Former Top Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, Found GUILTY in Mortagage Fraud

People are going to stop voting for and putting black women in powerful positions if this bullshit isn't cleaned up.... its like one right after another.... at least they should be smart about it... they need lessons from Pelosi and Hillary....
Remember also it was the black woman Mayor who walked around Baltimore admitting the rat infestation was extreme who herself was found guilty of a crime and sent to prison.
Former husband. Nick Mosby filed for divorce. He's also the city council president. For Baltimore, that's has been in recent memory, a pathway to the mayor's office. Since 1999, every city council president has become mayor of Baltimore at some point.
Someone needs to look into his financial connections to her while they were married to see if it was joint grift.
Good call by the authorities to get Mosby.

But do remember that wherever there is a MAGA politician is a felony waiting to happen.

A fact not just whataboutism.

Just in mostly blue jurisdictions.....You know, the lawfare going on in Atlanta, NYC, DC, etc.
There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Baltimore in 60 years. Look around, and you see the results. Massive slums, and not a single high school kid who can perform at grade level.
Just in mostly blue jurisdictions.....You know, the lawfare going on in Atlanta, NYC, DC, etc.
Yup. Look the list of the most crime-infested cities, and they’re all run by Democrats: St. Louis, Baltimore, DC, New York, Chicago, etc., etc.
Everywhere democrats have governed continuously for 30 Years or more.
When you look at the records, you see that Cities like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and New York and others have for the more than 60 years have mainly been governed by Democrats. Each of these Cities have had massive race and corruption problems....
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Yup. Look the list of the most crime-infested cities, and they’re all run by Democrats: St. Louis, Baltimore, DC, New York, Chicago, etc., etc.
Democrats in olden days knew how to farm, take care of Ranches and in general were self sufficient. But Democrats promised them a life at the expense of the Rich so they left the farms and ranches and now are bundled up in what amounts to as hives.
Honestly. Has there been a single black person in high office in a blue city in the recent era that HASN'T turned out to be a complete sham both LEGALLY and PERSONALLY?

It is starting to seem like all these people are affirmative action hires just to meet a quota.
I think they're all members of Soros' fat, Black harem. He funds all their campaigns and they return the favor by trying to destroy our country. MAGA
Democrats are sleazy sick hateful creatures.

You don't approve? Me either.

Former top Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby was found guilty on Tuesday on one count of mortgage fraud.

Mosby, who previously served two terms as the State’s Attorney for Baltimore, was found guilty of mortgage fraud after testifying that she made false statements on loan applications in order to buy two vacation homes in Florida.
She was that tarty dim bulb Freddie Grey worshipper who created a new fake word of “venting” for wholesale rioting and destruction

Former Top Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Who Previously Threatened to Prosecute Federal Agents Sent by Trump to Stop BLM Riots, Found GUILTY in Mortagage Fraud

6 Feb 2024 ~~ by Anthony Scott

Former top Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby was found guilty on Tuesday on one count of mortgage fraud.
Mosby, who previously served two terms as the State’s Attorney for Baltimore, was found guilty of mortgage fraud after testifying that she made false statements on loan applications in order to buy two vacation homes in Florida.
In November, Mosby was found guilty of two federal counts of perjury after falsely claiming she had financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to access funds from the city’s retirement fund.
Mosby has yet to be sentenced in either case.
The former Baltimore prosecutor made national headlines in 2020 after she called President Trump a “Clown” and threatened to arrest any federal agents sent by the Trump administration attempting to quell the BLM riots in Baltimore.

Whereever there's a Democrat, there's a felony waiting to be discovered.
Whether its the D.A. of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Georgia or Baltimore they are all corrupt and will soon be caught.
Karma and Shadenfreude seems to follow them all.
Democrats keep telling us they needed more blacks and women because white men are racist and corrupt.
Well, in less than a month we've had two Equal Opportunity wanna be's exposed along with a University president and a professor.
One has to ask, have all been hired in authoritative positions, corrupted, mentally unstable, of color or a satanist.
Is that's the criteria to getting hired.




There seems to be a common trend with the dem DAs
Is Baltimore really that corrupt when a prosecutor knowingly engages in a criminal act that has such a paper trail?
Is Baltimore really that corrupt when a prosecutor knowingly engages in a criminal act that has such a paper trail?
She gave the “let them vent” orders which instructed police to make no response to death and destruction . The female mayor agreed also

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