Former Top Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, Found GUILTY in Mortagage Fraud

She gave the “let them vent” orders which instructed police to make no response to death and destruction . The female mayor agreed also
They both perpetually licked their lips and tossed their hair. I think they mistook their AA appointments as an audition for Ebony magazine.,
She’d be perfect as a principal at a black high school.
I have a lovely step daughter who became a school principal at Hawaii. She finally went back to teaching since that is why she teaches, not to administrate, where she got awards, but she simply loves helping students. Still the School administration asked her to be a vice principal along with a teacher. She says at least her working hours are less doing this.
I knew her Father fairly well since he was lousy at paying child support. So I was paying it for him in how it cost me. She to this day appreciates me far more than her own father.
Well if a bunch of floor workers decode to band together it's like the end of the world. How stupid.
You float the myth that company owners are evil and the workers are picked on downtrodden
Not fact
People are going to stop voting for and putting black women in powerful positions if this bullshit isn't cleaned up.... its like one right after another.... at least they should be smart about it... they need lessons from Pelosi and Hillary....
Haha. Wow. Your duplicity knows no bounds.

Do you understand what happened, here? She got investigated because she is corrupt. They managed to find a reason to prosecute her.

That reason? Defrauding banks. Hmm... sound familiar?

Look at your embarrassing pearl clutching in this post. Contrast it to the ankle grabbing you guys do for Trump when some dares prosecute him for breaking the law.

And your pathetic racist dog whistle was a nice touch. It really brings the post together and shows us what you guys are made of.
Haha. Wow. Your duplicity knows no bounds.

Do you understand what happened, here? She got investigated because she is corrupt. They managed to find a reason to prosecute her.

That reason? Defrauding banks. Hmm... sound familiar?

Look at your embarrassing pearl clutching in this post. Contrast it to the ankle grabbing you guys do for Trump when some dares prosecute him for breaking the law.

And your pathetic racist dog whistle was a nice touch. It really brings the post together and shows us what you guys are made of.
So what. Deutsch Bank has still been fined 186 million dollars for fraud and money laundering.
Yeah gosh darn it
I had parents who supervised me
I got educated
I had goals
I achieved and was rewarded
I’m the total lib loon hate target

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