Letter of an Iraqi woman to Americans


Jan 20, 2011
Letter Of An Iraqi Woman To Americans.

Letter of an Iraqi woman to Americans

Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed ?
Anything at all ?
And you dare wonder why I detest you so much...And you have the audacity to
come to my blog to question me about my origins, my location, my ideas, my
roots, my sense of belonging...
What kind of a race are you ? What kind of a people are you ?
Yes, I said people not government. I am not politically correct. Your
government is part of you and you are part of it. Like it or not.
And don't come and tell me in your sheepish ways that I know all too well :
" Oh, but I did not vote for this one. "
I don't give a **** whom you voted for or did not vote for. It is not my
My problem is you. Your culture, your behavior, your mentality, your
character, your haughtiness, your arrogance, your false pride, your denial,
your collective stupidity and ignorance, your way of life which I find
boring, empty and distasteful, your accent which is an affront to my
ears...and to my senses.
I do not like you. Full stop.

I know, I know, some of you are good people...
I know, I know, America is not a homogenous group... I know all that shit.
It does not make one iota of difference in my life and that of other Iraqis.
I no longer give a damn about your nuances, your political leanings, how
good or how bad you are...It is meaningless to me and to countless others.
Our lives have been ruined, totally ruined...We do not give a **** about
your nuances.
And all I know is that you have destroyed my country. Beyond repair.

The past - you have looted and destroyed. Trying to erase our collective
historical memory...Our roots, where we came from, what our ancestors did,
their achievements, their trials, their statues, their writings...

You do not know history, you are rejects of history. You have no history.
You have no past, you have nothing...you are nothing.
You are nothing but ogres of consumerism. Not just material stuff, but
anything you can swallow whole you will. You even swallow other people's
history whole.
You are a greedy, covetous, gluttonous, voracious, jealous, envious
Since you are nothing, your nihilism contaminates everything else...
You destroy and self destruct...

No Future - You have no future, because inside of yourselves, your future is
limited to your own little egos. Little egos have no future. Little egos are
amoebas, parasites, feeding off others...You think you have a vision but
your vision is only about your stomach, your pockets and what you have in
between your legs...That is it.
This is where it stops. Surely this does not make you seers...
What have you contributed to the world ? Anything of real substance?
Nothing. Apart from brutal might and power... and your sickening culture
that is as hollow and as empty as you are.

And just as you have no real future, you robbed us of our own. You are
collectively a bunch of criminals, thieves, thugs and perverts of the worst

Since your ****ing 9/11, you have totally destroyed two countries.
Afghanistan and Iraq.
And you have not stopped. Not one day, not one hour...

You wanted regime change in Iraq - you got it.
You also changed us, me, beyond anything I can recognize...I never hated you
before. Today I do. I really hate you.

You collectively disgust me. Even our ancient Mesopotamian deities and
spirits are disgusted with you. Every single letter of the Alphabet is
disgusted with you.
The earth, the rivers, the sky, the mountains, the trees, the birds of Iraq
are disgusted with you...The cosmos is disgusted with you ...

Everytime I spot one of you anywhere in close proximity and hear that ugly
accent of yours I run away...I avoid you like the plague. I can't bear to
hear you or see you.
You represent nothing but Death and Destruction to me.
Your ugliness is all pervading...
Everytime I switch on the TV or the Radio and see or hear one of you, I zap.
I wish I can zap you out of my life once and for all...

I know, I keep repeating myself, but then you keep repeating the same acts.

Iraq is going down, with its past and its future...

I can only promise you one thing, however long it may take, we are going to
take you down with us.

Picture :A Sumerian Cuneiform that you have looted and destroyed
Letter Of An Iraqi Woman To Americans.

Letter of an Iraqi woman to Americans

Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed ?
Anything at all ?
And you dare wonder why I detest you so much...And you have the audacity to
come to my blog to question me about my origins, my location, my ideas, my
roots, my sense of belonging...
What kind of a race are you ? What kind of a people are you ?
Yes, I said people not government. I am not politically correct. Your
government is part of you and you are part of it. Like it or not.
And don't come and tell me in your sheepish ways that I know all too well :
" Oh, but I did not vote for this one. "
I don't give a **** whom you voted for or did not vote for. It is not my
My problem is you. Your culture, your behavior, your mentality, your
character, your haughtiness, your arrogance, your false pride, your denial,
your collective stupidity and ignorance, your way of life which I find
boring, empty and distasteful, your accent which is an affront to my
ears...and to my senses.
I do not like you. Full stop.

I know, I know, some of you are good people...
I know, I know, America is not a homogenous group... I know all that shit.
It does not make one iota of difference in my life and that of other Iraqis.
I no longer give a damn about your nuances, your political leanings, how
good or how bad you are...It is meaningless to me and to countless others.
Our lives have been ruined, totally ruined...We do not give a **** about
your nuances.
And all I know is that you have destroyed my country. Beyond repair.

