Lewandowsky and Cook's papers on Skeptics

I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here.

I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

No, you think that pursuing the scientific method is a threat to your pre conceived goals.
Which is correct. Anybody with a brain can see that the AGW charlatans abandoned the scientific method decades ago because it interfered with their making a buck.
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here.

I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

I cannot figure out if you are just trying to slag McIntyre, or if you really are ignorant about him.

he was a top student for mathematics as a high school student. he was a top student at university while getting a mathematics BS. he went to Oxford on a scholarship and when he came back he turned down a scholarship to MIT for mathematical economics because he didnt want to be an academic. he may not have a PhD but it is certainly not because he couldnt get one! as has been amply shown, his mathematical acumen has been more than a match for what passes as statistical prowess in the climate science field.

the US temperature monitoring system is the most complete best coverage in the world with comenserate funding and staffing. it took an amateur Canadian sleuth who was reverse engineering the GISS data base to find a problem that had been on the books for seven years. the correction of 0.15C was a significant fraction of the total warming in the US for the entire historical record. to minimize the 'glitch' by spreading it out over the total globe is obfuscation at its best. the US had a major screw-up. who knows what other screw-ups are waiting to be found in other global areas? Paul Homewood certainly found some strange 'adjustments' in the Icelandic records but GISS has learned that stonewalling problems is easier than explaining them.

I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?

Ole abe doesn't have an "opinion" of McIntyre, he hates him because McIntyre is a threat to all that abe holds dear.
The cultists get so upset whenever people keep laughing at DearLeaderMcIntyre.

Oddly, they don't seem to understand why DearLeader's "YOU'RE A FRAUD! A HOAXER! YOU FAKE ALL THE DATA! I'M CONTACTING YOUR EMPLOYER! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL! I'M SHOWING YOUR EMAIL TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS SO THEY'LL ALL SEND YOU HATEMAIL! Now send me all your data." thing never gets positive results from those it gets aimed at.
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The cultists get so upset whenever people keep laughing at DearLeaderMcIntyre.

Oddly, they don't seem to understand why DearLeader's "YOU'RE A FRAUD! A HOAXER! YOU FAKE ALL THE DATA! I'M CONTACTING YOUR EMPLOYER! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL! I'M SHOWING YOUR EMAIL TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS SO THEY'LL ALL SEND YOU HATEMAIL! Now send me all your data." thing never gets positive results from those it gets aimed at.

You're over the edge.. Anyone TRYING to understand you has given up.. We don't have "a leader".. I know that's hard for you to understand given your beliefs and strict chain of thought command.. For Gaia sakes man -- Get a grip..
The cultists get so upset whenever people keep laughing at DearLeaderMcIntyre.

Oddly, they don't seem to understand why DearLeader's "YOU'RE A FRAUD! A HOAXER! YOU FAKE ALL THE DATA! I'M CONTACTING YOUR EMPLOYER! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL! I'M SHOWING YOUR EMAIL TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS SO THEY'LL ALL SEND YOU HATEMAIL! Now send me all your data." thing never gets positive results from those it gets aimed at.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Here we have the ultimate descent into insanity of the poor admiral. A "mere" mathematician has the temerity to destroy the admirals close friends nonsense and the admiral responds by going full on batpoop crazy!

The cultists get so upset whenever people keep laughing at DearLeaderMcIntyre.

Oddly, they don't seem to understand why DearLeader's "YOU'RE A FRAUD! A HOAXER! YOU FAKE ALL THE DATA! I'M CONTACTING YOUR EMPLOYER! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL! I'M SHOWING YOUR EMAIL TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS SO THEY'LL ALL SEND YOU HATEMAIL! Now send me all your data." thing never gets positive results from those it gets aimed at.

I am sure that you actually believe that. hahahahahaha

the reality goes more like-

-could I please have the data you used to produce your paper

-I have not received any response to my query for data. the journal rules of publication state that you must make it available. please produce it

- I still have not received a response to my request for data. I am informing the journal and your funding source that you refuse to release it, contrary to the rules you accepted.

