LGBT clery support black lives matter


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Why LGBTQ Clergy Are Standing Up For Black Lives Matter

What morons. How stupid do you have to be? Okay, first, if BLM cared about all black lives, not just the rare case of a cop killing a black guy, then it would be easier to be sympathetic. But all they care about are the rare killings. Second, like it or not, most anti LGBT violence is not done by white christian conservatives, but by blacks and hispanics, and in cities. So the goal of BLM is racist, and anti police, which will mean more crime if police cannot do their jobs. More dangerous streets means more anti LGBT violence. Is that what these idiot panderers want?
Um, the black community is pretty open about their hatred for gay people. What on earth are they thinking?
Granny says, "Dat's right - we need to find out who they are...

Lawmakers Seek ‘Expanded Data Collection’ on LGBTs by Census Bureau
May 6, 2016 -- A group of 78 members of Congress have signed a letter asking a House subcommittee to recommend that the U.S. Census Bureau start surveying the U.S. population on gender identity and sexual orientation because the numbers of LGBT individuals “cannot be counted.”
The letter, which “expresses support for expanded data collection by the Census Bureau on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals,” was delivered to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science Chairman John Culberson (R-Texas) and Ranking Member Mike Honda (D-Calif.), according to an April 5 press release. “The federal government, states, and local communities rely on Census and ACS [American Community Survey] data to determine how resources should be allocated to meet the needs of certain populations. Despite this critical mission, neither of these assessments nor any other major federal population survey currently asks respondents to share their sexual orientation and gender identity.

“This means that even the most basic of statistics – the number of people who identify as LGBT – cannot be counted,” the letter states. “Despite tremendous progress in the fight to secure equal recognition under the law, LGBT Americans continue to face discrimination in facets of everyday life such as in employment, housing, and even in the justice system.” “Expanded data collection on LGBT people is needed to help policymakers and community stakeholders understand the full extent of these disparities, as well as identifying the needs of these communities so they can be better served. It is also crucial to our ability to respond with effective and sensible policy solutions that address the unique needs of this vulnerable population,” the letter continues.

“For these reasons, we believe that the Census Bureau should advance plans to expand LGBT data collection in future national surveys and urge you to assist us in reaching this goal. Therefore, we respectfully recommend that the Committee include the following report language in the accompanying report of its Fiscal Year 2017 CJS bill: “‘The Committee is aware of concerns regarding the lack of reliable data on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population in the United States. The Committee believes that the availability of such data on the size, location, and circumstances of the LGBT population would be useful to policymakers and researchers. Therefore, the Committee urges the Bureau to study the feasibility of expanding data collection on the LGBT population in its future federal population surveys and to report to the Committee within 180 days on its plans.’”

Though the letter references gender identity, it is unclear what gender options the lawmakers want the subcommittee to recommend the Census Bureau make available to respondents. It currently offers two options: Male and female. Social media has embraced multiple options on gender identity. Facebook previously offered users residing in the U.S. a total of 58 distinct options for gender identity. It now offers a “free-form field” where users may fill-in whichever gender-based identity they prefer. However, the Census Bureau said last month that it has no plans to add additional gender categories to its questionnaires.


See also:

Children ‘Being Influenced by a Culture That Is Perverting Them’
May 5, 2016 | Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, told those gathered in Washington, D.C., in observance of the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, that the most important thing he prays for is the children, who have been influenced by the LGBT agenda.[/i]
“If I had to list the most important thing for me to pray about today, that would outrank everything else, it would be to pray for the children, because the children of this country and many places around the world are in danger, and their world has changed,” said Dobson. Dobson left Focus on the Family in 2010 and that same year founded Family Talk, a Christian non-profit organization that “promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development.” “I think of the millions of kids today who are in schools and classrooms around the country where they are being taught things that we would consider alien to our faith, and they’re being influenced by a culture that is perverting them, and that would have to be first on the list,” he said.

Dobson explained when he finished working on his doctorate, his father warned him that the world Dobson’s daughter was “growing up in is much farther gone into moral decline than the world into which you were born.” Dobson said he began praying for his daughter and for the second child he had afterwards. “Folks, that was the late 60s and 70s, and the world now has changed radically since that time, and if it had gone into moral decline then, what about now?” Dobson asked. “What about the whole LGBT agenda that’s being taught increasingly in the schools and elsewhere?

