Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
China is killing us and younger generation laps up every piece of false information provided them by liberal media and college profs. They have never seen America as a great nation. Social justice issues and gay issues are not important at this critical time in history and must take a back seat to economic concerns.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
China is killing us and younger generation laps up every piece of false information provided them by liberal media and college profs. They have never seen America as a great nation. Social justice issues and gay issues are not important at this critical time in history and must take a back seat to economic concerns.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
What word did I use to even make you think I was referring to Jews? Because this isn't a "Jewish" conspiracy. What do you think Kennedy was talking about when he said we were opposed by a monolithic conspiracy, and how as a society we were opposed to those that belonged to secret societies and took secret oaths? I have much more proof that they exist than you have proof that they don't.. I couldn't care less how you "see" me.

right...so you are a JFK Conspiracy theorist, too? Is there any other nutty conspiracy you don't embrace?

You are just a scared little man that wants to believe that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is above board and transparent when nothing could be further from the truth. False flags and staged events have been used since the beginning of time in order to reach a certain aim and manipulate society in order move them to do their bidding.

I think you give society too little credit, and government too much. You see, the government can't even keep the roads in repair, you think they are effective enough to fake the Moon Landings or whack JFK and put the blame on a disaffected loser... I wish government was as effective as you seem to think it is.

Every war we have been in even since the late 1800's has always had a false flag. Just because YOU are too stupid to realize it or research it yourself doesn't change what is. You see...I know more than you...infinitely more.

Um, right. So the sinking of the Lustitania, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were all "False Flags", because the people who carried them out were pretty clear that they carried them out, even gave out medals to the guys who carried them out.

so who are the real villains here? Bohemian Grove? The Trilateralists? The Bilderbergers? The Illuminati? The Five Jewish Bankers? The Lizard People. Please, please enlighten us...

Really? You believe that Oswald was the shooter? Do you know that they tested him for gun powder blow back using the Paraffin test and found nothing but a small spot on his left hand? There is the "gubermint" that you see and then there is the shadow "gubermint" that is actually calling the shots. Did you know that there are security clearances higher than the president and that there is a black ops budget that has no oversight whatsoever? Who the fuck put these people in charge and why are they allowed to operate outside of their corporate constitution?

Let's address the Lusitania....there was ammunition headed for England on it and Germany took out full page ads warning people about that any ship carrying ammo was going to be targeted. The Balfour Declaration that would establish a Jewish state was negotiated by England and the international bankers that if they would give up Palestine that they could get the United States in WWI so the sinking of the Lusitania was necessary and accomplished their goal. The Japanese code was broken almost a year before Pearl Harbor and they knew exactly when the attack was to happen. The attack was necessary in order to get Americans to support entry into the war. There could have been no Nazi Germany without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs and they made money off it. They traded and supported the Nazis during WWII and then picked over the carcass of what was left by using the Vatican ratlines to bring in Nazi intelligence officers and scientists under "Operation Paperclip" and placed them in key positions after they whitewashed their backgrounds. This is all de-classified information, dude. I know more than you....I dedicate most of my time to learning the kinds of things that you can't even wrap your head around. You can't defeat me in a debate when it comes to what is really going on. The CIA runs opium into this country and has since the 1950's and it funds their black ops. Drug money laundered by their banks is what keeps the ATMs filled with cash because 97 percent of our money is nothing but numbers in a computer. Drugs are a "cash only business" and your beloved "gubermint" is up to their necks in it.....get it now? Bring on some more shit, Joe.....I can do this all day and night.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
China is killing us and younger generation laps up every piece of false information provided them by liberal media and college profs. They have never seen America as a great nation. Social justice issues and gay issues are not important at this critical time in history and must take a back seat to economic concerns.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
SO what if they consume more it's their money and we have an economy that is consumption based. If the rich stopped consuming you'd be whining about that too

They consume more of our infrastructure, government programs, judicial system,

they already pay much more.

Yet, significantly less than they paid thirty years ago when we actually could afford investing in infrastructure and government services


You really think that it is incentive for someone to work if you are going to take 90 percent of their wages? Really? What if the government wanted 90 percent of your wages and told you they would give some back in the form of government handouts. WTF if I were rich and you wanted to take 90 percent of my money to pay for someone else, I would be moving to Balise.
You are not working if you are in a 90% tax bracket. You also pay progressively as you move up through those tax brackets

For some reason, the millionaires and billionaires kept making money

A central; bank and a progressive income tax are two planks of the communist manifesto. Your income taxes do not go towards funding the "day to day" operation of this corporate entity that is a subsidiary of the International Monetary Fund. The dividends paid to USA.INC from their investments are more than the entire GDP of the private sector. They are the majority stock holders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Do some research on the CAFR because USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries that skim tax money off the top and invest it while hiding it. According to experts that know how to read the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, USA.INC is sitting on over 80 TRILLION dollars in assets while giving us their credit card bill (with interest) to pay.
China is killing us and younger generation laps up every piece of false information provided them by liberal media and college profs. They have never seen America as a great nation. Social justice issues and gay issues are not important at this critical time in history and must take a back seat to economic concerns.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?

