Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
Have you any idea how big,bloated and inefficient our federal government is?

I realize in areas it is, but to cut all investment because you believe it has some corruption isn't smart and will reduce the size of our economy. What we need is a leader that can manage the federal government in away that doesn't destroy our ability to compete with the rest of the world but fixes the problems that it has. My point has always been one of making it more efficient.

Dude, the powers that be could solve the world's problems in a heartbeat if they wanted to do so. Free energy technology has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla. Do you believe that the 140 plus deep military bases here in the United States have an electrical grid?
How I really feel is what I consistently express: Our culture is in crisis due to a lack of values and an ignorance of history (as well as a large array of ignorance across the board). Individual Liberty is not an accidental phenomenon. The values, institutions, and, importantly, Civil Society upon which the United States developed a Freedom Protecting system are completely undermined by Big Government and Progressive Education.

So, I am just riding the decline. I think Western Civ, and hence Freedom in the Modern World, have peaked. Absent some existential crisis, we're done. And even if we have an existential crisis, the poor quality of our human capital will likely lead to a completely totalitarian result.

Wish I could give your post 1000 "Winner" tags........you fucking NAILED it.
Well, let's see. I was born in 1943. My father and all but my oldest uncle were in uniform, and most were overseas. When I grew up, we often lived without electricity, and grew a most of our food. Dad would work night and day, and get to the point that we had a place of our own, then Mom would get sick, and everything we had went to the doctor's and the hospital. All of us kids had the measles, mumps, chicken pox, and the other illnesses associated with childhood in those times. One of my early childhood friends went into the hospital with polio, and I never saw him again.

We moved a lot in Oregon and Washington as Dad followed logging. So I saw a lot of different rural schools. They ranged from woefully inadequate to magnificent. Libraries were really my main source of education. I truly envy the children today that have the knowledge of the world at their fingertips.

There was far more open country, and far fewer rules then. But one's freedom only extends to where the next persons feet begin, so a larger population is going to result in less freedom.

Many things are different today than in my childhood. But, on the whole, they are much better. My children and grandchildren never had the childhood diseases that I did, thanks to the vaccines. When I started working, work places were routinely unsafe, and you had better not say anything about it. Today, due to the regulations, and costs of having workplace injuries, most industries are very careful about safety at work.

Yes, I live far better than my parents or grandparents. And I have been able to see far more of this great nation due to the economic freedom that an upper middle class income has given me. This is a better world than I was born into.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

There is waste and malfeasance in any government. I would guess our government is one of the least wasteful and corrupt
By world standards you are correct. Even by first world standards, we are in the top ten for good government. But we must always strive to be better.
What is it that you want to do but can't anymore?

I may have to go back to work in my 70s because these young assholes don't know enough to do their job; they are more interested in their social lives than supporting themselves...frankly, I don't feel sorry for 'em.
I am still working and I am in my 70s, and also working on a degree so that I can continue to work, but at something that is less physical.

And, at the university, see many young people working two jobs and taking 1/2 to 2/3 load. You pick the worst of the younger generation for examples, and ignore all those working as hard as you and I did when we were young. Jealousy of the young because you have gotten old is a sad trait.
Well, let's see. I was born in 1943. My father and all but my oldest uncle were in uniform, and most were overseas. When I grew up, we often lived without electricity, and grew a most of our food. Dad would work night and day, and get to the point that we had a place of our own, then Mom would get sick, and everything we had went to the doctor's and the hospital. All of us kids had the measles, mumps, chicken pox, and the other illnesses associated with childhood in those times. One of my early childhood friends went into the hospital with polio, and I never saw him again.

We moved a lot in Oregon and Washington as Dad followed logging. So I saw a lot of different rural schools. They ranged from woefully inadequate to magnificent. Libraries were really my main source of education. I truly envy the children today that have the knowledge of the world at their fingertips.

There was far more open country, and far fewer rules then. But one's freedom only extends to where the next persons feet begin, so a larger population is going to result in less freedom.

Many things are different today than in my childhood. But, on the whole, they are much better. My children and grandchildren never had the childhood diseases that I did, thanks to the vaccines. When I started working, work places were routinely unsafe, and you had better not say anything about it. Today, due to the regulations, and costs of having workplace injuries, most industries are very careful about safety at work.

Yes, I live far better than my parents or grandparents. And I have been able to see far more of this great nation due to the economic freedom that an upper middle class income has given me. This is a better world than I was born into.

