LGBTq-hdtv gays "were coming for your children" is becoming their new slogan.

It's not their new slogan. A few idiots spewed the words in a moronic chant just get some folks riled up. It worked. Which means more idiots will use it to irritate more people looking for a reason to hate some people.
We want people to be gay because there's too many fucking humans on this planet and we're about to fucking destroy our eco-system. If that happens then it is over for us all. With 2-3 billion humans at tops focused on other shit rather then popping out fucking kids = we survive long term. Also we can focus on building a higher standard of living for all.

Yeah, no mental illness here.
Good way to get airholed

These deviants aren't even trying to hide it anymore
Of course not. No need to hide. They've got the laws now to protect them. They know they can do whatever and if anyone tries to stop them it'll be jail. They're brats who know full well they can't be touched without punishment to the adult.
Of course not. No need to hide. They've got the laws now to protect them. They know they can do whatever and if anyone tries to stop them it'll be jail. They're brats who know full well they can't be touched without punishment to the adult.

Laws or no laws, they come after our children it's going to end badly for them
Laws or no laws, they come after our children it's going to end badly for them

Sadly they are. Very slowly.

They push gay agendas in schools, gay characters are in like Disney movies, they have drag and gay shows and parades in public in broad daylight, it's talked about on tv a lot, any kid with internet access is being bombarded by them especially if they use any social media, politicians and doctors and influencers and more are championing for it, and more. Even good parents can't completely isolate them from the fags because it's a festering disease no one is curing. It's a social disease.
Democrats use pride events as cover for exposing their genitals to children and Democrat shillbots and NPCs come here and defend them.

Democrats use pride events as cover for exposing their genitals to children and Democrat shillbots and NPCs come here and defend them.


All they have to do is normalize sexualizing kids and perverting kids.

Like this for instance is an honest to God real tv show.

From the description

"Feature length documentary of four preteens who enter the adult world of competitive drag queens."

Notice it says, preteens. That's 12 and under. And it also says, adult world.

And it isn't the only one. There are other shows about kids in drag. I sincerely hope there is a hell for all of these people to end up in.
Well we have this group marching chanting they are coming for your children.

And I found out a gay choir also sings the same message.

At what point will we stop tolerating this Insanity? Because it seems, they certainly are coming for children.

Are conservatives now so drunk on their own endless hysterical outrage that they can't recognize when that hysterical outrage is being mocked?

Rhetorical question btw.

Well we have this group marching chanting they are coming for your children.

And I found out a gay choir also sings the same message.

At what point will we stop tolerating this Insanity? Because it seems, they certainly are coming for children.

this is not a joke....they are telling us that they are no longer hiding what they want....

…and let’s stop mincing (if you’ll pardon the expression) words here. These degenerates are telling us who they are, and it is long past time we believe them.

The Democrat party, public schools, Hollywood, and corporate media are desperate to normalize the mentally ill and these fetishists who no longer feel public pressure to control themselves. There are also the everyday enablers, those left-wing cultists who would light their own mothers on fire if that was The Next New Thing.

I don’t have a problem in the world with consenting adults living their lives in private in whatever way they choose. As long as you don’t pressure me to accept it, as long as you leave the kids out of it, that’s between you and your Maker. Whatever. Godspeed.

But we are waaaaaaayyyyy waaaayyyy beyond that now, waaaayyyy beyond “love means love” and “how does my marriage hurt you?” The Pandora’s Box is wide open, and like the good little grooming enablers they are, NBC News is here to keep it open, to aid and abet those who want to have sex with toddlers.

I don't see why it is a problem for people to have the choice to be gay and to marry the person that they love. Big government fascist are the ones that have a problem with personal liberty.
Is it personal liberty to twirl in front of small children in the middle of a public street. The parents that just sat there should also be arrested for child endangerment and abuse. The people who are naked should be arrested for indecent exposer, child molestation and just being ugly. This is exactly what was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, you see nothing wrong with this?
Is it personal liberty to twirl in front of small children in the middle of a public street. The parents that just sat there should also be arrested for child endangerment and abuse. The people who are naked should be arrested for indecent exposer, child molestation and just being ugly. This is exactly what was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, you see nothing wrong with this?
1. There is no Sodom and Gomarrah! And frankly never was. It is just a story that people like you like to advance to attack other people.
2. For most of human history we walked around naked and it is natural. We wear clothe for warmth and to protect our bodies from the elements more or less. If the environment is favorable in some cultures up until this day in Africa and island society walk around nude.