The past - you have looted and destroyed. Trying to erase our collective
historical memory...Our roots, where we came from, what our ancestors did,
their achievements, their trials, their statues, their writings...

You do not know history, you are rejects of history. You have no history.
You have no past, you have nothing...you are nothing.
You are nothing but ogres of consumerism. Not just material stuff, but
anything you can swallow whole you will. You even swallow other people's
history whole.
You are a greedy, covetous, gluttonous, voracious, jealous, envious
Since you are nothing, your nihilism contaminates everything else...
You destroy and self destruct...

No Future - You have no future, because inside of yourselves, your future is
limited to your own little egos. Little egos have no future. Little egos are
amoebas, parasites, feeding off others...You think you have a vision but
your vision is only about your stomach, your pockets and what you have in
between your legs...That is it.
This is where it stops. Surely this does not make you seers...
What have you contributed to the world ? Anything of real substance?
Nothing. Apart from brutal might and power... and your sickening culture
that is as hollow and as empty as you are.

And just as you have no real future, you robbed us of our own. You are
collectively a bunch of criminals, thieves, thugs and perverts of the worst

Since your ****ing 9/11, you have totally destroyed two countries.
Afghanistan and Iraq.
And you have not stopped. Not one day, not one hour...

You wanted regime change in Iraq - you got it.
You also changed us, me, beyond anything I can recognize...I never hated you
before. Today I do. I really hate you.

You collectively disgust me. Even our ancient Mesopotamian deities and
spirits are disgusted with you. Every single letter of the Alphabet is
disgusted with you.
The earth, the rivers, the sky, the mountains, the trees, the birds of Iraq
are disgusted with you...The cosmos is disgusted with you ...

Everytime I spot one of you anywhere in close proximity and hear that ugly
accent of yours I run away...I avoid you like the plague. I can't bear to
hear you or see you.
You represent nothing but Death and Destruction to me.
Your ugliness is all pervading...
Everytime I switch on the TV or the Radio and see or hear one of you, I zap.
I wish I can zap you out of my life once and for all...

I know, I keep repeating myself, but then you keep repeating the same acts.

Iraq is going down, with its past and its future...

I can only promise you one thing, however long it may take, we are going to
take you down with us.

Picture :A Sumerian Cuneiform that you have looted and destroyed

I smell bullshit, this letter was written by some westerner with their heads up their asses and who have never even been to Iraq.
Iraqi ,former Mesopotamia,was the cradle of our civilization.
When in Europe people were sleeping in trees ,in Mesopotamia.
they were living in houses.
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Fucking newbies who post shit that's been circulating on the net for fucking years. Damn, they are dull.
Letter Of An Iraqi Woman To Americans.

Letter of an Iraqi woman to Americans

Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed ?
Anything at all ?
And you dare wonder why I detest you so much...And you have the audacity to
come to my blog to question me about my origins, my location, my ideas, my
roots, my sense of belonging...
What kind of a race are you ? What kind of a people are you ?
Yes, I said people not government. I am not politically correct. Your
government is part of you and you are part of it. Like it or not.
And don't come and tell me in your sheepish ways that I know all too well :
" Oh, but I did not vote for this one. "
I don't give a **** whom you voted for or did not vote for. It is not my
My problem is you. Your culture, your behavior, your mentality, your
character, your haughtiness, your arrogance, your false pride, your denial,
your collective stupidity and ignorance, your way of life which I find
boring, empty and distasteful, your accent which is an affront to my
ears...and to my senses.
I do not like you. Full stop.

I know, I know, some of you are good people...
I know, I know, America is not a homogenous group... I know all that shit.
It does not make one iota of difference in my life and that of other Iraqis.
I no longer give a damn about your nuances, your political leanings, how
good or how bad you are...It is meaningless to me and to countless others.
Our lives have been ruined, totally ruined...We do not give a **** about
your nuances.
And all I know is that you have destroyed my country. Beyond repair.

The past - you have looted and destroyed. Trying to erase our collective
historical memory...Our roots, where we came from, what our ancestors did,
their achievements, their trials, their statues, their writings...

You do not know history, you are rejects of history. You have no history.
You have no past, you have nothing...you are nothing.
You are nothing but ogres of consumerism. Not just material stuff, but
anything you can swallow whole you will. You even swallow other people's
history whole.
You are a greedy, covetous, gluttonous, voracious, jealous, envious
Since you are nothing, your nihilism contaminates everything else...
You destroy and self destruct...