I am not a fan of your postings here for the most part but you knocked it out of the park with that post and thanks for sharing. You are around the same age as my dad, btw. I agree, we have made some serious advances and the middle class paved the way for it. Something happened in the late 60's and the powers that be decided a strong middle class was a threat to their power which was why the Club Of Rome was established in order to separate the classes and bring about the demise of the middle class using environmental laws and unfair trade agreements with illegal immigration being part of it. It's in the white papers of the CFR as to why this must happen. Good on ya and I am a firm believer that our elders have a lot of information to share.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
Life is great! What's the problem?

Students of history know this country has seen far worse between 1861 and now. How can we compare the Great Recession with the Great Depression except as a bunch of overweight, spoiled children lamenting a nostalgic past seen through rose-colored glasses?

How can we honestly compare "active shooter drills" with "duck'n'cover drills" in terms of fear and finality? The fact global annihilation through thermonuclear war never came to pass doesn't negate the nearly 40 years of fears and concern it produced. Yes, "active shooter" and terrorist fears are real and can be harmful to children's psyche, but is it really worse than fearing the entire world could end in a flash or a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning as fallout rained down over the land?

Yes, our times aren't perfect, but anyone who studies the past knows it could be a lot worse.

Our biggest problem, IMHO, is one Alvin Toffler predicted: "Information Overload". Through highly sophisticated technology, we're aware of problems all over the globe. It isn't filtered through newsreels at the movie theater or even a condensed down to 30 minutes of national news every evening at 6. We're inundated with it 24/7 and it's having an effect on the mindset of our citizenry.

The good news is that, despite all the 24/7 reports of global violence, war casualties have dropped off dramatically over the past 100 years.

Overall, we have problems, but I'm optimistic we'll pull through. We always have.


During the Carter and Reagan years I lived on the road. I didn't have a cell phone and I didn't have a credit card. There were no ATMs. Lap tops? A thing of dreams. This is after serving during Vietnam. (not in theater) Things looked bleak. Steel mills shutting, Carter's malaise speech and the Iranians were holding our Americans hostage. There was this wall that symbolized the separation between the Allies and the axis of evil.

Things looked very bleak at times.

And here we are 40 years later and Dick Tracy's two way wrist radio is reality. We have technology that connects us with the world like I never dreamed. We are feeding more people then was ever predicted possible. Homes are still being built. Health care is extending life to well over 100 for many. In the US we have freedom to travel and the cost is actually affordable. Life is in reality good.

Yes, there are problems. Problems the US basically created by the US. I will say I think most were done with good intentions only the results were poor.

That said, it is human nature to whine. I represented union members for many years and learned there was almost nothing that would stop them from whining. Why? Because they know if they smile and are content then they will receive no new benefits.

Of course I can't discount those who are truly discontent because of decisions they made in life. My one brother doesn't have two nickles to rub together, he is the most giving person I know. My other brother blames his problems on everyone else. Me, I am just one lucky bastard.
Good points all. And, for those of us that are past the two score and ten, and are still healthy and strong, we are all lucky bastards. It is a great time to be alive, and a great nation to be alive in. Our knowledge of the universe is expanding at a rate undreamed of when I was a child. And it is all available to us right at home on our desk.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

The world economy is headed for collapse but I don't know exactly when.

Islam is on the rise.

Soon the prophesies of Revelation are about to come to fruition.

After the world economies collapse, the economies of the world will become centralized to the point of needing an implanted chip to buy and sell in order to "fix" the problem. Just think of all the benefits of an implanted chip. No more cheating on taxes, no more wasteful printing of money, in fact, no more filing taxes, no more laundering money, no more dirty money under the table, no more missing persons with a GPS system in the chip, no more having to give a health history in a hospital if it can be accessed by a swipe of the chip, no more running from the law even, etc. We will all be branded like cattle that will save trillions of dollars, a statist wet dream.

This will be the answer to the global economic crisis, and those who don't comply will be beheaded Islam style as they are told to be in Revelation and be labeled a bunch of crazy right winged extremists.

All I can say is, don't take the mark.
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leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

The world economy is headed for collapse but I don't know exactly when.

Islam is on the rise.

Soon the prophesies of Revelation are about to come to fruition.

After the world economies collapse, the economies of the world will become centralized to the point of needing an implanted chip to buy and sell in order to "fix" the problem. Just think of all the benefits of an implanted chip. No more cheating on taxes, no more wasteful printing of money, in fact, no more filing taxes, no more laundering money, no more dirty money under the table, no more missing persons with a GPS system in the chip, no more having to give a health history in a hospital if it can be accessed by a swipe of the chip, no more running from the law even, etc. We will all be branded like cattle, a statist wet dream.