Dobson explained that the third letter in the term LGBT – B - is for bisexual. “That means sex with many and all. It means moral debauchery, and now the transgender movement that is taken over the schools is having an impact where in some places, 5-year-olds are being asked to choose whether they are male or female,” he said. “I saw an article the other day that was the result of a study, a poll that was made where something approaching 50 percent of young people were asked whether they identify with masculinity or femininity, and almost – I think it was 46 percent of them – said neither, but both,” said Dobson.

“That has taken hold with our kids, and what’s being taught to kindergarteners in California and Massachusetts and other places where these little 5-year-old bright eyed kids who know nothing about anything really are being taught the elements of the homosexual point of view,” he said. “I’m not here to attack anybody today, but I’m saying our children are at risk, and we must pray for them. We must fast for them, and on this day of prayer, I hold them up before the Lord, and ask him to protect them from anything that would twist or warp their moral character,” Dobson said.

Focus on Family Founder: Children ‘Being Influenced by a Culture That Is Perverting Them’


Dr. Glenn Sheppard on National Day of Prayer: ‘We’ve Redefined What You Have Called a Family and Marriage’
May 5, 2016 | Dr. Glenn Sheppard, president of International Prayer Ministries, led the Prayer of Repentance at Thursday’s National Day of Prayer observance in Washington, D.C., asking God for forgiveness for choosing “political correctness over biblical authority,” murdering “the unborn” and redefining what God calls family and marriage.
“We’ve rewritten your law to adopt to our standards of society. We’ve chosen political correctness over biblical authority. We’ve murdered the unborn. We’ve redefined what you have called a family and marriage. Lord, be merciful, please,” Sheppard said. “I think there’s a time that we need to be prostrate before God with brokenness and travail. We have elegance from the pulpit today, but we have no weeping prophets any longer. We seldom hear the word of God with the anointing of the Holy Spirit,” he said.

Sheppard called on the audience to pray privately on their own instead of leading them through prayer. “We have chosen political correctness over biblical foundations, and so as we come in these moments to pray, I will not lead us in prayer. I ask you to pray. You pray what God speaks to your heart about. You cry out in the posture, the position and the place that you are. If you choose to gather together in small groups, then you just do that,” he said. “God is an awesome God, and he will lead us. Repentance is not words spoken. It’s deeds done and standards established and the fellowship obeyed,” Sheppard said.

After the audience prayed amongst themselves, Sheppard said, “Father we come with broken hearts and tear-stained cheeks today. We have been a rebellious lot. We’ve shaken our fists in the face of your gracious mercy. “We’ve rewritten your law to adopt to our standards of society. We’ve chosen political correctness over biblical authority. We’ve murdered the unborn. We’ve redefined what you have called a family and marriage. Lord, be merciful, please,” he added. “We’re a people who have chosen to listen to everything except ‘thus, saith the Lord,’ so we come humbly into your presence this morning. We realize that as we gather here in this nation’s capital, there are those by the tens of thousands yay hundreds of thousands that are travailing in courthouse squares and city centers all over” - a total of “47,000 plus gatherings,” he said. “Would you hear the voice of your weeping, travailing saints? We need you, holy God. We desperately need you. We need you to make the decisions over us that bring us to brokenness, that bring us to humility. We need you, Holy Father,” Sheppard said.

“Lord forgive us because we have looked to a political party - no matter what our persuasion – for a resolution that has no resolution outside of ‘thus saith the Lord,’” he said. “And so we come into your presence this morning to say, God forgive your children and cleanse your people and purify your land and sanctify once again – no matter what the cost, no matter how heavy the burden,” Sheppard said. “Lord would you let us once again become that city on a shining hill that could lead the nations of the earth into the presence of the almighty king of kings and the Lord of hosts? Forgive us God. We humbly come to you this morning,” he said. “We have been an errant family, and we ask that you receive us back with graciousness.”

Dr. Glenn Sheppard on National Day of Prayer: ‘We’ve Redefined What You Have Called a Family and Marriage’
LGBT people should be careful about answering questions like this. If power changes hands, the information could fall in the wrong hands. I refused to answer all the Census Bureau's questions about race, ethnicity, gender, income level, etc. I told them how many people lived in the household, and that was all. And if they asked me if there were any guns in the home, or if they asked me about medical history, I would consider that a declaration of war.
LGBT people should be careful about answering questions like this. If power changes hands, the information could fall in the wrong hands. I refused to answer all the Census Bureau's questions about race, ethnicity, gender, income level, etc. I told them how many people lived in the household, and that was all. And if they asked me if there were any guns in the home, or if they asked me about medical history, I would consider that a declaration of war.
Shut up about LGBT people. You obviously can't stand us.

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