- I still have not received the data, and neither the journal or your funding source seems to be able to make you comply with your contractual obligations. I am broadening the range of individuals in authority to be notified, and putting in FOI requests for communications as to how this problem has been handled.

-no satisfactory resolution has been acheived. I am releasing all information obtained about this failure to follow strictly defined protocols to the public.

and so another example of climate science duplicity is added to the pile. it is a large pile.

the good thing about the Lewandowsky case is that Lew and the crew made such a stink about having their paper retracted, blaming the journal for caving in to pressure, that it produced a response by the journal where by they made it clear exactly why it was withdrawn. leaving Lewandowsky with egg on his face.
I think McIntyre and the massive work he's done in the climate field have been nothing more than a waste of good air. I believe people defending him equally wasteful.

Wasteful? You think that pursuing the scientific method "wasteful". Lets ignore the fact that McIntyre has destroyed every claim that the clueless have made, we'll just ignore that fact...but here we have someone who claims to be a "ocean engineer" stating that checking on other peoples work, THE FOUNDATION of the scientific method is "wasteful".

I think we know who the real science deniers are here.

I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

I cannot figure out if you are just trying to slag McIntyre, or if you really are ignorant about him.

he was a top student for mathematics as a high school student. he was a top student at university while getting a mathematics BS. he went to Oxford on a scholarship and when he came back he turned down a scholarship to MIT for mathematical economics because he didnt want to be an academic. he may not have a PhD but it is certainly not because he couldnt get one! as has been amply shown, his mathematical acumen has been more than a match for what passes as statistical prowess in the climate science field.

the US temperature monitoring system is the most complete best coverage in the world with comenserate funding and staffing. it took an amateur Canadian sleuth who was reverse engineering the GISS data base to find a problem that had been on the books for seven years. the correction of 0.15C was a significant fraction of the total warming in the US for the entire historical record. to minimize the 'glitch' by spreading it out over the total globe is obfuscation at its best. the US had a major screw-up. who knows what other screw-ups are waiting to be found in other global areas? Paul Homewood certainly found some strange 'adjustments' in the Icelandic records but GISS has learned that stonewalling problems is easier than explaining them.

I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?

My reasons for disliking Stephen McIntyre are FAR more reasonable and objective than any reasons your and your buddies could possibly come up with for crucifying Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Kevin Trenberth, Steven Rahmstorf, Jeremy Shakun, Dana Nuccitelli or Al Gore. I have already stated what I believe McIntyre has done and not done. That he should claim credit for having done good for anyone or anything makes him, in my book, an egotistical, sociopathic charlatan. And, if you really admire the man, it doesn't say much for you.
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I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

I cannot figure out if you are just trying to slag McIntyre, or if you really are ignorant about him.

he was a top student for mathematics as a high school student. he was a top student at university while getting a mathematics BS. he went to Oxford on a scholarship and when he came back he turned down a scholarship to MIT for mathematical economics because he didnt want to be an academic. he may not have a PhD but it is certainly not because he couldnt get one! as has been amply shown, his mathematical acumen has been more than a match for what passes as statistical prowess in the climate science field.

the US temperature monitoring system is the most complete best coverage in the world with comenserate funding and staffing. it took an amateur Canadian sleuth who was reverse engineering the GISS data base to find a problem that had been on the books for seven years. the correction of 0.15C was a significant fraction of the total warming in the US for the entire historical record. to minimize the 'glitch' by spreading it out over the total globe is obfuscation at its best. the US had a major screw-up. who knows what other screw-ups are waiting to be found in other global areas? Paul Homewood certainly found some strange 'adjustments' in the Icelandic records but GISS has learned that stonewalling problems is easier than explaining them.

I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?