That is the way it is. You may not like to see a dick but it is part of reality. We're animals and part of the animal kingdom. It is natural in that kingdom to walk around nude. Ever see a ape or a dog wear a pair of pants?
1. There is no Sodom and Gomarrah! And frankly never was. It is just a story that people like you like to advance to attack other people.
2. For most of human history we walked around naked and it is natural. We wear clothe for warmth and to protect our bodies from the elements more or less. If the environment is favorable in some cultures up until this day in Africa and island society walk around nude.

That is the way it is. You may not like to see a dick but it is part of reality. We're animals and part of the animal kingdom. It is natural in that kingdom to walk around nude. Ever see a ape or a dog wear a pair of pants?
I reject that we are part of the "animal kingdom." We are of the "fold" of Adam and Eve, the first humans that God place on this earth that would be given laws and commandments to live by. That included wearing clothes and learning modesty and spiritual control over our bodies, parts and passions for the purpose of living eternally with our Father in Heaven.
If we take your pathetic logic as an example, we find that mankind developed civilized and finds these perversions and hurtful events towards our children grotesque and pedophile actions destroying our children. You and your co-conspirators of these crimes against nature and humanity should be locked up or drug out into the streets and shot. You want to twirk in private in front of your own children and abuse them physically and mentally, that's up to you and will be delt with eventually by God and the law. We don't have to sit here and take your crap.
So, it isn't that way. And, we won't stand around and take this crap much longer. We are not animals. We have a conscience that animals don't have. Unfortunately, some of you have lost your consciences and act like monkeys. The rest of us will protect the children and continue to fight for a civilized society. All I can say with your atheist LGBTQ is your are all perverts.
Is it personal liberty to twirl in front of small children in the middle of a public street. The parents that just sat there should also be arrested for child endangerment and abuse. The people who are naked should be arrested for indecent exposer, child molestation and just being ugly. This is exactly what was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, you see nothing wrong with this?

this is not a joke....they are telling us that they are no longer hiding what they want....

…and let’s stop mincing (if you’ll pardon the expression) words here. These degenerates are telling us who they are, and it is long past time we believe them.

The Democrat party, public schools, Hollywood, and corporate media are desperate to normalize the mentally ill and these fetishists who no longer feel public pressure to control themselves. There are also the everyday enablers, those left-wing cultists who would light their own mothers on fire if that was The Next New Thing.

I don’t have a problem in the world with consenting adults living their lives in private in whatever way they choose. As long as you don’t pressure me to accept it, as long as you leave the kids out of it, that’s between you and your Maker. Whatever. Godspeed.

But we are waaaaaaayyyyy waaaayyyy beyond that now, waaaayyyy beyond “love means love” and “how does my marriage hurt you?” The Pandora’s Box is wide open, and like the good little grooming enablers they are, NBC News is here to keep it open, to aid and abet those who want to have sex with toddlers.

If anyone doesn't think we're slowly being brainwashed into sexualizing kids and that are becoming bolder and bolder about it then I don't even know what to say.

I saw this and it made me realize we are under constant attempts to program people to what the current administration and groups like the world economic forum wants.

1. There is no Sodom and Gomarrah! And frankly never was. It is just a story that people like you like to advance to attack other people.
2. For most of human history we walked around naked and it is natural. We wear clothe for warmth and to protect our bodies from the elements more or less. If the environment is favorable in some cultures up until this day in Africa and island society walk around nude.

That is the way it is. You may not like to see a dick but it is part of reality. We're animals and part of the animal kingdom. It is natural in that kingdom to walk around nude. Ever see a ape or a dog wear a pair of pants?

Yeah.....African tribesman are not the leftists trying to groom children for sex......sell your stupidity to biden voters...

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