Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

You are rather vague about what you are asking.

But sure- politically our politicians are the most populist in years and seem much more concerned about staying in office than in getting anything done. To stay in office now apparently means mostly opposing whatever the other side suggests.

In general I feel like the United States is pretty well off, except we have a lot of deferred maintenance. Lots of infrastructure needs to be replaced- and we seem to have lost interest in doing anything bold and big.

The only trouble I really see is how the economy is evolving- I think that it is becoming more difficult to be comfortably middle class- and some of that is the evolving automation. There are fewer factory jobs because in part that automation means fewer employees will be needed to do the jobs- this will concentrate capital(robot employees) at the expense of labor(fewer jobs)

But most of the doom and gloom predicted by the right wing is just pure nuttery.

I have a question for you....do you honestly believe that the power elite are going to subsidize and support a sector of non-workers that will continue to squirt out "worthless eaters" with the coming robotic age? Because if you do...you could not be more wrong.......not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's home on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.

Do you honestly believe that makes any sense?

I know more than you......fact.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
Have you any idea how big,bloated and inefficient our federal government is?

I realize in areas it is, but to cut all investment because you believe it has some corruption isn't smart and will reduce the size of our economy. What we need is a leader that can manage the federal government in away that doesn't destroy our ability to compete with the rest of the world but fixes the problems that it has. My point has always been one of making it more efficient.
You make it more efficient by cutting out the dead wood.
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

But heck, the republicans want to cut, slash and burn some more...They're nothing more then puppets to the rich. Sadly, most democrats don't do much better anymore.
Have you any idea how big,bloated and inefficient our federal government is?

I realize in areas it is, but to cut all investment because you believe it has some corruption isn't smart and will reduce the size of our economy. What we need is a leader that can manage the federal government in away that doesn't destroy our ability to compete with the rest of the world but fixes the problems that it has. My point has always been one of making it more efficient.
You make it more efficient by cutting out the dead wood.
People like Matthew are the dead weight so he's not going to understand
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

You are rather vague about what you are asking.

But sure- politically our politicians are the most populist in years and seem much more concerned about staying in office than in getting anything done. To stay in office now apparently means mostly opposing whatever the other side suggests.

In general I feel like the United States is pretty well off, except we have a lot of deferred maintenance. Lots of infrastructure needs to be replaced- and we seem to have lost interest in doing anything bold and big.

The only trouble I really see is how the economy is evolving- I think that it is becoming more difficult to be comfortably middle class- and some of that is the evolving automation. There are fewer factory jobs because in part that automation means fewer employees will be needed to do the jobs- this will concentrate capital(robot employees) at the expense of labor(fewer jobs)

But most of the doom and gloom predicted by the right wing is just pure nuttery.

I have a question for you....do you honestly believe that the power elite are going to subsidize and support a sector of non-workers that will continue to squirt out "worthless eaters" with the coming robotic age? Because if you do...you could not be more wrong.......not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's home on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.

Do you honestly believe that makes any sense?

Yeah....I do and for a myriad of reasons.......
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

Talk you off the ledge? Fuck no - please jump!
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

I'll try Brother, but for this to be success, you're going to need to want to come in off the ledge.

America is still kicking ass and taking names on a Timeline that leads to the stars. :thup:

We may still have issues but The United States Constitution is a goal and we are one hell of a lot closer to living up to the ideals of fairness and participatory governance set forth in that document than were the men who wrote that plan for how a nation should look.

Baby steps... It took a bloody civil war to make the national political decision that the freedoms, fairness and tolerance outlined in The US Constitution would be forced and enforced from Washington DC if necessary, despite the whining of economic special interests that profit from the cheap labor of slavery and other forms of abuse and the squeamishness of self-righteous religious special interests over homosexuals and other weirdos among their neighbors who're attracted to the concepts of freedom and the legally enforced tolerance that such freedoms imply.

Look at the big picture... The men who wrote The Constitution knew that the humans of their lifetime could not live in accordance with the ideals for personal liberty and responsible freedom for ALL that were laid out in The Constitution - hence their compromise as a government over slavery in spite of the words in The Constitution they'd just sworn to uphold. It took a bloody a Civil War to decide that the Republic would have the right to overrule democratically elected officials to correct injustice, and the paperwork for that political decision and victory didn't get filed until 1965. Truth be told, the paperwork for that decision remains a work in progress....

