Lewandowsky and Cook's papers on Skeptics

This is how the grownups now respond to McIntyre's ongoing harassment campaigns. And yes, that response did cause McIntyre and his acolytes to spin up into even crazier conspiracies, thus proving further the point of the paper. Thanks to all the noise McIntyre made, ten times as many people saw the paper, and hence the conspiracy kookiness of the denialists has become even more well-known to the world at large.
Dear Mr McIntyre,

I refer to your series of emails to University officers including Professor Maybery and myself (which you have copied to other recipients including the Australian Research Council) in which you request access to Professor Lewandowsky’s data.

I am aware that you have made inflammatory statements on your weblog “Climate Audit” under the heading “Lewandowsky Ghost-wrote Conclusions of UWA Ethics Investigation into “Hoax”” including attacks on the character and professionalism of University staff. It is apparent that your antagonism towards Professor Lewandowsky’s research is so unbalanced that there is no useful purpose to be served in corresponding with you further. I regard your continued correspondence to be vexatious and there will be no further response to your requests for data.

Yours faithfully,
Professor Paul Johnson,

You forgot to post the letter to which the vice-chancellor was responding to-

Dear Sirs,

Last year, the editor of Psychological Science suggested that I submit a comment to the journal regarding statistical errors in Lewandowsky et al (Moon Hoax).

Since then, I have unsuccessfully been trying for over a year to obtain comprehensive data from the University of Western Australia pertaining to the Lewandowsky “Hoax” study. In the last year, I have received no acknowledgement whatever.

Let me recap the request.

1. After my initial failure, Roman Mureika has received a subset of the original data, from which several hundred responses had been removed. I request a copy of the dataset including the removed responses, with a denotation of the removed responses.

2. I request that each response (row) show the version of the questionnaire. There are two reasons for this: first, Lewandowsky said that the versions had different question orders for “counterbalancing”. Second, the questionnaire version provides some information on the originating blog. This information would be retained in any competent design.

3. I request that each response (row) show the date of each response. This is important because the responses are not homogeneous to order number. In addition, Lewandowsky made a preliminary presentation of results while the survey was still open and I wish to check if this had any effect. Again this information would be retained in any competent design.

4. The survey was also filled out by respondents at the UWA using a different questionnaire number. Although this form of distribution was listed in Lewandowsky’s ethics amendment, Lewandowsky excluded this data from the original analysis. Lewandowsky has said that this exclusion didn’t matter, but I wish to verify this.

Previous requests that were not acknowledged include a request to Lewandowsky on February 6, 2013, to Caixia Li on April 4, 2013.

For your information, the former employee of the University of Western Australia, who has thus far withheld the data, also criticized me in articles, published insulting commentary on a blog then sponsored by the University and purported to diagnose that I have psychological disorders in an article now retracted by a journal but defiantly re-published on a UWA website.

Stephen McIntyre

or the university policy for data availability-

Now Vice Chancellor Johnson of the University of Western Australia has joined the ranks of data obstructionists. I believe that this was an unwise decision on Johnson’s part, one that I hope that he promptly reconsiders.

University data policies say that research data “must be available for discussion with other researchers” – a policy that I referred to in my initial request. Here are other relevant clauses:

3.2 Research Data must be held along with other records associated with the research project and retained in accordance with the Western Australian University Sector Disposal Authority and the UWA Records Management Policy.

3.3 Wherever possible, original research data must be retained in the school or research centre in which they were generated and retained in accordance with clause 3.2 of this policy

3.4 Individual researchers are able to hold copies of their research data for their own use. However, retention solely by the individual researcher provides little protection to the researcher or the University in the event of an allegation of falsification of data.

3.7 In all cases, prior to the publication of research findings a Location of Data Form must be completed.

3.8 Research data related to publications must be available for discussion with other researchers.

so let me get this straight mamooth- you are saying that there is a catch 22 whereby anyone who asks for data is annoying therefore they can be refused access to the data because they are being annoying?
A long list of scientists and surveyors have measured the level of scientific consensus behind AGW and ALL have found it overwhelming. That you can rummage up some character assassination on a few individuals does not refute the finding of them all. AGW is accepted science. Period.