No Future - You have no future, because inside of yourselves, your future is
limited to your own little egos. Little egos have no future. Little egos are
amoebas, parasites, feeding off others...You think you have a vision but
your vision is only about your stomach, your pockets and what you have in
between your legs...That is it.
This is where it stops. Surely this does not make you seers...
What have you contributed to the world ? Anything of real substance?
Nothing. Apart from brutal might and power... and your sickening culture
that is as hollow and as empty as you are.

And just as you have no real future, you robbed us of our own. You are
collectively a bunch of criminals, thieves, thugs and perverts of the worst

Since your ****ing 9/11, you have totally destroyed two countries.
Afghanistan and Iraq.
And you have not stopped. Not one day, not one hour...

You wanted regime change in Iraq - you got it.
You also changed us, me, beyond anything I can recognize...I never hated you
before. Today I do. I really hate you.

You collectively disgust me. Even our ancient Mesopotamian deities and
spirits are disgusted with you. Every single letter of the Alphabet is
disgusted with you.
The earth, the rivers, the sky, the mountains, the trees, the birds of Iraq
are disgusted with you...The cosmos is disgusted with you ...

Everytime I spot one of you anywhere in close proximity and hear that ugly
accent of yours I run away...I avoid you like the plague. I can't bear to
hear you or see you.
You represent nothing but Death and Destruction to me.
Your ugliness is all pervading...
Everytime I switch on the TV or the Radio and see or hear one of you, I zap.
I wish I can zap you out of my life once and for all...

I know, I keep repeating myself, but then you keep repeating the same acts.

Iraq is going down, with its past and its future...

I can only promise you one thing, however long it may take, we are going to
take you down with us.

Picture :A Sumerian Cuneiform that you have looted and destroyed

I smell bullshit, this letter was written by some westerner with their heads up their asses and who have never even been to Iraq.

Took the words right out of my mouth.
Iraqi ,former Mesopotamia,was the cradle of our civilization.
When in Europe people were sleeping in trees ,in Mesopotamia.
they were living in houses.

Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization before the Mahometan arrived.
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Iraqi ,former Mesopotamia,was the cradle of our civilization.
When in Europe people were sleeping in trees ,in Mesopotamia.
they were living in houses.

Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization before the Mahometan arrived.

How come every third world shit hole nation claims to be the cradle of civilization? I have heard people from Egypt, Iran and Pakistan tell me the same damn thing.
Iraqi ,former Mesopotamia,was the cradle of our civilization.
When in Europe people were sleeping in trees ,in Mesopotamia.
they were living in houses.

Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization before the Mahometan arrived.

How come every third world shit hole nation claims to be the cradle of civilization? I have heard people from Egypt, Iran and Pakistan tell me the same damn thing.

Looking around...I wonder if it's really something to be proud of...
Iraqi ,former Mesopotamia,was the cradle of our civilization.
When in Europe people were sleeping in trees ,in Mesopotamia.
they were living in houses.

Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization before the Mahometan arrived.

How come every third world shit hole nation claims to be the cradle of civilization? I have heard people from Egypt, Iran and Pakistan tell me the same damn thing.
High Gravity, Iraq is the Cradle of Civilization according to what I learned about Art History back in 1965. My choice of book reviews for the class was "From the Tablets of Sumer." (as near as I can recollect) Funny what little bits you remember from 46 years ago. I loved that art history class though.
The Middle East was the cradle of civilisation etc - then along came Islam and they've been stuck there ever since..

except in israel. amazing, eh?

Not really. Islam is a backward arse religion....I don't like any religion for various reasons, but as far as mainstream religions go, Islam is the worst...

i keep hoping they grow up and mature since every religion goes through it's "i'm going to conquer your butt" phase.
It is likely the letter was not written by an Iraqi woman, but the Iraqi people do have valid reason to hate us.
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Not really. Islam is a backward arse religion....I don't like any religion for various reasons, but as far as mainstream religions go, Islam is the worst...

i keep hoping they grow up and mature since every religion goes through it's "i'm going to conquer your butt" phase.

Yeah, but prothelysing means that will never happen...

well, as much as i don't like proselytizing, christians aren't exactly engaging in crusades to conquer land for the church anymore. i hope that muslims get to the point where they stop the jihadi stuff.
It is likely the letter was not written by an Iraqi woman, but the Iraqi people do have valid reason to hate us.
Saddam's killing fields and mass graves were nothing to write home about, but I hope the people of Iraq pull together and resolve their problems within their borders. They can if they determine that they will serve others in the world with their sophistication following a brutal dictatorship.

Their future success is dependent on their reestablishing friendships between the sects and learning to accept other cultures better than Saddam.
Their future success is dependent on their reestablishing friendships between the sects and learning to accept other cultures better than Saddam.

Too right.
Yes if they will just accept Australian culture....

We caused our own killing fields in Iraq.
In some ways we are no better than Sadam.

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