This will be the answer to the global economic crisis, and those who don't comply will be beheaded Islam style as they are told to be in Revelation and be labeled a bunch of crazy right winged extremists.

Yep.....the DHS has purchased 30,000 guillotines....you can find the purchase order of these easily.....
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

The world economy is headed for collapse but I don't know exactly when.

Islam is on the rise.

Soon the prophesies of Revelation are about to come to fruition.

After the world economies collapse, the economies of the world will become centralized to the point of needing an implanted chip to buy and sell in order to "fix" the problem. Just think of all the benefits of an implanted chip. No more cheating on taxes, no more wasteful printing of money, in fact, no more filing taxes, no more laundering money, no more dirty money under the table, no more missing persons with a GPS system in the chip, no more having to give a health history in a hospital if it can be accessed by a swipe of the chip, no more running from the law even, etc. We will all be branded like cattle that will save trillions of dollars, a statist wet dream.

This will be the answer to the global economic crisis, and those who don't comply will be beheaded Islam style as they are told to be in Revelation and be labeled a bunch of crazy right winged extremists.

All I can say is, don't take the mark.

leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

You are rather vague about what you are asking.

But sure- politically our politicians are the most populist in years and seem much more concerned about staying in office than in getting anything done. To stay in office now apparently means mostly opposing whatever the other side suggests.

In general I feel like the United States is pretty well off, except we have a lot of deferred maintenance. Lots of infrastructure needs to be replaced- and we seem to have lost interest in doing anything bold and big.

The only trouble I really see is how the economy is evolving- I think that it is becoming more difficult to be comfortably middle class- and some of that is the evolving automation. There are fewer factory jobs because in part that automation means fewer employees will be needed to do the jobs- this will concentrate capital(robot employees) at the expense of labor(fewer jobs)

But most of the doom and gloom predicted by the right wing is just pure nuttery.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
When I was little kid, I can remember my grandfather in the late 40's proclaiming the pending financial downfall of the the country's due to a 250 billion dollar war debt. Well, that debt has grown to about 19 trillion dollars over the last 65 years and during that time life has been pretty good to most Americans compared to previous 65 years.

As headlines often remind us, each U.S. citizen owes a share of our currently $19 trillion public debt. But Americans also own approximately $12 trillion of that debt – as participants in Social Security, insurance policyholders, participants in pension funds, stockholders, or, more directly, by virtue of having purchased Treasury notes. “Treasuries” are very secure, and those not owned by Americans are held by foreign banks and governments that are glad for the chance to lend money, securely, to the United States.

The size of national debt in itself is no real importance. What is important is that holders of that debt have faith that the United States will make good on it's promise to pay them back with interest. So as long as people have faith in the US government, we will continue to sell new debt to pay off old. There is really no limit to how high the debt can rise, as long as creditors trust the US to make good on it's promises.

I think there are an awfully lot of things to worry about that more important than the size of the US debt.
Why There is Nothing Scary about the U.S. National Debt | Scholars Strategy Network
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leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

You are rather vague about what you are asking.

But sure- politically our politicians are the most populist in years and seem much more concerned about staying in office than in getting anything done. To stay in office now apparently means mostly opposing whatever the other side suggests.

In general I feel like the United States is pretty well off, except we have a lot of deferred maintenance. Lots of infrastructure needs to be replaced- and we seem to have lost interest in doing anything bold and big.

The only trouble I really see is how the economy is evolving- I think that it is becoming more difficult to be comfortably middle class- and some of that is the evolving automation. There are fewer factory jobs because in part that automation means fewer employees will be needed to do the jobs- this will concentrate capital(robot employees) at the expense of labor(fewer jobs)

But most of the doom and gloom predicted by the right wing is just pure nuttery.

I have a question for you....do you honestly believe that the power elite are going to subsidize and support a sector of non-workers that will continue to squirt out "worthless eaters" with the coming robotic age? Because if you do...you could not be more wrong.......not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's home on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
When I was little kid, I can remember my grandfather in the late 40's proclaiming the pending financial downfall of the the country's due to 250 billion dollar war debt. Well, that debt has grown to about 19 trillion dollars over the last 65 years and during that time life has been pretty good to most Americans compared to previous 65 years.

As headlines often remind us, each U.S. citizen owes a share of our currently $19 trillion public debt. But Americans also own approximately $12 trillion of that debt – as participants in Social Security, insurance policyholders, participants in pension funds, stockholders, or, more directly, by virtue of having purchased Treasury notes. “Treasuries” are very secure, and those not owned by Americans are held by foreign banks and governments that are glad for the chance to lend money, securely, to the United States.