Why doesn't the chanceller then just release the requested data? Why play games and inject the battle that you are claiming here? Call out character assass...., huh?
This is how the grownups now respond to McIntyre's ongoing harassment campaigns. And yes, that response did cause McIntyre and his acolytes to spin up into even crazier conspiracies, thus proving further the point of the paper. Thanks to all the noise McIntyre made, ten times as many people saw the paper, and hence the conspiracy kookiness of the denialists has become even more well-known to the world at large.
Dear Mr McIntyre,

I refer to your series of emails to University officers including Professor Maybery and myself (which you have copied to other recipients including the Australian Research Council) in which you request access to Professor Lewandowsky’s data.

I am aware that you have made inflammatory statements on your weblog “Climate Audit” under the heading “Lewandowsky Ghost-wrote Conclusions of UWA Ethics Investigation into “Hoax”” including attacks on the character and professionalism of University staff. It is apparent that your antagonism towards Professor Lewandowsky’s research is so unbalanced that there is no useful purpose to be served in corresponding with you further. I regard your continued correspondence to be vexatious and there will be no further response to your requests for data.

Yours faithfully,
Professor Paul Johnson,

You forgot to post the letter to which the vice-chancellor was responding to-

Dear Sirs,

Last year, the editor of Psychological Science suggested that I submit a comment to the journal regarding statistical errors in Lewandowsky et al (Moon Hoax).

Since then, I have unsuccessfully been trying for over a year to obtain comprehensive data from the University of Western Australia pertaining to the Lewandowsky “Hoax” study. In the last year, I have received no acknowledgement whatever.

Let me recap the request.

1. After my initial failure, Roman Mureika has received a subset of the original data, from which several hundred responses had been removed. I request a copy of the dataset including the removed responses, with a denotation of the removed responses.

2. I request that each response (row) show the version of the questionnaire. There are two reasons for this: first, Lewandowsky said that the versions had different question orders for “counterbalancing”. Second, the questionnaire version provides some information on the originating blog. This information would be retained in any competent design.

3. I request that each response (row) show the date of each response. This is important because the responses are not homogeneous to order number. In addition, Lewandowsky made a preliminary presentation of results while the survey was still open and I wish to check if this had any effect. Again this information would be retained in any competent design.

4. The survey was also filled out by respondents at the UWA using a different questionnaire number. Although this form of distribution was listed in Lewandowsky’s ethics amendment, Lewandowsky excluded this data from the original analysis. Lewandowsky has said that this exclusion didn’t matter, but I wish to verify this.

Previous requests that were not acknowledged include a request to Lewandowsky on February 6, 2013, to Caixia Li on April 4, 2013.

For your information, the former employee of the University of Western Australia, who has thus far withheld the data, also criticized me in articles, published insulting commentary on a blog then sponsored by the University and purported to diagnose that I have psychological disorders in an article now retracted by a journal but defiantly re-published on a UWA website.

Stephen McIntyre

or the university policy for data availability-

Now Vice Chancellor Johnson of the University of Western Australia has joined the ranks of data obstructionists. I believe that this was an unwise decision on Johnson’s part, one that I hope that he promptly reconsiders.

University data policies say that research data “must be available for discussion with other researchers” – a policy that I referred to in my initial request. Here are other relevant clauses:

3.2 Research Data must be held along with other records associated with the research project and retained in accordance with the Western Australian University Sector Disposal Authority and the UWA Records Management Policy.

3.3 Wherever possible, original research data must be retained in the school or research centre in which they were generated and retained in accordance with clause 3.2 of this policy

3.4 Individual researchers are able to hold copies of their research data for their own use. However, retention solely by the individual researcher provides little protection to the researcher or the University in the event of an allegation of falsification of data.

3.7 In all cases, prior to the publication of research findings a Location of Data Form must be completed.

3.8 Research data related to publications must be available for discussion with other researchers.

so let me get this straight mamooth- you are saying that there is a catch 22 whereby anyone who asks for data is annoying therefore they can be refused access to the data because they are being annoying?

Einstein took the same tact when Relativity was challenged...no, wait!

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
I noticed the deniers used legal threats to attempt to censor some of the scientific method they didn't like, and you endorse the tactic.