So, rightwinger.....you "laughed" at my post but you could not refute what I posted......why not?
China is killing us and younger generation laps up every piece of false information provided them by liberal media and college profs. They have never seen America as a great nation. Social justice issues and gay issues are not important at this critical time in history and must take a back seat to economic concerns.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?

So, rightwinger.....you "laughed" at my post but you could not refute what I posted......why not?

Admit it

People laugh at you in real life too
Old farts say that about every younger generation
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.

Hey...I voted for Reagan twice too

But I learned as I grew older
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.

Hey...I voted for Reagan twice too

But I learned as I grew older
I learned as I got older too. That's why I vote Republican now.
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.

Hey...I voted for Reagan twice too

But I learned as I grew older
I learned as I got older too. That's why I vote Republican now.
That's why you ended up with Trump
They said that about Reagan kids in 1980's when Reagan won them in 1984?
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?

So, rightwinger.....you "laughed" at my post but you could not refute what I posted......why not?

Admit it

People laugh at you in real life too

Nope....as a matter of fact? I have added over 250 people on my FB page that have read my work on sites that require a FB log in. They have vetted my information and contacted me wanting to know more. You see? I know more than you,....no brag, just fact. I actually believe that you are pretty sharp but a tad misguided. You seem to be under the impression that this corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body is the solution....it's not. It's working against you and it has an agenda that I don't believe that you would be in favor of.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
Have you any idea how big,bloated and inefficient our federal government is?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.

Hey...I voted for Reagan twice too

But I learned as I grew older
I learned as I got older too. That's why I vote Republican now.
That's why you ended up with Trump

I am just curious....have you done ANY vetting of Hitlery Clinton???? Because if you had, you would see that she doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone than herself. I am not saying that Trump is the answer....especially if he was to take Gingrich as a VP because Gingrich and Hitlery are thicker than thieves as well....but it should give you pause for thought.
What kids did Reagan win in 1984?
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?

So, rightwinger.....you "laughed" at my post but you could not refute what I posted......why not?

Admit it

People laugh at you in real life too

Nope....as a matter of fact? I have added over 250 people on my FB page that have read my work on sites that require a FB log in. They have vetted my information and contacted me wanting to know more. You see? I know more than you,....no brag, just fact. I actually believe that you are pretty sharp but a tad misguided. You seem to be under the impression that this corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body is the solution....it's not. It's working against you and it has an agenda that I don't believe that you would be in favor of.

You are a GOD among conspiracy nutjobs
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
Have you any idea how big,bloated and inefficient our federal government is?

I realize in areas it is, but to cut all investment because you believe it has some corruption isn't smart and will reduce the size of our economy. What we need is a leader that can manage the federal government in away that doesn't destroy our ability to compete with the rest of the world but fixes the problems that it has. My point has always been one of making it more efficient.
Youth vote went to Reagan in 1984. Last great generation of Americans.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?

So, rightwinger.....you "laughed" at my post but you could not refute what I posted......why not?

Admit it

People laugh at you in real life too

Nope....as a matter of fact? I have added over 250 people on my FB page that have read my work on sites that require a FB log in. They have vetted my information and contacted me wanting to know more. You see? I know more than you,....no brag, just fact. I actually believe that you are pretty sharp but a tad misguided. You seem to be under the impression that this corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body is the solution....it's not. It's working against you and it has an agenda that I don't believe that you would be in favor of.

You are a GOD among conspiracy nutjobs

So you believe that JFK was killed by a lone assassin? Do tell?? I am much more informed about how the monetary system works than you....infinitely more as well as the powers behind it. Your childlike faith in what you think you know and believe is a fallacy...and that is a fact.
How I really feel is what I consistently express: Our culture is in crisis due to a lack of values and an ignorance of history (as well as a large array of ignorance across the board). Individual Liberty is not an accidental phenomenon. The values, institutions, and, importantly, Civil Society upon which the United States developed a Freedom Protecting system are completely undermined by Big Government and Progressive Education.

So, I am just riding the decline. I think Western Civ, and hence Freedom in the Modern World, have peaked. Absent some existential crisis, we're done. And even if we have an existential crisis, the poor quality of our human capital will likely lead to a completely totalitarian result.

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