Baby steps to the stars :thup:

In 150 years school children will read their history tablets and try to imagine life on a world still rife with violence and religious terrorism in the streets, and a point in Time when economic abuses and unfairness in commerce were still both common and tolerated. They'll look back on a world getting better with Time, as evidenced by the election of President Obama. They'll probably be just as amazed as we are that he took office less than 50 years after the Civil Rights act was finally passed, completing the paperwork on The Civil War.
What is it that you want to do but can't anymore?
Buy an insurance policy that doesn't make me pay for all kinds of shit I don't need

So when you do get sick = the hospital has to pay the full cost of your freaking illness. It is called responsibility.
I don't think I'll ever need OB GYN services or coverage for children since I am not a woman and do not have kids
I don't need drug and alcohol counseling and rehab coverage as I am not a junkie or a drunk but I have to pay for all these
Really? You believe that Oswald was the shooter? Do you know that they tested him for gun powder blow back using the Paraffin test and found nothing but a small spot on his left hand? There is the "gubermint" that you see and then there is the shadow "gubermint" that is actually calling the shots. Did you know that there are security clearances higher than the president and that there is a black ops budget that has no oversight whatsoever? Who the fuck put these people in charge and why are they allowed to operate outside of their corporate constitution?

Okay, the thing is, you really believe this crazy shit, and that's kind of sad.

Let's address the Lusitania....there was ammunition headed for England on it and Germany took out full page ads warning people about that any ship carrying ammo was going to be targeted.

which didn't matter. Firing on civilian ships without warning was STILL against the international agreements Germany had signed. Germany did exactly what we went to war with them over, after they had promised numerous times to knock it the fuck off.

The Balfour Declaration that would establish a Jewish state was negotiated by England and the international bankers that if they would give up Palestine that they could get the United States in WWI so the sinking of the Lusitania was necessary and accomplished their goal.

I KNEW you'd work the Jews in there eventually. Good show.

The Japanese code was broken almost a year before Pearl Harbor and they knew exactly when the attack was to happen. The attack was necessary in order to get Americans to support entry into the war.

Unlikely, since the Japanese executed radio silence until the attack.

There could have been no Nazi Germany without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs and they made money off it. They traded and supported the Nazis during WWII and then picked over the carcass of what was left by using the Vatican ratlines to bring in Nazi intelligence officers and scientists under "Operation Paperclip" and placed them in key positions after they whitewashed their backgrounds.

Wow, so you think the Catholic Church is in on it, too? Man, you are hitting the bigot trifecta... all you need to do is say something aobut the Muslims.

This is all de-classified information, dude. I know more than you....I dedicate most of my time to learning the kinds of things that you can't even wrap your head around.

You mean you dedicate your time to making yourself crazier when you should be availing yourself of a good shrink.

You can't defeat me in a debate when it comes to what is really going on.

No, I can honestly say, I can't run down the rabbit holes of your crazy.

The CIA runs opium into this country and has since the 1950's and it funds their black ops. Drug money laundered by their banks is what keeps the ATMs filled with cash because 97 percent of our money is nothing but numbers in a computer.

And more crazy...

Drugs are a "cash only business" and your beloved "gubermint" is up to their necks in it.....get it now? Bring on some more shit, Joe.....I can do this all day and night.

Yes, sadly, you can. YOu need help. I'm serious.
Nope....as a matter of fact? I have added over 250 people on my FB page that have read my work on sites that require a FB log in. They have vetted my information and contacted me wanting to know more. You see? I know more than you,....no brag, just fact. I actually believe that you are pretty sharp but a tad misguided. You seem to be under the impression that this corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body is the solution....it's not. It's working against you and it has an agenda that I don't believe that you would be in favor of.