And again, only WUWT and ClimateAudit groupies use the term "CAGW". It instantly marks the speaker as a cultist, so people should avoid using it if they want to be taken seriously. Remember, you're not on those boards now, so you don't need to prove your loyalty to the cult by using the term.

Wait a minute. Isn't it one YOUR golden boys who is suing Dr. Ball and Mark Steyn? Why yes, yes it is... Once again our admiral isn't letting little things like facts get in the way of a good lie.

What a silly person...
Steyn and Ball published papers that Mann tried to censor? Oh wait, you're just moving the goalposts, pretending that libel is the same as science. All so you can justify that censorship and intimidation thing your thug pals do so well.

The University of Western Australia isn't as timid as that journal. Here's what their barrister has to say.
“I’m entirely comfortable with you publishing the paper on the UWA web site. You and the University can easily be sued for any sorts of hurt feelings or confected outrage, and I’d be quite comfortable processing such a phony legal action as an insurance matter.”

— Kimberley Heitman, B.Juris, LLB, MACS, CT, General Counsel, University of Western Australia

Here's a thought, deniers. Next time you don't like a paper, instead of making threats ... ask the journal to publish a rebuttal paper. That's how the legitimate scientists settle such disputes.
Steyn and Ball published papers that Mann tried to censor? Oh wait, you're just moving the goalposts, pretending that libel is the same as science. All so you can justify that censorship and intimidation thing your thug pals do so well.

The University of Western Australia isn't as timid as that journal. Here's what their barrister has to say.
“I’m entirely comfortable with you publishing the paper on the UWA web site. You and the University can easily be sued for any sorts of hurt feelings or confected outrage, and I’d be quite comfortable processing such a phony legal action as an insurance matter.”

— Kimberley Heitman, B.Juris, LLB, MACS, CT, General Counsel, University of Western Australia

Here's a thought, deniers. Next time you don't like a paper, instead of making threats ... ask the journal to publish a rebuttal paper. That's how the legitimate scientists settle such disputes.

I reference you yet again, Mr. denier to the Steig fiasco. When they play unethically there is no alternative. And where has a sceptic ever threatened to someone over a paper? Please provide a link to that. So far Mann is the only asshat who is suing anyone.

And losing to boot!
Steyn and Ball published papers that Mann tried to censor? Oh wait, you're just moving the goalposts, pretending that libel is the same as science. All so you can justify that censorship and intimidation thing your thug pals do so well.

The University of Western Australia isn't as timid as that journal. Here's what their barrister has to say.
“I’m entirely comfortable with you publishing the paper on the UWA web site. You and the University can easily be sued for any sorts of hurt feelings or confected outrage, and I’d be quite comfortable processing such a phony legal action as an insurance matter.”

— Kimberley Heitman, B.Juris, LLB, MACS, CT, General Counsel, University of Western Australia

Here's a thought, deniers. Next time you don't like a paper, instead of making threats ... ask the journal to publish a rebuttal paper. That's how the legitimate scientists settle such disputes.

did you not read the McIntyre letter that I posted above?

Dear Sirs,

Last year, the editor of Psychological Science suggested that I submit a comment to the journal regarding statistical errors in Lewandowsky et al (Moon Hoax).

Since then, I have unsuccessfully been trying for over a year to obtain comprehensive data from the University of Western Australia pertaining to the Lewandowsky “Hoax” study. In the last year, I have received no acknowledgement whatever.

Let me recap the request.

1. After my initial failure, Roman Mureika has received a subset of the original data, from which several hundred responses had been removed. I request a copy of the dataset including the removed responses, with a denotation of the removed responses.

2. I request that each response (row) show the version of the questionnaire. There are two reasons for this: first, Lewandowsky said that the versions had different question orders for “counterbalancing”. Second, the questionnaire version provides some information on the originating blog. This information would be retained in any competent design.

3. I request that each response (row) show the date of each response. This is important because the responses are not homogeneous to order number. In addition, Lewandowsky made a preliminary presentation of results while the survey was still open and I wish to check if this had any effect. Again this information would be retained in any competent design.

4. The survey was also filled out by respondents at the UWA using a different questionnaire number. Although this form of distribution was listed in Lewandowsky’s ethics amendment, Lewandowsky excluded this data from the original analysis. Lewandowsky has said that this exclusion didn’t matter, but I wish to verify this.