My reasons for disliking Stephen McIntyre are FAR more reasonable and objective than any reasons your and your buddies could possibly come up with for crucifying Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Kevin Trenberth, Steven Rahmstorf, Jeremy Shakun, Dana Nuccitelli or Al Gore. I have already stated what I believe McIntyre has done and not done. That he should claim credit for having done good for anyone or anything makes him, in my book, an egotistical, sociopathic charlatan. And, if you really admire the man, it doesn't say much for you.

I need examples. So far all you have given me is opinion.
You've gotten more from me than Stephen McIntyre is worth. You'll get no more. I never expected you to accept any of it. Mainstream science doesn't generally run on idolization but I guess when you have as few "authorities" as do deniers, you've got to make the most of what you've got. McIntyre is a childish egotistical ass. When you come up for air, let us know how his big toe tastes.
I think pursuing the scientific method a wonderful thing. I simply wonder where in heaven's name you get the idea that Stephen McIntyre has provided any such service to the field. McIntyre sole accomplishments as the Head, Denier, Statistics Checker (and one wonders why you fellows can't find a PhD with some real standing to do the work (well, actually I don't wonder about it at all)) of the League of Extraordinary Deniers has been to discover a weakness in some applications of principal component analysis - a finding that had NO effect on the results of MBH 99 - and to catch a glitch in some domestic US GISS data that GISS thanked him for but that "made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies". The idea of checking the work of others is certainly a major component of the scientific method. That is neither what McIntyre has attempted to do nor managed to accomplish. His intent, as is more than obvious from reading his site, is to harass climate scientists, to demean their work and to attempt to build his ego. His value to the progress of climate science has been absolutely nil. The value to humanity of his work - casting doubt and aspersions on the science that could save us all - has been extremely negative. So, yes, he's a waste of good air.

I cannot figure out if you are just trying to slag McIntyre, or if you really are ignorant about him.

he was a top student for mathematics as a high school student. he was a top student at university while getting a mathematics BS. he went to Oxford on a scholarship and when he came back he turned down a scholarship to MIT for mathematical economics because he didnt want to be an academic. he may not have a PhD but it is certainly not because he couldnt get one! as has been amply shown, his mathematical acumen has been more than a match for what passes as statistical prowess in the climate science field.

the US temperature monitoring system is the most complete best coverage in the world with comenserate funding and staffing. it took an amateur Canadian sleuth who was reverse engineering the GISS data base to find a problem that had been on the books for seven years. the correction of 0.15C was a significant fraction of the total warming in the US for the entire historical record. to minimize the 'glitch' by spreading it out over the total globe is obfuscation at its best. the US had a major screw-up. who knows what other screw-ups are waiting to be found in other global areas? Paul Homewood certainly found some strange 'adjustments' in the Icelandic records but GISS has learned that stonewalling problems is easier than explaining them.

I am honestly curious as to why you have such a poor opinion of McIntyre. do you have any actual examples of poor behaviour from him? or is it just a 'people I trust hate him, so I hate him too' type of thing?

My reasons for disliking Stephen McIntyre are FAR more reasonable and objective than any reasons your and your buddies could possibly come up with for crucifying Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Kevin Trenberth, Steven Rahmstorf, Jeremy Shakun, Dana Nuccitelli or Al Gore. I have already stated what I believe McIntyre has done and not done. That he should claim credit for having done good for anyone or anything makes him, in my book, an egotistical, sociopathic charlatan. And, if you really admire the man, it doesn't say much for you.

:lol::lol::lol: The difference between McIntyre and your hero's is McIntyre doesn't make his living by his studies. He has demonstrated in a few years (and with ZERO help from anyone, and in the case of your hero's, outright hostility, even before McIntyre was known) that everything your boys was saying was false.


Yes, I can see how that would upset you. You have been following charlatans who have
been ripping you off blind and a infidel exposed you for the dummy you are.
The difference between McIntyre and your hero's is McIntyre doesn't make his living by his studies.

First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He has demonstrated in a few years (and with ZERO help from anyone, and in the case of your hero's, outright hostility, even before McIntyre was known) that everything your boys was saying was false.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.
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The difference between McIntyre and your hero's is McIntyre doesn't make his living by his studies.

