Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

Name three or four things that you think make us 'in serious trouble'.

Moral rot and decay
Demographic shifts every 500 years western, eastern hemisphere
Last stages of a republic: dependency on govt and then enslavement....not the physical but the dependence.
What did Nixon do? Does anyone remember what was at the core of the Nixon controversy? Nixon was a choir boy compared to the corrupt LBJ administration. anything the Nixon administration was accused of pales to the Obama years. The difference of course is that LBJ was a democrat and Nixon was a republican. No administration in the history of the Republic was attacked the way the Nixon administration was. Can you imagine the media using unverified information against Clinton or Obama from an informant who wasn't identified until he died? It couldn't happen during a democrat administration. One half of the Watergate investigative team was a red diaper baby who's parents were card carrying communists and who raised him with an abiding hatred of Nixon who had been a HUAC prosecutor. Can you imagine a reporter who's parents were KKK members investigating Obama? When the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party, any affront to the Constitution is possible.
Who was Governor has nothing to do with it. Who was overseeing the contractors does. The construction started in 1991, and was to be completed in 1998 and was a federally funded project, vetoed by Reagan but overrode by Congress. It was a massive under taking
I don't know but I do know that the big dig went 700% over budget due to government and union corruption

I wonder how much other shit could have been fixed up with that money don't yo

the biggest problem was caused by a non-union subcontractor, Modern Continental, failing to remove debris before pouring cement.

Big Dig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, looking at the list of problems, all of them were caused by subcontractors cutting corners.

Oh, who was governor of the state when they had most of the problems? Mitt Romney.
What did Nixon do? Does anyone remember what was at the core of the Nixon controversy? Nixon was a choir boy compared to the corrupt LBJ administration. anything the Nixon administration was accused of pales to the Obama years. The difference of course is that LBJ was a democrat and Nixon was a republican. No administration in the history of the Republic was attacked the way the Nixon administration was. Can you imagine the media using unverified information against Clinton or Obama from an informant who wasn't identified until he died? It couldn't happen during a democrat administration. One half of the Watergate investigative team was a red diaper baby who's parents were card carrying communists and who raised him with an abiding hatred of Nixon who had been a HUAC prosecutor. Can you imagine a reporter who's parents were KKK members investigating Obama? When the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party, any affront to the Constitution is possible.

Obama has been the most scandal free President since Carter
Here's what I see and take notice of..... We used to be a country that built products and did great things like land men on the moon. Then we got complacent and feeling entitled which led to the 70's when the stuff we turned out was crappy. So we became a nation where the rewards go to the money movers. Our manufacturing base which was the source of not only the wealth of the middle class but also the backbone of our military's arsenal continues to be knocked down by excessive labor and environmental laws that we do not hold our foreign trade partners to.
It is much more than that. Bonuses paid to fed employees for subpar work. Employees that can't be fired and sit in offices twiddling their thumbs. Agencies that do pretty much nothing. Politically connected project overruns. And on and on and on.
I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

Keeping up the infrastructure, dumbass. The problem is, 100 billion isn't enough to cover the needs.

Is some of that money wasted on a big Red State with no people in it and a Senator who sits on an influential committee? Yup. But the real problem is we are looking at infrastructure that was largely built back in the 1950's and it's all crumbling now. Mostly because we had leaders who think it's more important to give tax breaks to rich people and fight wars in the Middle East.


It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

The government wasn't guaranteeing mortgages and student loans to the tune of trillions of dollars either

So tell you what you shrink the size of government to the size it was back then and let's see how much money is available to do all that stuff

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

They also consume more than anyone and profit more than anyone

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

They also consume more than anyone and profit more than anyone
SO what if they consume more it's their money and we have an economy that is consumption based. If the rich stopped consuming you'd be whining about that too

It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for

how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

They also consume more than anyone and profit more than anyone
SO what if they consume more it's their money and we have an economy that is consumption based. If the rich stopped consuming you'd be whining about that too

They consume more of our infrastructure, government programs, judicial system,
I have to go along with the steady decline of America's values...education, world reputation, family unity, morals, and character in general. I worry and I grieve. I'm older than a lot of posters on the Board ... but in many ways much younger in heart. I grew up poor and expect to die poor. I never worried about what somebody else had that I didn't have. I went through a lot of physical and emotional abuse as a child and it has taken me a lifetime to slowly come to terms with much of it. With the exception of one job, I always had good jobs and I pushed myself to excel, to do my best. Much ...perhaps too much...of our younger generation today not only don't want to work, some refuse...it's "gimme the good stuff...gimme it FREE."

There's too much raw hatred of too many things in America today...too much personal disrespect of others without ever asking, "What have I done to make myself proud of myself...to have others proud of me...respect me?"

The list of problems goes on and on.

My opinion, most of the problems we have today have always been here.
I don't know but I do know that the big dig went 700% over budget due to government and union corruption

I wonder how much other shit could have been fixed up with that money don't yo

the biggest problem was caused by a non-union subcontractor, Modern Continental, failing to remove debris before pouring cement.

Big Dig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, looking at the list of problems, all of them were caused by subcontractors cutting corners.

Oh, who was governor of the state when they had most of the problems? Mitt Romney.
Yeah that caused the 700% budget overrun.
how much do you think is actually being spent on bike paths?

No, the real problem is we aren't investing enough, or making the rich pay for it like FDR and Ike did when they built the infrastructure that made us a world-class power to start with.

FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

They also consume more than anyone and profit more than anyone
SO what if they consume more it's their money and we have an economy that is consumption based. If the rich stopped consuming you'd be whining about that too

They consume more of our infrastructure, government programs, judicial system,

they already pay much more.
FDR built dams, TVA, parks
Ike built the interstate highway system
JFK sent us to the moon

All used tax structure that depended on the wealthy contributing more
They still contribute more than anyone.

and all those people you mention didn't have the tax code we have today that allow 47% of people to pay ZERO income tax

They also consume more than anyone and profit more than anyone
SO what if they consume more it's their money and we have an economy that is consumption based. If the rich stopped consuming you'd be whining about that too

They consume more of our infrastructure, government programs, judicial system,

they already pay much more.

Yet, significantly less than they paid thirty years ago when we actually could afford investing in infrastructure and government services

No, it represents lack of work or not wanting to work, from Dem policies, as well as supplying almost everything anyone would want.
Welfare alone is now over $1 Trillion, that is dollars.

We need to improve our wage structure

A person has control over their wages. It can be improved by education, hard work and making good decisions. This BS about keeping the fry cook down is just liberal BS.

You confuse a person and a population

$1 trillion in welfare reflects the wage structure of a population
Our government is corrupt and they are using government agencies, legislative and executive power to corrupt everything else. They wield government agencies like goon squads and trade legislative and executive actions for money. The two parties have so gamed elections that for the most part they no longer fear voters knowing that the choice will be one establishment candidate or the other. Trump threw a giant monkey wrench in their election rigging and look how they have reacted. What people should take notice of is that it took a well known billionaire to pull that off, your average non-establishment candidate doesn't stand a chance against the establishment party election rigging.

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