LGBT History Month

Many teenagers are homophobic. They don't want to think about or talk about it. While schools are trying to protect gay kids from being bullyied, the last thing they need to do is "out" people. It's a discussion that does not belong in a math class. I know plenty of gay teenagers who would agree with me.
Many teenagers are homophobic. They don't want to think about or talk about it. While schools are trying to protect gay kids from being bullyied, the last thing they need to do is "out" people. It's a discussion that does not belong in a math class. I know plenty of gay teenagers who would agree with me.

What does a curicullum on GLBT History have to do with outting people?
If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?

Why, do you think this is just "lambasting" gay men? The article is from the CDC, looks like they say it's where the most problem is with this disease. They teach safe sex in school, why shouldn't they teach that these people are most at risk along with LGBT history?

Hey, please, I'm not trying to "lamblast" someone personally, sorry if I come across that way. My agenda is more spiritual in nature than anything. And I'm the last person who should point a finger at someone else. My belief is that everyone falls short - we do things wrong, we struggle with things. But yes, my view is that being gay is not natural and its not right. I think it's wrong for us to say that it's "right", when in fact our very human bodies show it to be designed as woman and a man. If we all were gay, if not for technology, we could not pro-create. I believe there's a difference between saying, "I'm struggling with this, and also saying it's "ok." If its a sin, its a sin. From what I've learned, its rather a "struggle of the flesh" - basically - sin. So please don't think I'm a homophobe against people who struggle with it, or whatever they call it. I got my own things I struggle with myself.

Regardless of my views, the point here is that if they are gonna publically teach sex outside marriage is ok, and to keep it safe, teach about LGBT History, then why not teach about the risk of disease that accompanies it? And every other type of sex that people have?


Im finding it real hard to believe youre being honest when you post a link to Zoophilia in the same post.

Should we discuss priests too? Im not thinking you want to do that.

Coming from your point of view, sure, I can understand why you may think that. However, I'm sorry if you don't believe me and I'm very sorry if I offended you personally at all. Can try to explain it more... I personally homosexuality think its wrong, ( a sin) but yet it may be taught in our schools, and may already be so. I don't like the system of it, and that has to do with my faith. So for me, teaching of Zoophilia History would be the same of teaching the LGBT History. That's one of the points. Some people think Zoophilia is wrong, but some think Zoophilia is wrong and homosexuality are wrong. (Yeah, for me its frustrating, personally I see things from a spiritual perspective. ) So what would be the difference? For many, a sin is a sin. Not sure if that helps?

Sure, why not discuss priests then too? If you are referring to sexual abuse from any type of man or woman who claims to come in the Name of Jesus, then we are dealing with sin also. It's wrong. (I'm not Roman Catholic nor ever will be either, fyi also)

Hope it makes it better. Take care : )
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The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

Left handed people are stupendous all on their own. We don't need no stinkin' movement! :eusa_whistle:
Many teenagers are homophobic. They don't want to think about or talk about it. While schools are trying to protect gay kids from being bullyied, the last thing they need to do is "out" people. It's a discussion that does not belong in a math class. I know plenty of gay teenagers who would agree with me.

What does a curicullum on GLBT History have to do with outting people?

WTF does Transgendered History have to do with ANYTHING?

If Obama wants to know how US students may be ranked lower than other industrialzed countries students, he should use the UK as an example: Don't waste education dollars on social propaganda.
[This is in the U.K. Could've sworn they were talking about San Francisco.

Coming soon to the U.S.?

LGBTQ history month is october in the US

If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?

Why, do you think this is just "lambasting" gay men? The article is from the CDC, looks like they say it's where the most problem is with this disease. They teach safe sex in school, why shouldn't they teach that these people are most at risk along with LGBT history?

Regardless of my views, the point here is that if they are gonna publically teach sex outside marriage is ok, and to keep it safe, teach about LGBT History, then why not teach about the risk of disease that accompanies it? And every other type of sex that people have?


the people msot at risk are people who don't use protection. it has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
if every gay person used protection and no straight person did, I promise more straight people would have STIs (not to mention very high pregnancy rates)

biologically lesbians have less chance of tranmision. straight women have a high chance of transmission than males. and anal sex carries more risk than oral and vaginal.

it would be great for schools to talk about masturbation as both an alternative to sex and as a great way to improve health and develop a healthy sexualtiy (even fi you are sexually active)

mentioning the benefits of oral sex for women would be nice too. as well as noting that there is less chance of tranmission and no pregnancy risk.
of course we have to note dental dams and flavored condoms.

going over vaginal sex and anal sex, the risks, benefits, and how to stay safe would help our youth

but considering LGBTQ history is mainly about the people overlooked due to their sexuality and not an extension of health class - i don't think thats relevent to the conversation
If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?

:happy-1:ABSOLUTELY, I have a particular interest in increasing that specific activity. Makes for some grate parties.:happy-1:
To the OP, no, they do not need a damn month the same as no one else needs a damn month. It is asinine to celebrate a particular odd sexuality. This is starting to border on the insane. We need to tech USEFUL things in school and when it comes to history we need to teach events and grate people, not great people's sexuality or any other twisted focus that you want to put on people. Then again, I see black history month as a stupidity as well. Here is a genuine idea, just teach history. You can teach the history of slavery and it's abolishment without having an asinine black history month and we should be teaching about great black/latino/gay/lesbian/green/alien people ALL YEAR. None of the special interest groups need a month.
Why don't we teach a swingers sexual history month? they are always getting left out, plus their marriages last way longer than regular vanilla couples do.

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