First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He has demonstrated in a few years (and with ZERO help from anyone, and in the case of your hero's, outright hostility, even before McIntyre was known) that everything your boys was saying was false.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.

McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.
The difference between McIntyre and your hero's is McIntyre doesn't make his living by his studies.

First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He has demonstrated in a few years (and with ZERO help from anyone, and in the case of your hero's, outright hostility, even before McIntyre was known) that everything your boys was saying was false.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.

McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.

No, abe is a religious fanatic. His high priests have told him to hate McIntyre so, like the good little slave, that's what he does.
The difference between McIntyre and your hero's is McIntyre doesn't make his living by his studies.

First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He has demonstrated in a few years (and with ZERO help from anyone, and in the case of your hero's, outright hostility, even before McIntyre was known) that everything your boys was saying was false.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.

McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.

McIntyre has not shot down ANY hockeysticks. His only work in that regard was to point out that PCA analysis used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes in 1999 tended to reduce the magnitude of the MWP. Big fucking deal. It had NO effect on 20th century temperatures. The world of climate science is FILLED with hockey sticks: temperature graphs with a dramatic and unprecedented slope in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is so filled because THAT IS WHAT THE TEMPERATURES HAVE DONE.

if you want examples of his bad behavior, read his website. If you don't see it there, the failing is your own.
First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.

McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.

McIntyre has not shot down ANY hockeysticks. His only work in that regard was to point out that PCA analysis used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes in 1999 tended to reduce the magnitude of the MWP. Big fucking deal. It had NO effect on 20th century temperatures. The world of climate science is FILLED with hockey sticks: temperature graphs with a dramatic and unprecedented slope in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is so filled because THAT IS WHAT THE TEMPERATURES HAVE DONE.

if you want examples of his bad behavior, read his website. If you don't see it there, the failing is your own.

Ummmmm, no, they haven't.
First, I have no fucking idea who you think my "hero" might be and, second, that you think the opinion of a professional climate scientist is and should be less than the opinion of an amateur dickhead tells me more about you than it does about McIntyre - save that it does provide some good characterization for the folks who tend to admire the guy.

He hasn't demonstrated jack shit.

Has McIntyre falsified the greenhouse effect?

Has McIntyre falsified the Keeling curve?

Has McIntyre falsified the 20th century's unprecedented rate of temperature increase?

How many climate scientists have said "Based on the work of Stephen McIntyre I no longer accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of our climate"?

The answers to those questions are "No", "No", "No" and "None".

The man is a worthless dick who has done nothing to advance climate science and which makes you, as his admirer... precisely what you are, I guess.

McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.

McIntyre has not shot down ANY hockeysticks. His only work in that regard was to point out that PCA analysis used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes in 1999 tended to reduce the magnitude of the MWP. Big fucking deal. It had NO effect on 20th century temperatures. The world of climate science is FILLED with hockey sticks: temperature graphs with a dramatic and unprecedented slope in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is so filled because THAT IS WHAT THE TEMPERATURES HAVE DONE.

if you want examples of his bad behavior, read his website. If you don't see it there, the failing is your own.
Curiousity from someone reading your diatribe. The person asked you to explain your hate and you have none. So basically, you have no evidence. Hmm, seems you are just a religous fanatic told what to do. Nice........
McIntyre believes in the greenhouse effect, just not the exaggerations and predictions of doom.

McIntyre has shot down everone of the stupid hockeystick reconstructions that have come out.

Doesn't it bother you that you have no examples of his bad behaviour, considering how much you hate him? I assure you that I have plenty of specific reasons why I hate Mann.

