dumbass. The problem is, 100 billion isn't enough to cover the needs.

Is some of that money wasted on a big Red State with no people in it and a Senator who sits on an influential committee? Yup. But the real problem is we are looking at infrastructure that was largely built back in the 1950's and it's all crumbling now. Mostly because we had leaders who think it's more important to give tax breaks to rich people and fight wars in the Middle East.
During the Carter and Reagan years I lived on the road. I didn't have a cell phone and I didn't have a credit card. There were no ATMs. Lap tops? A thing of dreams. This is after serving during Vietnam. (not in theater) Things looked bleak. Steel mills shutting, Carter's malaise speech and the Iranians were holding our Americans hostage. There was this wall that symbolized the separation between the Allies and the axis of evil.

Things looked very bleak at times.

And here we are 40 years later and Dick Tracy's two way wrist radio is reality. We have technology that connects us with the world like I never dreamed. We are feeding more people then was ever predicted possible. Homes are still being built. Health care is extending life to well over 100 for many. In the US we have freedom to travel and the cost is actually affordable. Life is in reality good.

Yes, there are problems. Problems the US basically created by the US. I will say I think most were done with good intentions only the results were poor.

That said, it is human nature to whine. I represented union members for many years and learned there was almost nothing that would stop them from whining. Why? Because they know if they smile and are content then they will receive no new benefits.

Of course I can't discount those who are truly discontent because of decisions they made in life. My one brother doesn't have two nickles to rub together, he is the most giving person I know. My other brother blames his problems on everyone else. Me, I am just one lucky bastard.
I have to go along with the steady decline of America's values...education, world reputation, family unity, morals, and character in general. I worry and I grieve. I'm older than a lot of posters on the Board ... but in many ways much younger in heart. I grew up poor and expect to die poor. I never worried about what somebody else had that I didn't have. I went through a lot of physical and emotional abuse as a child and it has taken me a lifetime to slowly come to terms with much of it. With the exception of one job, I always had good jobs and I pushed myself to excel, to do my best. Much ...perhaps too much...of our younger generation today not only don't want to work, some refuse...it's "gimme the good stuff...gimme it FREE."

There's too much raw hatred of too many things in America today...too much personal disrespect of others without ever asking, "What have I done to make myself proud of myself...to have others proud of me...respect me?"

The list of problems goes on and on.
The biggest problem IMO is that people now see wants as needs and even as rights in some cases.

People feel entitled and think they shouldn't have to do anything but the bare minimum but then they expect to reap the same rewards as those who risk everything to succeed

Born on third base and thought he hit a triple, I see.
Born on 3rd base?

Let's see

Father killed in Nam for absolutely nothing when I was 2

Raised by a single mother who went bipolar batshit crazy when I was 10

Worked 38 hours a week while I was a Junior and Senior in HS

Moved out before my 18th birthday

Paid my own way through college

Yeah real silver spoon kid here
I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

Keeping up the infrastructure, dumbass. The problem is, 100 billion isn't enough to cover the needs.

Is some of that money wasted on a big Red State with no people in it and a Senator who sits on an influential committee? Yup. But the real problem is we are looking at infrastructure that was largely built back in the 1950's and it's all crumbling now. Mostly because we had leaders who think it's more important to give tax breaks to rich people and fight wars in the Middle East.


It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for
Born on 3rd base?

Let's see

Father killed in Nam for absolutely nothing when I was 2

Raised by a single mother who went bipolar batshit crazy when I was 10

Worked 38 hours a week while I was a Junior and Senior in HS

Moved out before my 18th birthday

Paid my own way through college

Yeah real silver spoon kid here


It's too bad you went through all of that, supposedly, and lack even the basics of human compassion or empathy.

You see, the hardships of my life - and I've had plenty, my parents died when I was young - have made me more compassionate towards people, not less.
Born on 3rd base?

Let's see

Father killed in Nam for absolutely nothing when I was 2

Raised by a single mother who went bipolar batshit crazy when I was 10

Worked 38 hours a week while I was a Junior and Senior in HS

Moved out before my 18th birthday

Paid my own way through college

Yeah real silver spoon kid here


It's too bad you went through all of that, supposedly, and lack even the basics of human compassion or empathy.

You see, the hardships of my life - and I've had plenty, my parents died when I was young - have made me more compassionate towards people, not less.

Fuck you Joe. I told you that to shut you the fuck up about my past not for any of your worthless sympathy

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.
Fuck you Joe. I told you that to shut you the fuck up about my past not for any of your worthless sympathy

No sympathy, just wondering how you seem to wear your callousness and lack of human decency like a badge of honor.

My problem with you isn't that you hold goofy beliefs... it's that every time you post, you prove what an absolutely horrible person you are...
I tell you what the problem is---the spreading of false information and straight out lies!!

How can you tell what is true if every news source is compromised. What is real and what is manufactured bull$$it.

Who can you Trust?

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

I don't know but I do know that the big dig went 700% over budget due to government and union corruption

I wonder how much other shit could have been fixed up with that money don't yo
Fuck you Joe. I told you that to shut you the fuck up about my past not for any of your worthless sympathy

No sympathy, just wondering how you seem to wear your callousness and lack of human decency like a badge of honor.

My problem with you isn't that you hold goofy beliefs... it's that every time you post, you prove what an absolutely horrible person you are...

Says the guy who paints everyone with the same broad brush.

I mind my own business and to a pathological control freak like you that equals callousness just like your thinking telling other people how to live their lives to your specifications is "caring"

You're the twisted ass here not me
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

I'm not old enough to remember Nixon or Carter, but I've heard y'all had to line up to buy gas.

Some people thought this country was on the verge of collapse back then. In fact my parents were some of those people.

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