Well, I'm happy facebook allows you to meet others of your "Ilk", but really, guy, given 17% of the population suffers from some kind of mental illness, that isn't saying much.
I don't think I'll ever need OB GYN services or coverage for children since I am not a woman and do not have kids
I don't need drug and alcohol counseling and rehab coverage as I am not a junkie or a drunk but I have to pay for all these

And how much more does this actually cost?
Doesn't matter
Pennies add up to dollars and just a few extra dollars a week in a retirement portfolio over time can be a significant amount of money but you don't understand that
How I really feel is what I consistently express: Our culture is in crisis due to a lack of values and an ignorance of history (as well as a large array of ignorance across the board). Individual Liberty is not an accidental phenomenon. The values, institutions, and, importantly, Civil Society upon which the United States developed a Freedom Protecting system are completely undermined by Big Government and Progressive Education.

So, I am just riding the decline. I think Western Civ, and hence Freedom in the Modern World, have peaked. Absent some existential crisis, we're done. And even if we have an existential crisis, the poor quality of our human capital will likely lead to a completely totalitarian result.


First, we need to get off this worship of the Founding Slave Rapists as anything special. They are a bunch of rich jerks who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

Secondly, the progressive movement you bemoan gave us a middle class. It allows people to live to ripe old ages, something they didn't do in oldy days you pine for.
Doesn't matter
Pennies add up to dollars and just a few extra dollars a week in a retirement portfolio over time can be a significant amount of money but you don't understand that

again, still a horrible human being. Got it.

Yes I'm terrible because I don't want to force people to pay for shit they don't need so they can save more for retirement or buy more food for their kids every month while you want to force them to pay more and have less choice

Delusional AND stupid you are
Yes I'm terrible because I don't want to force people to pay for shit they don't need so they can save more for retirement or buy more food for their kids every month while you want to force them to pay more and have less choice

Delusional AND stupid you are

We could go to SIngle Payer and pay less than we are now... so please don't try to pass this off like "I can save some pennies"....

You get too much enjoyment out of the fact you can deny health care to the great unwashed.

Meanwhile, trust me, your insurance company is thinking of ways to screw you if you cost them to much that have nothing to do with OB-GYN treatment.
Reagan ran against Mondale

Every demographic went for Reagan

Where's the beef?
Back when kids were smart.

Hey...I voted for Reagan twice too

But I learned as I grew older
I learned as I got older too. That's why I vote Republican now.
That's why you ended up with Trump

I am just curious....have you done ANY vetting of Hitlery Clinton???? Because if you had, you would see that she doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone than herself. I am not saying that Trump is the answer....especially if he was to take Gingrich as a VP because Gingrich and Hitlery are thicker than thieves as well....but it should give you pause for thought.

I actually did my own investigation

I found that Hillary was born in Kenya

Did I tell you about the time I met her at a Bilderberg meeting and she was dancing naked on the table?
Yes I'm terrible because I don't want to force people to pay for shit they don't need so they can save more for retirement or buy more food for their kids every month while you want to force them to pay more and have less choice

Delusional AND stupid you are

We could go to SIngle Payer and pay less than we are now... so please don't try to pass this off like "I can save some pennies"....

You get too much enjoyment out of the fact you can deny health care to the great unwashed.

Meanwhile, trust me, your insurance company is thinking of ways to screw you if you cost them to much that have nothing to do with OB-GYN treatment.

Where am I denying health care to anyone by not paying for coverage I do not need?
And FYI health insurance and health care are 2 completely different things
I see an increase in the concentration of wealth and power in the upper class. I see lower wages and fewer benefits for working Americans. I see fewer public services and less investment in public infrastructure as we have slashed our tax rates

I see corporations who are exempt from taxes and wield global influence. I see a political system that is no longer functional and is dictated by the super wealthy and the media

I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

There is waste and malfeasance in any government. I would guess our government is one of the least wasteful and corrupt
By world standards you are correct. Even by first world standards, we are in the top ten for good government. But we must always strive to be better.
We have a free press and a legal system that keeps our government in check...beyond that we have a vote

Been working for hundreds of years
What is it that you want to do but can't anymore?
Buy an insurance policy that doesn't make me pay for all kinds of shit I don't need

So when you do get sick = the hospital has to pay the full cost of your freaking illness. It is called responsibility.
I don't think I'll ever need OB GYN services or coverage for children since I am not a woman and do not have kids
I don't need drug and alcohol counseling and rehab coverage as I am not a junkie or a drunk but I have to pay for all these

So you think we should have different insurance rates for men and women? Men can't get pregnant

How bout old people? They use more healthcare than anyone, why should you pay?

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