Previous requests that were not acknowledged include a request to Lewandowsky on February 6, 2013, to Caixia Li on April 4, 2013.

For your information, the former employee of the University of Western Australia, who has thus far withheld the data, also criticized me in articles, published insulting commentary on a blog then sponsored by the University and purported to diagnose that I have psychological disorders in an article now retracted by a journal but defiantly re-published on a UWA website.

Stephen McIntyre

the skeptics are more than happy to prepare rebuttals. the problem is getting the data, even when there is a journal that is actually willing to publish the skeptical viewpoint.
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McIntyre is the biggest whiner in the entire field. He does nothing but whine, from early morning till late at night. And on numerous occasions his whining has been shown to be completely manufactured: his requests have been satisfied or it has been explained to him very politely why they cannot be or why his demands are ridiculous and impossible to satisfy - yet still he whines. Review his site. Objectively sort his content into whining and not whining and see what sort of ratio you come up with.
McIntyre is the biggest whiner in the entire field. He does nothing but whine, from early morning till late at night. And on numerous occasions his whining has been shown to be completely manufactured: his requests have been satisfied or it has been explained to him very politely why they cannot be or why his demands are ridiculous and impossible to satisfy - yet still he whines. Review his site. Objectively sort his content into whining and not whining and see what sort of ratio you come up with.

Best tactic with whiners is to beat them with the facts.. Provide the data.. Let them mangle it, and then MOCK THEM mercilessly.. We do it all the time here.. :eusa_clap:

Only scared pussies hide their results..

What he said!:lol:
I reference you yet again, Mr. denier to the Steig fiasco.

What Steig fiasco? You can't expect those outside of your cult to be familiar with every conspiracy theory your cult comes up with. Please understand that the information you get in your cult bubble rarely survives a journey into the real world.

Okay, I looked it up. It's McIntyre whining again. So nobody outside the cult cares, because McIntyre is always whining. It's just boring. I'm sure the cult finds the words of DearLeader fascinating, but everyone else just falls asleep. Now, if McIntyre ever stops whining, that's something the world will find newsworthy.

When they play unethically there is no alternative.

Denier logic:
1. Make up a fine story of victimhood.
2. Declare they are now justified in getting even.
3. Conclusion - any bad behavior from deniers is instantly justified, period.

Convenient, that is, the way deniers can now auto-justify their sleaze. "You made us act like badly!". Standard for cults of all types.

Naturally, you don't see anyone here on the side of reason declaring someone made us act badly. If you just don't act badly, you don't have to go into contortions to justify it.
Let's cut to the chase here puddin'head.. We've been at this awhile now. And something has gotten real apparent with your dissing of "whiners"..

IF there was a 97 to 3 consensus and I was on the HEAVY side, with ROCK SOLID "settled science" and the literal fate of world hung in balance --- How long would it take teams of 97 Heavies to hunt down and kill (in the intellectual sense of course) the 3 whacko denier colleagues??

I personally would take great pleasure slaying 3 or 4 a year at conferences and in my spare time. Why I might have to cut my USMB hours by 2 a week to accomplish that honor. And great praise from the nations of the world would be bestowed upon me..

The deal is puddytat -- that they aint GOT the high hand, and it aint 97 to 3, and nobody sucking down the grants and salaries in that 97 wants to get their hands dirty or rock the canoe.. Not for the honor of the IPCC or politicians --- that's for damn certain...

If they WANTED to win decisively, and your story is true --- it could be done in a weekend after 18 holes and a drunken pre-war orgy..

Instead -- we get Lewandowsky and Cook..
McIntyre is the biggest whiner in the entire field. He does nothing but whine, from early morning till late at night. And on numerous occasions his whining has been shown to be completely manufactured: his requests have been satisfied or it has been explained to him very politely why they cannot be or why his demands are ridiculous and impossible to satisfy - yet still he whines. Review his site. Objectively sort his content into whining and not whining and see what sort of ratio you come up with.

whine (hwīn, wīn)
v. whined, whin·ing, whines
1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

I assume you are referring to definition #2.

