Lets treat cars and guns exactly alike; Reigster/License/Insurance mandates!

Regulated could mean a vareity of things. For instance, you don't want everyone to just have a handgun. What about the physical conditioning of the militia? Is there leadership?
At some point we have to make these rednecks take so personal responsibility for securing their damn guns. I own several, and it would take a damn SWAT-level attempt to steal them they're so secure.

But many of these rednecks just keep 'em in a closet or cheap ass safe that can be popped with a simple crowbar.

We need to be hard on crime. But we also need to be hard on stupid.

Ahh yes, the "rednecks". Good thing you didn't mention "Chicago *******", that might have been racist or bigoted.
So I need an insurance policy covering if someone breaks into my home, defeats my alarm, kills my dog, breaks into my safe and steals my gun liable for all illegal activites perpetrated by that criminal until such time I notice the gun gone and report to the police.

From thenceforth I am absolved ?

After it is reported my insurance coverage ceases ?
When the Constitution was written, "well-regulated" meant properly functioning. It had nothing to do with nanny-state meddling that modern regulation encompasses.
Ok. My proposal. I dont believe in a gun ban. Wouldnt work for one. And not enforceable.

So what about gun insurance? You have the right to transport, yet, cars are so dangerous, we require insurance.

So, lets pop up a new industry (JOBS!!!!) with gun insurance. How it works:

You buy a gun. You are informed by the dealer you are mandated to buy gun insurance. Just like when you buy a car. Now...you can ignore to do so, like some car owners do. But, if you never take the gun out of your home, you probably will never have a problem. Get caught with an uninsured gun, and you get a big time fine.

So how bout the insurance? Well, its liability only. Lost guns and damage aren't covered. Only property or personal damage you may cause with that gun, or another person causes if it falls into the wrong hands.

Cheapest rate: An insurance agent, probably an ex-vet or ex-cop (Yay, jobs for vets!), comes by your home, checks to see how secure your gun is, and you provide a copy of a clear psychological exam and certificate from a training class on it, like concealed carry. Bingo!!! Insurance is so cheap, you hardly notice. Like $20 a year.

Moderate rate: You do the psych exam and training cert, but tell the agent he cannot see your gun security situation at home. Higher rate, like $20 a month.

Moderate-High rate: You do the training cert, but refuse to do anything else. Much higher rate. Like $75 a month.

Highest rate: You do nothing but buy the insurance. Dont provide anything except name and type of gun. No training. No psych exam. And absolutely no way he is seeing your home and how you secure your gun. That rate is high. $250 a month or more.

Not only does it help with securing loose guns and keeping them in safer hands, but creates JOBS!!!! And, doesnt take away your right to own a gun.

you're really idiot enough to buy into BO's fascist/socialist idea that the Feds have some right to force citizens to buy stuff don't you.....?

or would you call it a TAX......? :rolleyes:

we already have WAY too many Federal regulations on cars.....i think we should do away with mandatory auto insurance....and i think it's a RIGHT to travel and not some fucking PRIVILEDGE.....
At some point we have to make these rednecks take so personal responsibility for securing their damn guns. I own several, and it would take a damn SWAT-level attempt to steal them they're so secure.

But many of these rednecks just keep 'em in a closet or cheap ass safe that can be popped with a simple crowbar.

We need to be hard on crime. But we also need to be hard on stupid.

I have not seen any redneck hillbilly people massacring dozens. Its the mentally disturbed city folks who are committing these murders.

Why don't you save your wrath for them and leave the law abiding hillbillies out of it.
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Mandatory insuranace will magically make people accountable for their actions is the new paradigm.
When the Constitution was written, "well-regulated" meant properly functioning. It had nothing to do with nanny-state meddling that modern regulation encompasses.


And, lets say a threat emerged to our nation. And somehow, in a miraculous horror, our military was defeated and destroyed. So unlikely it's comical, but lets say it happened. And then....the state, county and local police SWAT teams were defeated. All US military and police forces gone. Wow.

And the ONLY last resort was our "well regulated militia". Is our current "militia" functioning properly enough to save the country?

No. They're undertrained. And very fat. Have no central leadership. Nothing. They are violating the Constitution haha:lol:
When the Constitution was written, "well-regulated" meant properly functioning. It had nothing to do with nanny-state meddling that modern regulation encompasses.

What makes you think anything is going to function properly without rules and regulations?

Anarchy never works.

I don't consider mentally ill people easily getting ahold of firearms and shooting lots of innocent people to be a system that is "functioning properly" either.
Insurance is the lowest and most parasitic of industries. This plan would do far more harm than good.
Car insurance sure seems to work just fine. People drive a bit safer. And most buy insurance. The cost of not doing so is too much to risk. And thats the point.

And, lets say a threat emerged to our nation. And somehow, in a miraculous horror, our military was defeated and destroyed. So unlikely it's comical, but lets say it happened. And then....the state, county and local police SWAT teams were defeated. All US military and police forces gone. Wow.

And the ONLY last resort was our "well regulated militia". Is our current "militia" functioning properly enough to save the country?

No. They're undertrained. And very fat. Have no central leadership. Nothing. They are violating the Constitution haha:lol:

Attention idiot: The purpose of a militia is to overthrow the federal government.
Doesnt it say something about a "well regulated" militia?

Yes it does. An individual's right to bear arms can not be infringed because a well regulated milita is necessary for secure State.

Each state addresses the regulation of its respective militia.

My state does in its Constitution

Somehow you think no regulation = well regulated.

Nope. My state has formal militia and firearms regulations.

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