McIntyre has not shot down ANY hockeysticks. His only work in that regard was to point out that PCA analysis used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes in 1999 tended to reduce the magnitude of the MWP. Big fucking deal. It had NO effect on 20th century temperatures. The world of climate science is FILLED with hockey sticks: temperature graphs with a dramatic and unprecedented slope in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is so filled because THAT IS WHAT THE TEMPERATURES HAVE DONE.

if you want examples of his bad behavior, read his website. If you don't see it there, the failing is your own.
Curiousity from someone reading your diatribe. The person asked you to explain your hate and you have none. So basically, you have no evidence. Hmm, seems you are just a religous fanatic told what to do. Nice........

hey jc456- here is a link to a CA article that quotes the SkS 'secret forum' on quite a few topics including Mann's hockeysticks. Behind the SKS Curtain « Climate Audit

(Robert Way-) I don’t mean to be the pessimist of the group here but Mc brought up some very good points about the original hockeystick. The confidence affirmed to it by many on our side of the debate was vastly overstated and as has been shown in the recent literature greater variability on the centennial scale exists than was shown. The statistical methodology used by Mann did rely too much on tree rings which still are in debate over their usefulness to reconstruct temperature and particularly their ability to record low-frequency temperature variations. I’ve personally seen work that is unpublished that challenges every single one of his reconstructions because they all either understate or overstate low-frequency variations. My personal experience has been that Moberg still has the best reconstruction and his one does show greater variability. That’s why I don’t like to talk the HS stuff, because I know a lot of people who have doubts about the accuracy of the original HS.

Moberg's reconstruction-


an analysis of the rates of change in Moberg. funny how both the temperature and the rate of increase is not unpresidented.

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McIntyre has not shot down ANY hockeysticks. His only work in that regard was to point out that PCA analysis used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes in 1999 tended to reduce the magnitude of the MWP. Big fucking deal. It had NO effect on 20th century temperatures. The world of climate science is FILLED with hockey sticks: temperature graphs with a dramatic and unprecedented slope in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is so filled because THAT IS WHAT THE TEMPERATURES HAVE DONE.

if you want examples of his bad behavior, read his website. If you don't see it there, the failing is your own.
Curiousity from someone reading your diatribe. The person asked you to explain your hate and you have none. So basically, you have no evidence. Hmm, seems you are just a religous fanatic told what to do. Nice........

hey jc456- here is a link to a CA article that quotes the SkS 'secret forum' on quite a few topics including Mann's hockeysticks. Behind the SKS Curtain « Climate Audit

(Robert Way-) I don’t mean to be the pessimist of the group here but Mc brought up some very good points about the original hockeystick. The confidence affirmed to it by many on our side of the debate was vastly overstated and as has been shown in the recent literature greater variability on the centennial scale exists than was shown. The statistical methodology used by Mann did rely too much on tree rings which still are in debate over their usefulness to reconstruct temperature and particularly their ability to record low-frequency temperature variations. I’ve personally seen work that is unpublished that challenges every single one of his reconstructions because they all either understate or overstate low-frequency variations. My personal experience has been that Moberg still has the best reconstruction and his one does show greater variability. That’s why I don’t like to talk the HS stuff, because I know a lot of people who have doubts about the accuracy of the original HS.

Moberg's reconstruction-


an analysis of the rates of change in Moberg. funny how both the temperature and the rate of increase is not unpresidented.


hey Abraham, how come youre not commenting this? your buddy Way is recommending Moberg, and it shows that both the temps and the rate of change is not unprecedented.

dont get me wrong....I am not stating that Moberg is unquestionably right. I am skeptical of all of these reconstructions. but the simple fact that there are legitimate alternate reconstructions means that there is no 'settled science'.

and BTW, did you notice that Way agreed with McIntyre than Mann's work is crap?
Yes let us start to study the climate in warming phase and call it climate change and through trillions of dollars in it. This way we can convenience others that humans are causing the warming (and we need government to dictate our lives to us), not the fact that the Earth is on a warming trend.

AGW is a bunk religion and always ahs been.
Chuck Norris still refuses to answer my challenges to come and get an asskicking from me. Hence, it's clear Chuck Norris is afraid of me.

In the same way, the CultOfMcIntyre has concluded that all their opponents are afraid of them, the proof being that everyone is ignoring them.

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