I find it hard to believe that you actually read Climate Audit. If you did then it would be awfully difficult to come to the conclusion that McIntyre was the party that was acting childish. I find it much more likely that your knowledge of what McIntyre does, or doesnt do comes from second hand descriptions from those who find his criticisms annoying and his requests for information inconvenient.

on this forum mamooth seems fond of stating that McIntyre was harrassing Briffa for datasets that McIntyre already had in his possession. there is a huge difference between getting an unauthorized version of a gray dataset that you have been asked not to disclose, and getting an authorized version from the author. gray versions are partial, and not necessarily the same. most journals have criteria for accepting papers that include making the data available for reproducing the results, although there has been a long history of non-compliance towards requests from skeptics. that non-compliance continues today with Lewandowsky and the UWA refusing to release the data on the Recursive Fury and Moon Hoax papers which seem to only exist because they besmirch 'deniers'.

please read McIntyre's latest request for data from the UWA, which is posted above. and then compare it to the UWA refusal-

Dear Mr McIntyre,

I refer to your series of emails to University officers including Professor Maybery and myself (which you have copied to other recipients including the Australian Research Council) in which you request access to Professor Lewandowsky’s data.

I am aware that you have made inflammatory statements on your weblog “Climate Audit” under the heading “Lewandowsky Ghost-wrote Conclusions of UWA Ethics Investigation into “Hoax”” including attacks on the character and professionalism of University staff. It is apparent that your antagonism towards Professor Lewandowsky’s research is so unbalanced that there is no useful purpose to be served in corresponding with you further. I regard your continued correspondence to be vexatious and there will be no further response to your requests for data.

Yours faithfully,
Professor Paul Johnson,

you seem to think it is whinging for McIntyre to request that the university follow its written policies, but then have no problem with the university to refuse the data in defiance of policy because they think they have been 'dissed'. please point out where McIntyre has said anything counter factual.
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.


so you think the world is worse off because of all the mistakes he has found, all the data he has forced into the public domain, all the misused and faulty methodologies that he has exposed.

and you call us anti-science.

I still find it hard to believe that people like you cannot separate ideas from the people who espouse them.

is it really better to have mistakes in climate science papers rather than acknowledge that McIntyre found them?
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here....:cuckoo:
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here.

I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here.

I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

I cannot figure out if you are just trying to slag McIntyre, or if you really are ignorant about him.

he was a top student for mathematics as a high school student. he was a top student at university while getting a mathematics BS. he went to Oxford on a scholarship and when he came back he turned down a scholarship to MIT for mathematical economics because he didnt want to be an academic. he may not have a PhD but it is certainly not because he couldnt get one! as has been amply shown, his mathematical acumen has been more than a match for what passes as statistical prowess in the climate science field.

the US temperature monitoring system is the most complete best coverage in the world with comenserate funding and staffing. it took an amateur Canadian sleuth who was reverse engineering the GISS data base to find a problem that had been on the books for seven years. the correction of 0.15C was a significant fraction of the total warming in the US for the entire historical record. to minimize the 'glitch' by spreading it out over the total globe is obfuscation at its best. the US had a major screw-up. who knows what other screw-ups are waiting to be found in other global areas? Paul Homewood certainly found some strange 'adjustments' in the Icelandic records but GISS has learned that stonewalling problems is easier than explaining them.

I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?
I still find it hard to believe that people like you cannot separate ideas from the people who espouse them.

is it really better to have mistakes in climate science papers rather than acknowledge that McIntyre found them?

That is precisely what he thinks....it isn't science to him...it is religion. Pointing out mistakes in a religion elicits anger and irrational arguments against those who question the religion....in actual science when mistakes are pointed out, the response is "thanks"...the data gets corrected...and the breadth of human knowledge increases.
I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?

It isn't about science...it isn't about whether McIntyre is good at what he does...it isn't about whether climate scientists are competent.... McIntyre calls abe's religion into question...McIntyre is a heritic, and for that, McIntyre must be denegrated at every occasion, his work must be torn down even if lies are the only way to do it because McIntyre is a heritic...he has had the nerve to question the religion and provide undeniable evidence to support his claims. To accept the fact that McIntyre's claims are accurate is to question the religion and folks like abe are intellectually unable to question the religion... That would make them heretics as well and that can't happen.

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