The size of national debt in itself is no real importance. What is important is that holders of that debt have faith that the United States will make good on it's promise to pay them back with interest. So as long as people have faith in the US government, we will continue to sell new debt to pay off old. There is really no limit to how high the debt can rise, as long as creditors trust the US to make good on it's promises.

I think there are an awfully lot of things to worry about that more important than the size of the US debt.
Why There is Nothing Scary about the U.S. National Debt | Scholars Strategy Network

How much % of the budget goes to pay interest on the National Debt? I think "scary" is the wrong word. I think we miss a lot of opportunities to embetter the citizen's lives because of the debt.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
When I was little kid, I can remember my grandfather in the late 40's proclaiming the pending financial downfall of the the country's due to 250 billion dollar war debt. Well, that debt has grown to about 19 trillion dollars over the last 65 years and during that time life has been pretty good to most Americans compared to previous 65 years.

As headlines often remind us, each U.S. citizen owes a share of our currently $19 trillion public debt. But Americans also own approximately $12 trillion of that debt – as participants in Social Security, insurance policyholders, participants in pension funds, stockholders, or, more directly, by virtue of having purchased Treasury notes. “Treasuries” are very secure, and those not owned by Americans are held by foreign banks and governments that are glad for the chance to lend money, securely, to the United States.

The size of national debt in itself is no real importance. What is important is that holders of that debt have faith that the United States will make good on it's promise to pay them back with interest. So as long as people have faith in the US government, we will continue to sell new debt to pay off old. There is really no limit to how high the debt can rise, as long as creditors trust the US to make good on it's promises.

I think there are an awfully lot of things to worry about that more important than the size of the US debt.
Why There is Nothing Scary about the U.S. National Debt | Scholars Strategy Network

Yeah.....keep on believing that fallacy and spare me a thought when the whole thing collapses because it will under the very weight of it's debt that we are not liable for.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
When I was little kid, I can remember my grandfather in the late 40's proclaiming the pending financial downfall of the the country's due to 250 billion dollar war debt. Well, that debt has grown to about 19 trillion dollars over the last 65 years and during that time life has been pretty good to most Americans compared to previous 65 years.

As headlines often remind us, each U.S. citizen owes a share of our currently $19 trillion public debt. But Americans also own approximately $12 trillion of that debt – as participants in Social Security, insurance policyholders, participants in pension funds, stockholders, or, more directly, by virtue of having purchased Treasury notes. “Treasuries” are very secure, and those not owned by Americans are held by foreign banks and governments that are glad for the chance to lend money, securely, to the United States.

The size of national debt in itself is no real importance. What is important is that holders of that debt have faith that the United States will make good on it's promise to pay them back with interest. So as long as people have faith in the US government, we will continue to sell new debt to pay off old. There is really no limit to how high the debt can rise, as long as creditors trust the US to make good on it's promises.

I think there are an awfully lot of things to worry about that more important than the size of the US debt.
Why There is Nothing Scary about the U.S. National Debt | Scholars Strategy Network

How much % of the budget goes to pay interest on the National Debt? I think "scary" is the wrong word. I think we miss a lot of opportunities to embetter the citizen's lives because of the debt.

Over 400 billion dollars a year of our sweat equity goes toward the interest of the debt created from artificially created credit.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

You are rather vague about what you are asking.

But sure- politically our politicians are the most populist in years and seem much more concerned about staying in office than in getting anything done. To stay in office now apparently means mostly opposing whatever the other side suggests.

In general I feel like the United States is pretty well off, except we have a lot of deferred maintenance. Lots of infrastructure needs to be replaced- and we seem to have lost interest in doing anything bold and big.

The only trouble I really see is how the economy is evolving- I think that it is becoming more difficult to be comfortably middle class- and some of that is the evolving automation. There are fewer factory jobs because in part that automation means fewer employees will be needed to do the jobs- this will concentrate capital(robot employees) at the expense of labor(fewer jobs)

But most of the doom and gloom predicted by the right wing is just pure nuttery.

I have a question for you....do you honestly believe that the power elite are going to subsidize and support a sector of non-workers that will continue to squirt out "worthless eaters" with the coming robotic age? Because if you do...you could not be more wrong.......not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's home on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.

Do you honestly believe that makes any sense?
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....
Your title sounds too much like my ex wife. At this point I'm too traumatised to continue reading the text body. My apologies

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